Re: Probleme avec JMS installation et MAMP pro. 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
Unfortunatelly, this does not help.
The PHP strict message are notice and not errors.
So this is not the reason of the internal server error.
I expect something like PHP fatal error,
required file missing,
call to invalid function,
Any error that would be fatal and not warning, notice, message, strict, ...
I will remove the PHP Strict in the next release but this will not fix the issue concerning the 500 internal error.
You should have an error log in your MAMP that should give you the reason of the internal error
Re: Probleme avec JMS installation et MAMP pro. 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
In fact, when trying to install, I don't get any error message, just the text mention in the previous post. I only get the 500 error if I try to download the cities DB, and unfortunately, I don't see any specific error in the mamp either.
It doesn't work when I try to attach the screen shoot! so I will send it by email.
Re: Probleme avec JMS installation et MAMP pro. 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
Sorry but this does not help.
As you are working on a local environment, I suspect that you have a permission problem but if you are not able to provide more info, the only solution is that you install the local development environment to correctly setup your local env and this debugger will give you the file and line that cause the fatal error.