English (United Kingdom)
Jms Multi Site, formerly joomla multisite.
Create, share multiple joomla sites in few clicks !
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The maintenance menu allows verifying the Datamodel of the DB and help you fixing the potential errors that may exists.


The Tools menu present in Jms Multi Sites allows supervising the extensions installed in the different slave sites and also to install/share/uninstall into slave sites and their dependencies.

This can be helpfull when you want to install a specific extension into several websites in a single step.
The same is available to un-install extensions.

With this facility it is no more required to re-install manually the extension in the specific slave sites.


Tools allows to supervise the extension installed in the different slave sites and also to synchronize the install/uninstall between the websites and their dependencies.

This can be helpfull when you want to install a specific extension in several website in a single step.
The same is available to un-install extensions.

With this facility it is no more required to re-install the extension in the specific slave sites manually.

Components declared in Joomla Multiple Sites and User Sharing
Components name Install Share
Banners com_banners
Content com_content
Contact com_contact
Multi Sites com_multisites
Multi Sites Menu Item com_multisitesmenuitem
Multi Sites Articles sharing com_multisitescontent
News Feeds com_newsfeeds
Polls com_poll
URLs (weblinks) com_weblinks
Acajoom com_acajoom
AceSEF com_acesef
AdsManager com_adsmanager
Advanced Modules com_advancedmodules
AEC Subscription Manager com_acctexp
Agora Forum com_agora
ALFContact com_alfcontact
ALinkExchanger com_alinkexchanger
AlphaContent com_alphacontent
AlphaUserPoints com_alphauserpoints
Appointment Booking Pro v1.4x com_rsappt_pro14
AvReloaded com_avreloaded
Billets com_billets
BreezingForms com_facileforms
camelcitycontent2 com_camelcitycontent2
ccBoard com_ccboard
Chrono Comments com_chronocomments
Chrono Forms (Chrono contacts) com_chronocontact
Civi CRM com_civicrm
CK Forms com_ckforms
Communicator com_communicator
Communicator ACL com_community_acl
Community Builder com_comprofiler
Com-Properties com_properties
Content Templater com_contenttemplater
Custom Properties com_customproperties
DOCman com_docman
DT Menu com_dtmenu
DT Register com_dtregister
EventList com_eventlist
Events com_events
eXtplorer com_extplorer N/A
eWeather com_eweather
Fabrik com_fabrik
FAQ for Joomla! com_faq2win
FireBoard Forum com_fireboard
Front Page Plus com_frontpageplus N/A
Frontpage SlideShow com_fpslideshow
Gavick PhotoSlide GK2 com_gk2_photoslide
Glossary com_glossary
HD FLV Player com_hdflvplayer
Helpdesk com_helpdesk
Hot Property com_hotproperty
hwdCommentsFix com_hwdcommentsfix
hwdPhotoShare com_hwdphotoshare
hwdRevenueManager com_hwdrevenuemanager
hwdVideoShare com_hwdrevenuemanager
IDoBlog com_idoblog
Ignite Gallery com_igallery
iJoomla Ad Agency com_adagency
JCal Pro com_jcalpro YES
JCE com_jce
JComments com_jcomments
JConnect com_jconnect
JContentPlus com_jcontentplus YES
JEvents MVC com_jevents
JForms com_jforms
JFusion com_jfusion
Jobline com_jobline
Job Grok Listing com_jobgroklist
JomComment com_jomcomment
JomSocial com_community
Joom!Fish com_joomfish
JoomDOC com_joomdoc
JooMap com_joomap
JoomGallery com_joomgallery
Joomla Tags com_tag
JoomSEF com_sef
Joomla Advanced Message com_jam
JoomlaComment com_comment
Joomla Estate Agency com_jea
joomlaXplorer com_joomlaxplorer N/A
Joomla Pack com_joomlapack
JPortfolio com_jportfolio
JRE - Cache extended com_jrecache
