I looked at your component and I vaguely understand the potential, but just doublechecking here.
What I need:
1 joomla installation, 1 DB
2 domainnames attached to that 1 joomla installation/DB
Say you got a menu 'mainmenu', and it consists of subitems Home, Products, Forum. The primary domainname is 'domain1.com'
On click 'Forum' the 'domain1.com' shoudl change into 'domain2.com'. The user gets the idea that he's on a 'different' website, however it still uses the same joomla installation.
Additionally: all items listed 'under' 'Forum' (which should have the 'domain2.com' should all be 'automatically' use the 'domain2.com'
So in short:
MainMenu -> domain1.com
Products -> domain1.com
++ProdcutsSub1 -> domain1.com
++ProductsSub2 -> domain1.com
Forum -> domain2.com
++ForumSub2 -> domain2.com
(all subitems of 'Forum' should use domain2.com 'automatically')
(easily) Possible, or did I misinterpret the description?