Clear side-by-side comparison of v1.1 & v1.2 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
Really interested in this product but upon going to the e-Shop->Joomla extensions, I am presented with two versions and two different prices... Yet they both have the SAME "initial" description. Additionally, upon entering the site, you are only presented with information on v1.1.x, so that leaves the developer (me) really confused as to the core differences, is there an upgrade path and how much, is v.1.1 going to continue to be upgraded, etc. So is it possible to have a table that outlines the differences between v1.1 and v1.2.
Don't get me wrong, still think that this is a great product based on reviews and reading what it does, though I haven't personally worked with it. I do look forward to the response and working with this application.
Best regards,
Re:Clear side-by-side comparison of v1.1 & v1.2 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
You have in the product detail a feature section that compare all the version and put YES and NO to see the differences.
In very short, now with JMS 1.2.x it is possible to share the users and also a limited number extensions like Community Builder, JomSocial, VirtueMart, ...
If is also possible to replicate the website into another DB. In JMS 1.1.x, there replication was only possible in the same DB.
You have now also the possibliity to propagate the install/sharing/uninstall of extension with a new tool menu. There are limitation to a list of defined extension into JMS.
It is also possible also to synchronise the installation/sharing of extension between its "website template" (parent website) and the current slave site. This avoid to re-install the extension in all the existing slave site. With JMS 1.1.x, when a slave site is created, when you want to install a new extension into a wide range of slave site, you had to re-install them individually.
Imagine the problem when you have several hundred of slave sites.
I have customers that have more than 300 slaves sites. Even one customer is more than 1300 slave sites.
Concerning the Upgrade, when JMS 1.2.0 will no more in "Release Candidate", I will send an email to existing customer to propose the upgrade with a lower price.