pre sales - vm, hp and auction factory 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
I'm interested in your products, can you confirm I'm in the right place?
I have a website under development selling laboratory equipment which runs three extensions, Virtuemart, Mosets Hot Property and Auction Factory.
All three extensions have been integrated into Community Builder for their profiles and user settings. So you register once, and you can then buy from VM, list/buy from HP and bid/list from AF.
I now want to make a duplicate of the website, but changing the product theme from laboratory to medical. I would like to keep all the same extensions, and the users should be the same between the two sites, ie if they register in one, they can login to the other etc.
The only things that will change between the sites are the templates, the article content, and the products displayed by the three extensions. Both sites would run from the same domain, one being /lab and the other /med.
From the forums I can see that virtuemart user requirements are met, and the auction factory user info is mostly dealt with by community builder fields so shouldn't be a problem either. I notice you mention hotproperty integration in the forums but I only want to share the user info, not their listed items, is that possible?
Basically is JMS MultiSite going to suit my needs, I suppose my overall question is can I be selective in which tables I share and which are independent between the two sites? I can list the tables I'm looking for if that helps.
I can have as many db's as needed, or don't mind running both sites from one, whatever would be easiest.
Thanks, Chris.
Re:pre sales - vm, hp and auction factory 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
JMS can effectivelly create (clone) your website and also share your users.
You will also benefit of the single sign-in as your website will be on the same domain (/lab, /med).
What you can not do is select whch tables you want to share because there are dependencies between tables and you need that have consistency informations.
So if you want to share community builder, you will share all its table and all the joomla users. In addition if you want to share the VM, this will be also the same. For hotproperty, you will share everything and they also have their configuration shared.
So NO you can select the tables. When you decide to share some extension, the list of tables shared are the one that we have defined in JMS after manual review of the extensions.
You can have website in different DB.
If you want to share extensions, it is required to use MySQL 5.0 or higher and be able to give all the privileges to the MySQL user that will be used to share the tables.
If you are using a hosting administration tool like cPanel, the "all privileges" is not enough and may require to ask your hosting provider to increase the permissions. If you have your own dedicated server, you can increase the permission yourself.
So most of the point are OK except that you can NOT select the tables and filter the information to manage subset or things like that. You share ALL or Nothing.
The sharing is something that is decided when you create the website and that can not be modified later.
Re:pre sales - vm, hp and auction factory 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
Thanks for your reply, although your answer to the main question was no I think this system will still suit my needs. We have a dedicated server, plesk and mysql 5 so the second part of your reply is ok.
So am I correct in saying that I can set it so all CB, all VM user info and all joomla user info is shared, but everything else is independent? I've got HotProperty present in both sites, but it is excluded from the table share completely?
If so the rest will be ok, I'd still like to share the php files but can manage with the tables for HP and AF being independent. All I'd need is that every user has a record within AF and HP, the rest has been set to be dealt with via CB. I would imagine I can do that with an event trigger on login, unless you would suggest otherwise?
Thanks again for your advice, Chris
Re:pre sales - vm, hp and auction factory 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
Concerning HotProperty, you can effectivelly decide to keep their content independent and you also have a JMS patch that allow to have specific configuration for each slave sites.
Cocnerning AF as you probably noticed, we have not yet reviewed this extension as it is not defined in our JMS tools. So you probably can re-install in a slave site but if you want that we review it, send us this extension in attachement of an email. See our contact us.
Concerning the way you want to record the user and their interaction with HP and AF, I can not reply to you because this require to analyze your project and your requirement more in detail.
If you want that we are doing the analysis of your project and give you more advises on how to proceed, you can order our billable support on
All I can suggest is to buy JMS and try your ideas in a prototype to see if that correspond to what you need.
Re:pre sales - vm, hp and auction factory 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Looks a good idea to me, I'll buy it over the weekend and see how far I get.
I'd imagine at some point I'll need billable support so I'll be in touch via that later!
Re:pre sales - vm, hp and auction factory 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
If you buy, I suggest that you start creating a prototype where you apply the different video.
This will help you understand the concept and will be more efficient if you need to order our billable support (that probably be faster and therefore less expensive for you).
Last Edit: 2009/10/16 17:19 By edwin2win.