Why Doesn't Master Copy All Template Styles 2Slave 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
When creating a new slave site, only the 'default' template styles from the master database table ('xxx_template_styles') are being copied to the slave table. I have to hand copy/add the entry rows for Adminpraise3 and Yootheme template styles from the master table to the slave (in this current configuration, both are using the same database) to activate/use/make default the additional templates.
What's the issue here? Why aren't all the rows being copies when creating a new slave site?
Kind Regards,
Last Edit: 2012/06/06 18:27 By bonfiresalomon.
Re: Why Doesn't Master Copy All Template Styles 2Slave 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
The "#__template_styles" table is a joomla table.
If you want that other tables are copies into a slave site, this depends on which extension is managing those tables. In general, the tables are managed by component.
You can install the component with the JMS tool menu but in this case, you have to verify that the extension is know. Otherwise, JMS will not know which tables are associated to the component.
The other solution to allow creating the tables in the slave site is to re-isntall the extension in the slave site itself.
Finally, when you replicate a complete website, you automatically have these table copied as JMS copy all the tables (whatever the extension). This will give you a snapshop of the website at the moment that you performed the copy.
Re: Why Doesn't Master Copy All Template Styles 2Slave 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I've opted for the later option of creating separate, new databases for each slave site. This seems to alleviate both issues of WARP patching and missing template styles.
Thanks for your direction.