J!Research com_jresearch
JTAG Presentation for Slidshare com_jtagpresentationforslidshare
Juga com_juga
Jumi com_jumi
JXtended Catalog com_catalog
JXtended Labels com_labels
K2 com_k2
Knowledgebase com_kb
Kunena Forum com_kunena
Leads Capture com_leadscapture
LyftenBloggie com_lyftenbloggie
Library Management com_jlibman
Linkr com_linkr
Mass content com_masscontent
Mobile Entertainment com_mobileentertainment
Mosets Tree com_mtree
My Blog com_myblog
NeoRecruit com_neorecruit
noix ACL com_noixacl
Pages and Items com_pi_pages_and_items
Phoca Gallery com_phocagallery
Phoca Guestbook com_phocaguestbook
Phoca Maps com_phocamaps
Phoca Restaurant Menu com_phocamenu
Phoca SEF com_phocasef
PollXT com_pollxt
Power Slide Pro com_powerslidepro
ProJoom Installer com_pjinstaller
Query Cache com_qcache
QuickFAQ com_quickfaq
RawContent com_rawcontent
Remository com_remository
ReReplacer com_rereplacer
RokCandy com_rokcandy
RokDownloads com_rokdownloads
RokModule com_rokmodule
RokQuickCart com_rokquickcart
Rquotes com_rquotes
RSFirewall com_rsfirewall
RSform!Pro com_rsform
RSSeo com_rsseo
Seminar com_seminar
sh404SEF com_sh404sef
Shipseeker com_shipseeker
Smart Flash Header com_novasfh
SmartSEF com_smartsef
SmartSite com_smartsite
SMF 2.x Bridge com_smf
SOBI 2 com_sobi2
swMenuPro com_swmenupro
Tag Meta com_tagmeta
Taxonomy (Zaragoza) com_taxonomy
uddeIM com_uddeim
Versions com_versions
VirtueMart com_virtuemart
WATicketSystem com_waticketsystem
WordPress mu com_wpmu
Xmap com_xmap
Zoo com_zoo
Modules declared in Joomla Multiple Sites and User Sharing
Modules title name Install Share
Custom HTML mod_custom
Feed Display mod_feed
Latest News mod_latest
Login mod_login
Logged in Users mod_logged
Admin Menu mod_menu
Popular Items mod_popular
Items Stats mod_stats
User Status mod_status
Admin Submenu mod_submenu
Title mod_title
Acajoom Module mod_acajoom
AEC Module mod_acctexp
Active Groups mod_activegroups
Activity Stream mod_activitystream
Ad Agency Menu mod_adagency_menu
Ad Agency Remote mod_adagency_remote
Ad Agency Zone mod_adagency_zone
Add to Menu mod_addtomenu
AdsManager Ads mod_adsmanager_ads
AdsManager Menu mod_adsmanager_menu
AdsManager Search mod_adsmanager_search
General button on control panel mod_aupadmin
AllVideos Reloaded mod_avreloaded
Open Support Tickets mod_billets_open
ImageSlideShow mod_briaskISS
Cache Cleaner mod_cachecleaner
Catalog - Categories mod_catalog_categories
Catalog - Category Cloud mod_catalog_category_cloud
Catalog - Comparison mod_catalog_comparison
Catalog - Items (Nodes) mod_catalog_nodes
Catalog - Rated Items (Nodes) mod_catalog_rated_nodes
CB Login mod_cblogin
CB PB Latest mod_cbpblatest
Core Design Login module mod_cd_login
CKforms Form Display mod_ckforms
Communicator Subscribe Module mod_communicatorsubscribe
Community ACL Menu mod_commacl_mainmenu
Community ACL Admin Menu mod_commacl_menu
Dating Search mod_datingsearch
DT Menu module mod_dtmenu
DT Register Upcoming Events mod_dt_upcoming_event
Fabrik form mod_fabrik_form
Fabrik table mod_fabrik_table
FLEXIcontent Tag Cloud mod_flexitagcloud
Frontend-User-Access mod_frontend_user_access
Frontpage SlideShow mod_fpslideshow
Gavick News Image I mod_gk_news_image_1
Gavick News Image III mod_gk_news_image_3
Gavick News Image VI mod_gk_news_image_6
googleWeather mod_googleWeather
HDFLV Player mod_hdflvplayer
Hello Me mod_hellome
Hot Property - Agents mod_hotproperty_agents
Hot Property - Companies mod_hotproperty_companies
Hot Property - Feed mod_hotproperty_feed
Hot Property - Manage mod_hotproperty_manage
Hot Property - Properties mod_hotproperty_properties
Hot Property - Search mod_hotproperty_search
