Re:Links to shared articles within articles, not menu 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
Yes you can try using the Search/Replace to modify the URL but becarefull that this will occurs all the times. Event for local articles in your slave site.
Why don't you use multisitescontent all the times for a local articles.
That would give you both a local article when the site id is identical to the current websites and a remote article when it is different.
Re:Links to shared articles within articles, not menu 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Thank you so much.
As i already have a existing site as master site. I cant change all the thousand's of links to new multicontent .And another problem is if i make the option SEF url in global configuration to yes multicontent url does not work. Not sure why?
I need a suggestion please .
As my site is already exiting and i installed multi site in this site made it master site.
As this is not recommended.
Any way i can make this existing site as slave site. A new site as a master site.
Can i now create a new site and then put this existing site as slave site ? IS this possible with multisite
Re:Links to shared articles within articles, not menu 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
When you enable the SEF, the behavior is modifed by the SEF that is used.
So the reason why it does not work depend on the extension (sh404sef, acesef, ...)
If none of the page are displayed of you get a server error, this might be due to a .htaccess problem.
If you get a 404 error page, this might be due to the SEF extension that does not restore the correct native URL.
If you are using the current website as a master, you can effectivelly create slave site on the master with Jms Multisites.
Re:Links to shared articles within articles, not menu 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Thank you edwin,
I get the redirection error when i enable the SEF option in Global configuration in slave site. This is the issue when i try access the multisite shared article in the slave site.
The page isn't redirecting properly
This is same with IE and firefox.
IF i set NO for SEF url in global configutaion for slave site all the shared articles work fine (articles taken/shared from master site).
Please help me with this,
IS this a .htaccess issues or a multisite content settings to be changed ?
If this is a .htaccess file what changes to be done for the slave site to be able to share articles even with the SEF set as YES in global configuration.
Re:Links to shared articles within articles, not menu 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
I think this is in the specific SEF extension that you might use that you have a look.
Perhaps also in the .htaccess.
Check sometime the "rewritebase" parameter in the htaccess.
Re:Links to shared articles within articles, not menu 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
Iam using SH404SEF .
.htaccess in slave site has a symbolic link to the original site .
I tried deleting this symbolic link file and copy a new file for the .htaccess. still the same
Rewrite base statement is :
# RewriteBase /
not sure what to change .
Iam not sure server side things. IF possible please suggest what should be the RewriteBase for a slave site .