Hi Edwin,
I'm almost able to get this to work. I have successfully created new databases however I'm having issues creating the new database user.
This is what I've done:
In the multisites.cfg.php file:
define( 'MULTISITES_DB_GRANT_HOST', 'localhost');
define( 'MULTISITES_DB_ROOT_USER', 'super-user-name');
define( 'MULTISITES_DB_ROOT_PSW', 'super-user-password');
Then in the template config:
New DB server: localhost
New DB Name: slveg_{site_id}
New DB User: slveg_{site_id}
New DB Password: {rnd_psw}
Here is the error message I get:
Create User error [1044]: Query = [GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `slveg_testdb5`.* TO `slveg_testdb5`@`199.##.###.##` IDENTIFIED BY '-:WYLUOS' WITH GRANT OPTION;], DB Message = [Access denied for user 'slveg_master'@'localhost' to database 'slveg_testdb5' SQL=GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `slveg_testdb5`.* TO `slveg_testdb5`@`199.##.###.##` IDENTIFIED BY '-:WYLUOS' WITH GRANT OPTION;]
Can you recommend what has gone wrong here? I've asked my host to double check the super user premissions.
Thanks and regards.