Hot Property - Types mod_hotproperty_types
Video Categories mod_hwd_vs_categories
Video Search mod_hwd_vs_search
Videos mod_hwd_vs_sql_datalists
Video Tags mod_hwd_vs_sql_tags
hwdVideoShare Template Selector mod_hwd_vs_template_selector
Video Charts mod_hwd_vs_xml_datalists
Video Playlist mod_hwd_vs_xml_vplaylist
JA Content Slider mod_ja_contentslide
JA Slideshow2 mod_jaslideshow2
JCal Pro Latest Events mod_jcalpro_latest_J15
JCal Pro Mini-calendar mod_jcalpro_minical_J15
JCE Admin Control Panel mod_jcequickicon
JComments Latest mod_jcomments
JComments Latest Backend mod_jcomments_latest_backend
JConnect Activity Module mod_jconnect_activity
JContentPlus mod_jcontentplus
JContentPlus - Calendar mod_jcontentplus_calendar
JContentPlus - Latest news mod_jcontentplus_latestnews
JContentPlus - Most read mod_jcontentplus_mostread
JContentPlus - Random content mod_jcontentplus_random_content
JContentPlus - Related Items mod_jcontentplus_related
JContentPlus - Search mod_jcontentplus_search
J!Analytics mod_janalytics
JoomFish-Language Selection mod_jflanguageselection
JFusion Activity Module mod_jfusion_activity
JFusion Login Module mod_jfusion_login
JFusion User Activity Module mod_jfusion_user_activity
JFusion Whos Online Module mod_jfusion_whosonline
JobGrok Postings mod_jobgroklistpostings
JomSocial Connect mod_jomsocialconnect
JoomDOC Latest Downloads mod_joomdoc_latestdown
JoomDOC Most Downloaded mod_joomdoc_mostdown
JoomlaPack Backup Notification Module mod_jpadmin
Jumi mod_jumi
JX Woopra mod_jxwoopra
K2 Comments mod_k2_comments
K2 Content mod_k2_content
K2 Login mod_k2_login
K2 Tools mod_k2_tools
Latest Comments mod_chronocomments
Labels - Label Cloud mod_labels_cloud
Labels - Label List mod_labels_list
Labels - Related Content mod_labels_related_content
Labels Manager mod_labels_manager
Labels Status mod_labels_status
Latest Discussion mod_latestdiscussion
Latest group walls mod_latestgroupwalls
Latest Members mod_latestmembers
Latest Tags mod_latestTags
Menu noix mod_mainmenu_noix
MiniFrontPage Module for J! 15 mod_minifrontpage
Most Popular Tags mod_mostPopularTags
Most Read Tags mod_mostReadTags
Myblog Latest Entry mod_myblog_latest
Myblog Latest Entry with Introtext mod_myblog_latestintro
Online Users mod_onlineusers
Photo Comments mod_photocomments
PollXT Module mod_pollxt
Power Slide Pro Display Module mod_powerslidepro
QuickFAQ Module mod_quickfaq
RawContent Module mod_rawcontent
Remository multi-purpose module mod_remositorymulti
Remository Total Downloads mod_remositorytotal
Remove Mootools 11 mod_removemootools11
RokAjaxSearch mod_rokajaxsearch
Rokdownloads Latest Downloads mod_rokdownloads_latest
RokDownloads Most Downloaded mod_rokdownloads_most_downloaded
Rokdownloads Recently Updated mod_rokdownloads_recent_updates
RokNavMenu mod_roknavmenu
RokNewsPager mod_roknewspager
RokSlideshow mod_rokslideshow
RokStories mod_rokstories
RokTabs mod_roktabs
RokTwittie mod_roktwittie
Rquotes Module mod_rquotes
RSFirewall! Cpanel Module mod_rsfirewall
RSForm! Pro Module mod_rsform
RSform!Pro Frontend List mod_rsform_list
Seminar Module mod_seminar
Session Meter mod_sestimer
ShipSeeker Module mod_shipseeker
Simple Mp3 Bar mod_simplemp3bar
sjsb ssi mod_smfssi
Smart Flash Header mod_novasfh
JomSocial Statistics mod_statistics
Superfish Menu mod_superfishmenu
swMenuPro Module mod_swmenupro
Tag Cloud mod_tagcloud
Top Members mod_topmembers
Direct Translation mod_translate
Video Comments mod_videocomments
VirtueMart Module mod_virtuemart
VirtueMart All-In-One mod_virtuemart_allinone
VirtueMart Shopping Cart mod_virtuemart_cart
