This is a non-exhaustive (but still near complete) changelog for Joomla Multi Sites Version 1.0.x.
Version 1.0.3 : Add reporting when jos_ table prefix is used |
Monday, 04 August 2008 00:00 |
Delivery with Joomla 1.5.5 installation files. Add a check if the master site uses the JOS_ table prefix. If yes, JMS will report an ERROR to the user. Keep jos_ as table prefix will result in deletion of all the users and therefore result in the impossibility to login into the master website. Share the same database between Master site and Slave sitesKeep jos_ as table prefix require that the administrator backup and resotre the jos_users table each time he will install a slave site. When the slave site is installed, the adminstrator must restore the jos_users. If it does not restore the jos_users, the access to the master website become unavailable (due to the deletion of ALL the users and in particular the 'admin' user). The backup/restore of the jos_users table can be performed using a tool like phpmyadmin. If you have an existing web site using 'jos_', we recommend to rename the table prefix with another prefix. This can be done with phpmyadmin export/import database. When the database is exported, uses an editor to search/replace all the instances of jos_ by something else (like master_) When this is done, the master "configuration.php" file must be edited and 'jos_' must be repalced by the new prefix. Use a different database for the slave sitesĀ Another alternative consist in using another database for the slave sites and keep the master database as it is. In this case, as the database connection is established to the slave database, the joomla installation will try to delete the users present in this slave database. Therfore, there is no risk to delete the master database users. |
Version 1.0.2 : Add configuration wrapper and customisation of permission |
Saturday, 02 August 2008 00:00 |
In the version 1.0.0 and 1.0.1, the 'configuration.php' file in the master directory was not touched. As some extension could perform a direct access to this 'configuration.php' file that could result n a wrong database connection and database table prefix. We have solved this potential problem by adding a wrapper to the Master 'configuration.php' file. The objective being to root it to the appropriate 'configuration.php' slave site. This means also that a patch is delivered to allow the master site saving the configuration with this wrapper. We have also replace the hardcoded permission '0755' by a define that give the opportunity to have more rights on multisites directory and slave configuration file when JMS is installed in a very protected environment. The customer can therefore change only a single parameter in our distribution to increase the permission. Enhancement for later use: Add JMS2WinFactory and Jms2WinModel to allow connection to the Master database. This new feature opens the door to single User Authentication, Single content management and other component that could be developed using the Master site as a repository for the other slave sites. |
Version 1.0.1 : Fix bug in update slave site description |
Friday, 01 August 2008 00:00 |
Fix a bug when updating a slave site. The update does not work because internally the site id was lost. Before this version, when an update is required, the only solution consist to re-create a new slave site and delete the directory of the previous slave description present in "multisites" directory. |
Version 1.0.0 : Initial version started with Joomla 1.0.3 |
Monday, 28 July 2008 00:00 |
First public distribution of Joomla Multi Sites. The development starts with Joomla 1.5.0 and used internally until version 1.5.2. We have used JMS 1.0.0 to create and is become public with Joomla 1.5.3. |
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