Patch Installation issue 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have been trying for several hours to install the patches but have not been successful.
All files are writtable and i hope you can help. Here is a copy of everything it is telling me after I try to install the patches.
Unable to write entry
Error during installation of the file "administrator/includes/defines.php"
Copy failed
Copy failed
One or more backup file is missing. The original file(s) can not be restored.
Joomla Multi Sites version: 1.1.19
Patches definition version: 1.1.8
Files Status
Not OK
Use the slave site deployed directory as administrator directory when present. Otherwise use the master website directory
Replace 2 lines by 26 lines in aim to use the slave site deploy directory instead of the master directory
This allow for example to manage the specific media or image directory from the back-end
Not OK
Multisites definition not present
Configuration redefinition not possible
Installation redefinition not possible
Add 1 line
Update 2 lines
Not OK
Multisites definition not present
Configuration redefinition not possible
Installation redefinition not possible
Add 1 line
Update 2 lines
Not OK
[NOK]Directory Not Found
Rename / Restore the directory
Not OK
File Not Found
Not OK
File Not Found
Not OK
File Not Found
Not OK
Multisites definition not present
Configuration redefinition not possible
Installation redefinition not possible
Add 1 line
Update 2 lines
Not OK
The routing wrapper is not present in this MASTER configuration file.
Add 16 lines containing the routing wrapper to the slave site.
Not OK
The wrapper for the Master configuration is not present in Joomla administration
Add 28 lines containing the wrapper to insert into the master configuration.php file
Update 1 line to save the appropriate configuration content
Not OK
The install "template" does not contain the patch that allow the installion of a template into a specific folder
Add 35 lines to provide another "basedir" folder when a specific "themes" folder is specified
Not OK
The usage of specific themes folder is not present in the module management
Add 17 lines to allow using a specific template directory when specified for a slave site
Not OK
The slave site specific "params_[id].ini" file permission checking is not present
Replace the line that define the "params.ini" file name into 10 lines that use the site identifier "params_[id].ini" for the slave site
Not OK
The customisation of "params.ini" file for the slave sites is not present into the template controller
Replace the statement that READ the "params.ini" file name by 10 lines that allow reading a specific slave site "params_[id].ini" file
Replace the statement that WRITE the "params.ini" file name by 13 lines that allow writing a specific slave site "params_[id].ini" file
Add 17 lines 11 times to allow using a specific template "basedir" directory when a specific template (themes) folder is specified
Not OK
The slave site specific "params_[id].ini" file reading is not present
Replace 3 lines by to allow using a specific "params_[id].ini" when rendering concern a slave site
Not OK
The wrapper for the Articles Sharing is not present
Add 4 lines containing the wrapper to redefinition of the route when Article Sharing is presnet
Some files needs to be patched.
Press the 'install' button to update your system.
Re:Patch Installation issue 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 54
You have a copy fail probably because there is a permission problem.
As frequently mention in this forum and also mentioned in the user manual troubleshooting, you have to check the permission of the files and folders.
This may be due to a different owner / group between your current apache user (or IIS user) that is not compatible with some existing files.
Sometimes, you can easily solve this kind of permission problem when you are using the Joomla FTP Layer that you can configure in the Joomla Global Configuration.
Provide an FTP URL, user name and password that will have enough permission to update files.
See also the tutorial step 15 on how to setup the FTP Layer.
Re:Patch Installation issue 15 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
chmod the entire joomla installation to 777 (test server), and still getting the failure to change the defines.php file, as well as a list of other errors. So there must be more to this than 'permission errors'.
Re:Patch Installation issue 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
Have you tried to use the FTP Layer and provide an FTP user that have the permission to edit the files.
For sure, this is a permission problem and is depend for each environment.
Perhaps you should contact the administrator of your server to help you solve the permission issue.
The error may happen on any files and unfortunatelly, Joomla does not provide the reason and we have NOT redevelopped their API to just know which file cause the problem.
You have to check each files and as you will be able to find in this forum, you problem may be related to the owner or group of the files.
If you are working on a windows platform, you have also to check the security permissions in addition to the property of the files.
On windows, check the security to provide "everybody" permission temporarly.
On Unix, use the FTP layer with a root login may give you the permission to write and update files.
Re:Patch Installation issue 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
after working this out on a sandbox server and getting it to work. many hours of pulling my hair out, but I got it to work. then, spent a few months as we built our new site. got it up and running and finally I was ready to install JMS on the new site.
errors again.
I set everything to 777 (world writeable), still errors
checked open_basedir and it is set to off, still errors
read through forums and tried a number of things, still errors
thought perhaps my rs firewall was the problem and disabled it, even uninstalled it, still errors
tried enabling FTP in global configuration, still errors
then, tried FTP settings again and it finally took. Patches updated and I am good to go.
We are on a Plesk and linux server, so for anyone out there with this problem, make sure you have your FTP set to these types of settings:
correct port
for path use (on Plesk): /httpdocs/
Working for us finally!!!
Re:Patch Installation issue 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
i have exactly the same problems during installation, i spend hours now, and it doesn`t run
Files Status
Not OK
Use the slave site deployed directory as administrator directory when present. Otherwise use the master website directory
Replace 2 lines by 26 lines in aim to use the slave site deploy directory instead of the master directory
This allow for example to manage the specific media or image directory from the back-end
This doesn`t seem like permission problem - because i put it into 777.
What to do!?