VirtueMart Currency Selector mod_virtuemart_currencies
VirtueMart Featured Products mod_virtuemart_featureprod
VirtueMart Latest Products mod_virtuemart_latestprod
VirtueMart Login mod_virtuemart_login
VirtueMart Manufacturers mod_virtuemart_manufacturers
VirtueMart Product Categories mod_product_categories
VirtueMart Product Scroller mod_productscroller
Email Reminders for ABPro and RBPro mod_sv_reminders
SMS Reminders for ABPro mod_sv_reminders_sms
VirtueMart Random Products mod_virtuemart_randomprod
VirtueMart Search mod_virtuemart_search
VirtueMart Top Ten Products mod_virtuemart_topten
Vinaora Visitors Counter mod_vvisit_counter
Zaragoza Clouds mod_zonline_cloud
Zoo Item mod_zooitem
Zoo Menu mod_zoomenu
Plugins declared in Joomla Multiple Sites and User Sharing
Plugins title name Install Share
Authentication - Community ACL authentication/community_acl
Authentication - GMail authentication/gmail
Authentication - jfusion authentication/jfusion
Authentication - OpenID authentication/openid
Authentication - SJSB authentication/sjsb_authentication
Billets - Avatar (AMBRA) billets/avatarambra
Billets - Avatar (CB) billets/avatarcb
Billets - Avatar (FB) billets/avatarfb
Billets - Display AMBRA.Subscriptions billets/ambrasubs
Billets - Emails billets/emails
Billets - Feedback History billets/feedbackhistory
Billets - Feedback Statistics billets/feedbackstats
Billets - For Follow-up billets/forfollowup
Billets - Frequents billets/frequents
Billets - Google Translate billets/googletranslate
Billets - Menu billets/menu
Billets - Open Tickets billets/opentickets
Billets - Reply Above Line billets/replyaboveline
Billets - Respond By Email system/respondbyemail
Billets - Tools - Check Installation billets/checkinstallation
Billets - Tools - Purge Old Files billets/purgeoldfiles
community - Fabrik community/fabrik
Contacts - Leads Capture contact/contactsandleadscapture
Content - All Weblinks content/all_weblinks
Content - AllVideos Reloaded content/avreloaded
Content - MyBlog Azrul Video Mambot content/azvideobot
Content - ChronoComments content/ChronoComments
Content - ChronoContact content/chronocontact
Content - CKforms Form Display content/ckforms
Content - DefinitionBot content/definitionbot
Content - Fabrik content/fabrik
Content - Code Hightlighter (GeSHi) content/geshi
Content - googleWeather content/googleWeather
Content - Email Cloaking content/emailcloak
Google Maps content/plugin_googlemap2
Content - JComments content/jcomments
Content - JIncludes content/JIncludes
Content - JForm Embedder content/jforms
Content - JFusion Discussion Bot content/jfusion
Content - Jom Comment content/jom_comment_bot
Content - JResearch Persistent Cited Records content/jresearch_persistent_cited_records
Content - Linkr content/linkr_content
Content - Load Module content/loadmodule
Content - RSForm! Pro content/mosrsform
Content - Optimizer content/contentoptimizer
Content - Phoca Gallery content/phocagallery
Content - DT Register EventLink content/plug_dtregister
pure css tooltip content/purecsstooltip
Content - RokDownloads Link content/rokdownload
Content - AlphaUserPoints - Content content/sysplgaup_content
Content - AlphaUserPoints - Raffle Registration content/sysplgaup_raffle
Content - AlphaUserPoints - Reader to author content/sysplgaup_reader2author
Content - Tags content/tags
Content - Version content/version
Content - Zaragoza Tags content/zaragozatags
Editor - JoomlaFCK editors/fckeditor
Editor Button - AddTags editors-xtd/addTags
Editor Button - AllVideos Reloaded editors-xtd/avreloaded
Editor Button - Content Templater editors-xtd/contenttemplater
