Thanks Edwin, and Merry Christmas!
Multisites is installed on the master, so it gets copied to the slave sites when I deploy them. I haven't reinstalled in the slave sites. So it sound like that's not something I need to worry about - I'll ignore it.
My slave sites are being deployed in /multisites/slave1/, not into the site root. Is this not correct?
Which field are you referring to as the Domain? The domain names are set as:
Code: |
I enter the site ID of each slave as the URL: So each site is an independent domain name that should be rewritten to the multisites directory of the master site.
I played with the .htaccess and did some research on the forum. I've written it as RewriteBase / and placed a copy in both the master root and slave root, but it's still not working. Can you clue me in on the correct settings and location for this file? Would it need to contain the full path to the site directory? (RewriteBase /multisites/