I don't understand your reply with the 755 permission to the multisites.cfg.php.
I don't know if this is the file itself to which you give the permission or if this is in the content of this file that contain a variable with 0755.
If this is the variable, I don't understand because the default value is already 0755.
You have to check in the directory associated to the url
eportaltwo.printreplica.com the files themselve.
Normally, you should have an index.php files with something inside and not a zeo size length.
Perhaps again you have permission issue to access some directories or files that may explain your blank page.
If this is a test websites I suggest that you put a chmod 777 recursivelly on all your websites to verify this hypothesis.
I suspect that you have problem with owner or group of file that are not unique for all your website and that may does not give your website access all the files.