Editor Button - Fabrik editors-xtd/fabrik
Editor Button - Image editors-xtd/image
Editor Button - JoomDOC Link editors-xtd/joomdoclink
Editor Button - JResearch Automatic Bibliography Generation editors-xtd/jresearch_automatic_bibliography_generation
Editor Button - JResearch Automatic Citation editors-xtd/jresearch_automatic_citation
Editor Button - Linkr editors-xtd/linkr_button
Editor Button - Modules Anywhere editors-xtd/modulesanywhere
Editor Button - Pagebreak editors-xtd/pagebreak
Editor Button - RawContent editors-xtd/rawcontent
Editor Button - Readmore editors-xtd/readmore
Editor Button - RokCandy editors-xtd/rokcandy_button
Editor Button - RokDownload Link editors-xtd/rokdownload
Button - Versioning editors-xtd/versioning
User - Joomla! user/joomla
User - AlphaUserPoints - New user user/sysplgaup_newregistered
MultiSites bridge for VirtueMart multisites/virtuemart
AlphaContentSys system/alphacontent
AlphaContent content/alphacontent
Authentication - jfusion authentication/jfusion
User - Jfusion user/jfusion
Community - Allvideo community/allvideo
Community - Eventlist community/eventlist
Community - Feeds community/feeds
Community - My fireboard updates community/fireboard
Community - Friend's Location community/friendslocation
Community - Groups community/groups
Community - Input Processor community/input
Community - Invite community/invite
Community - JomComment community/jomcomment
Content - Jumi content/jumi
Community - My kunena updates community/kunena
Community - Latest Photos community/latestphoto
Community - My Articles community/myarticles
Community - MyBlog community/myblog
Community - MyBlog Toolbar community/myblogtoolbar
Community - My Contacts community/mycontacts
Community - My Google Ads community/mygoogleads
Community - Nice Talk community/nicetalk
Community - Seyret community/seyret
Community - System community/system
Community - My twitter updates community/twitter
Community - Walls community/walls
Community - Wordfilter community/wordfilter
Content - Add Article Activity content/articleactivity
Content - Author Link content/authorLink
Content - Contentacroynm content/contentacroynm
JCalPro Latest Events plugin content/bot_jcalpro_latest_events
Content - JComments content/jcomments.content
Content - Jfalternative content/jfalternative
Content - Labels content/labels
Content - Pages and Items content/pages_and_items
Content - JContentPlus content/jcontentplus
Content - RawContent content/rawcontent
Content - RokBox content/rokbox
Editor Button - JComments OFF editors-xtd/jcommentsoff
Button - JContentPlus editors-xtd/jcontentplus
Button - Xmap Link editors-xtd/xmaplink
Hotproperty - Gallery hotproperty/gallery
JAM - Template - Simple jamtemplate/simple
JComments - Avatar jcomments/jcomments.avatar
Joomfish - Missing_translation joomfish/missing_translation
Mosets - Framework mosets/framework
RokNavMenu - Boost roknavmenu/boost
RokNavMenu - Extended Link roknavmenu/extendedlink
Search - Catalog search/catalog
Search - Categories search/categories
Search - Communicator search/communicator
Search - Fabrik search/fabrik
Search - Hot Property search/hotproperty
JCal Pro Search plugin search/bot_jcalpro_search
Search - JComments search/jcomments
Search - JComments search/jcomments.search
Search - JContentPlus Categories search/jcontentplus_categories
Search - JContentPlus Content search/jcontentplus
Search - JContentPlus Sections search/jcontentplus_sections
Search - Jfcategories search/jfcategories
Search - Jfcontacts search/jfcontacts
Search - Jfcontent search/jfcontent
Search - JFjoomDOC search/jfjoomdoc
Search - JoomDOC search/joomdoc
