Re: Mobile Component compatability 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Any update on the progress of this?
Re: Mobile Component compatability 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
thanks edwin.
one question about this. you edited the file:
on line 95 it has the "desktop" url. so if i enable the mobile site, and enable the link to the destop URL i should be able to browse the site from a mobile device and see the link to the desktop version if i want to use that.
ok. well, the component doesnt give you the option to edit the desktop URL. so when i push this to my slave sites this link is always to my master domain. is there a way to make the JMS write that line to the slave ID url?
Re: Mobile Component compatability 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
Sorry but I don't find this "desktop" variable in the config.php
Perhaps this is resulting of a computation somewhere that I don't know.
I did the patch for the Mobile Joomla 0.9.2
When I search for the "desktop_url" variable, the only place where I find it is in the installation procedure.
So if you want that this variable become specific for each slave site, I should modify the patch to overwirte the value or you modify the value manually in the appropriate config.php file.
I only see the usage of "desktop_url" in the module mj_markupchooser.
I don't understand why they use a variable as its value seems always be
$MobileJoomla_Settings['desktop_url'] = JURI::root ();
Last Edit: 2010/10/11 10:04 By edwin2win.
Re: Mobile Component compatability 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
honestly edwin,
im dont get this at all. im a css/html design guy. i can make anything look how you want it...the php is outside my scope.
that said i know enough to look at it, and say this looks like what im looking for. So i was trying to give you a heads up on the line to see if you got it.
All i really know is i need the desktop version to be domain specific. i have a thread on his forum also about this.
Re: Mobile Component compatability 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 1
I'm hoping you can help me some, since you have been playing with this Joomla Extension already. I have updated to the latest version of JMS Multisite, and installed the latest patches as of 10/25. I have installed the JoomlaMobile to my master site and attempted to "push" the installation through Multisites to my slave sites, and I have attempted performing the install through the Slave Sites; however, the only way I can get the TWURFL tool to install to the slave sites is a manual push of that plugin from the master site. It does not get installed when pushing the component, nor when performing a manual install on a slave site, which leads me to the real problem. I found the TWURFL plugin and have been able to push it, and some other plugins for this tool to the slave site; however there appear to be several modules related to Mobile Joomla that my Master site has installed, but MultiSites does not display them for pushing, and the manual install does not install them either. Have you figured out a solution for this?
Thanks in advance,
Re:Mobile Component compatability 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
I'm trying to get this figured out myself, is there a clear fix or work-around?