Search - Jfnewsfeeds search/jfnewsfeeds
Search - Jfsections search/jfsections
Search - JFusion search/jfusion
Search - JResearch search/jresearch
Search - RokDownloads search/rokdownloads
Search - Searchkb search/searchkb
Search - Sections search/sections
Search - Jfweblinks search/jfweblinks
Search - K2 search/k2
Search - Newsfeeds search/newsfeeds
Search - SearchTags search/searchTags
Search - Zaragoza Tags search/zaragozatags
Search - Zoo search/zoosearch
sh404sef similar urls plugin sh404sefcore/sh404sefsimilarurls
System - AceSE system/acesef
System - AdminBar Docker system/adminbardocker
System - Advanced Modules system/advancedmodules
System - AEC ErrorHandler system/aecerrorhandler
System - AEC Routing system/aecrouting
System - AlphaUserPoints system/alphauserpoints
System - AllVideos Reloaded system/avreloaded
System - BetterPreview system/betterpreview
System - Cache Cleaner system/cachecleaner
System - Community ACL system/community_acl
System - Debug system/debug
System - DT Menu system/dtmenu.system
System - Fabrik Sheduled Tasks system/fabrikcron
System - JComments system/jcomments
System - JCE Utilities system/jceutilities
System - JComments system/jcomments.system
JConnect ExApp Connector API system/jconnect
System - JContentPlus RAW system/jcontentplus_raw
System - Jfdatabase system/jfdatabase
System - Jfrouter system/jfrouter
System - JFusion system/jfusion
System - Jomsocial Facebook Connect system/jomsocialconnect
System - Jom Comment Sys system/jom_commentsys_bot
System - JXtended Libraries system/jxtended
System - ARTIO JoomSEF system/joomsef
System - JResearch Load Cited Records system/jresearch_load_cited_records
System - jSecure Authentication system/jsecure
System - Jumi Router system/jumirouter
System - K2_joomfish system/k2_joomfish
System - K2_user system/k2_user
System - Labels system/labels
System - Media Object system/mediaobject
System - Modules Anywhere system/modulesanywhere
System - Mootools system/mootools
MultiSites ID plugin system/multisitesid
System - noixACL system/noixacl
System - NoNumber! Elements system/nonumberelements
System - OptimizeTables system/optimizetables
System - ReReplacer system/rereplacer
System - RokBox system/rokbox
System - RokCandy system/rokcandy_system
System - RokModuleOrder system/rokmoduleorder
System - RokGZipper system/rokgzipper
System - RSFirewall system/rsfirewall
System - RSForm! Pro system/rsform
System - RSForm!Pro Mapping system/rsfpmappings
System - RSForm!Pro Migration system/rsfpmigration
System - Rsfpgoogle system/rsfpgoogle
System - Rsfprecaptcha system/rsfprecaptcha
System - Rsfprsevents system/rsfprsevents
System - Rsmail_rsformpro_subscription system/rsmail_rsformpro_subscription
System - Rsseo system/rsseo
System - SEF system/sef
System - SJSB sessions fixer system/sjsb_sessions
Search Replace system/sr2win
System - sh404sef system/shsef
System - Tag Meta system/tagmeta
System - TagSef system/tagSef
System - Wibiya Toolbar system/wibiya
System - xAJAX system/xajax
User - AEC authorization Access user/aecaccess
User - AEC User user/aecuser
User Registration Community AC user/community_acl
User - Jfusion user/jfusion
User - K2 user/k2
User - Hot Property user/hotproperty
User - Huru Helpdesk - User Sync user/huruhelpdesk_user_sync
User - JComments user/jcomments
User - JConnect User Plugin user/jconnect
User - noixACL user/noixacl
User - SJSB user/sjsb_user
XML-RPC - JContentPlus API xmlrpc/jcontentplus

Tools allows to supervise the extension installed in the different slave sites and also to synchronize the install/uninstall between the websites and their dependencies.

This can be helpfull when you want to install a specific extension in several website in a single step.
The same is available to un-install extensions.

With this facility it is no more required to re-install the extension in the specific slave sites manually.

Components declared in Joomla Multiple Sites and User Sharing
Components name Install Share
Banners com_banners
Content com_content
Contact com_contact
Multi Sites com_multisites
Multi Sites Menu Item com_multisitesmenuitem
Multi Sites Articles sharing com_multisitescontent
News Feeds com_newsfeeds
Polls com_poll
URLs (weblinks) com_weblinks
Acajoom com_acajoom
AceSEF com_acesef
AdsManager com_adsmanager
Advanced Modules com_advancedmodules
AEC Subscription Manager com_acctexp
Agora Forum com_agora
ALFContact com_alfcontact
ALinkExchanger com_alinkexchanger
AlphaContent com_alphacontent
AlphaUserPoints com_alphauserpoints
Appointment Booking Pro v1.4x com_rsappt_pro14
AvReloaded com_avreloaded
Billets com_billets
BreezingForms com_facileforms
camelcitycontent2 com_camelcitycontent2
ccBoard com_ccboard
Chrono Comments com_chronocomments
Chrono Forms (Chrono contacts) com_chronocontact
Civi CRM com_civicrm
CK Forms com_ckforms
Communicator com_communicator
Communicator ACL com_community_acl
Community Builder com_comprofiler
Com-Properties com_properties
Content Templater com_contenttemplater
Custom Properties com_customproperties
DOCman com_docman
DT Menu com_dtmenu
DT Register com_dtregister
EventList com_eventlist
Events com_events
eXtplorer com_extplorer N/A
eWeather com_eweather
Fabrik com_fabrik
FAQ for Joomla! com_faq2win
FireBoard Forum com_fireboard
Front Page Plus com_frontpageplus N/A
Frontpage SlideShow com_fpslideshow
Gavick PhotoSlide GK2 com_gk2_photoslide
Glossary com_glossary
HD FLV Player com_hdflvplayer
Helpdesk com_helpdesk
Hot Property com_hotproperty
hwdCommentsFix com_hwdcommentsfix
hwdPhotoShare com_hwdphotoshare
hwdRevenueManager com_hwdrevenuemanager
hwdVideoShare com_hwdrevenuemanager
IDoBlog com_idoblog
Ignite Gallery com_igallery
iJoomla Ad Agency com_adagency
JCal Pro com_jcalpro YES
JCE com_jce
JComments com_jcomments
JConnect com_jconnect
JContentPlus com_jcontentplus YES
JEvents MVC com_jevents
JForms com_jforms
JFusion com_jfusion
Jobline com_jobline
Job Grok Listing com_jobgroklist
JomComment com_jomcomment
JomSocial com_community
Joom!Fish com_joomfish
JoomDOC com_joomdoc
JooMap com_joomap
JoomGallery com_joomgallery
Joomla Tags com_tag
JoomSEF com_sef
Joomla Advanced Message com_jam
JoomlaComment com_comment
Joomla Estate Agency com_jea
joomlaXplorer com_joomlaxplorer N/A
Joomla Pack com_joomlapack
JPortfolio com_jportfolio
JRE - Cache extended com_jrecache
J!Research com_jresearch
JTAG Presentation for Slidshare com_jtagpresentationforslidshare
Juga com_juga
Jumi com_jumi
JXtended Catalog com_catalog
JXtended Labels com_labels
K2 com_k2
Knowledgebase com_kb
Kunena Forum com_kunena
Leads Capture com_leadscapture
LyftenBloggie com_lyftenbloggie
Library Management com_jlibman
Linkr com_linkr
Mass content com_masscontent
Mobile Entertainment com_mobileentertainment
Mosets Tree com_mtree
My Blog com_myblog
NeoRecruit com_neorecruit
noix ACL com_noixacl
Pages and Items com_pi_pages_and_items
Phoca Gallery com_phocagallery
Phoca Guestbook com_phocaguestbook
Phoca Maps com_phocamaps
Phoca Restaurant Menu com_phocamenu
Phoca SEF com_phocasef
PollXT com_pollxt
Power Slide Pro com_powerslidepro
ProJoom Installer com_pjinstaller
Query Cache com_qcache
QuickFAQ com_quickfaq
RawContent com_rawcontent
Remository com_remository
ReReplacer com_rereplacer
RokCandy com_rokcandy
RokDownloads com_rokdownloads
RokModule com_rokmodule
RokQuickCart com_rokquickcart
Rquotes com_rquotes
RSFirewall com_rsfirewall
RSform!Pro com_rsform
RSSeo com_rsseo
Seminar com_seminar
sh404SEF com_sh404sef
Shipseeker com_shipseeker
Smart Flash Header com_novasfh
SmartSEF com_smartsef
SmartSite com_smartsite
SMF 2.x Bridge com_smf
SOBI 2 com_sobi2
swMenuPro com_swmenupro
Tag Meta com_tagmeta
Taxonomy (Zaragoza) com_taxonomy
uddeIM com_uddeim
Versions com_versions
VirtueMart com_virtuemart
WATicketSystem com_waticketsystem
WordPress mu com_wpmu
Xmap com_xmap
Zoo com_zoo
Modules declared in Joomla Multiple Sites and User Sharing
Modules title name Install Share
Custom HTML mod_custom
Feed Display mod_feed
Latest News mod_latest
Login mod_login
Logged in Users mod_logged
Admin Menu mod_menu
Popular Items mod_popular
Items Stats mod_stats
User Status mod_status
Admin Submenu mod_submenu
Title mod_title
Acajoom Module mod_acajoom
AEC Module mod_acctexp
Active Groups mod_activegroups
Activity Stream mod_activitystream
Ad Agency Menu mod_adagency_menu
Ad Agency Remote mod_adagency_remote
Ad Agency Zone mod_adagency_zone
Add to Menu mod_addtomenu
AdsManager Ads mod_adsmanager_ads
AdsManager Menu mod_adsmanager_menu
AdsManager Search mod_adsmanager_search
General button on control panel mod_aupadmin
AllVideos Reloaded mod_avreloaded
Open Support Tickets mod_billets_open
ImageSlideShow mod_briaskISS
Cache Cleaner mod_cachecleaner
Catalog - Categories mod_catalog_categories
Catalog - Category Cloud mod_catalog_category_cloud
Catalog - Comparison mod_catalog_comparison
Catalog - Items (Nodes) mod_catalog_nodes
Catalog - Rated Items (Nodes) mod_catalog_rated_nodes
CB Login mod_cblogin
CB PB Latest mod_cbpblatest
Core Design Login module mod_cd_login
CKforms Form Display mod_ckforms
Communicator Subscribe Module mod_communicatorsubscribe
Community ACL Menu mod_commacl_mainmenu
Community ACL Admin Menu mod_commacl_menu
Dating Search mod_datingsearch
DT Menu module mod_dtmenu
DT Register Upcoming Events mod_dt_upcoming_event
Fabrik form mod_fabrik_form
Fabrik table mod_fabrik_table
FLEXIcontent Tag Cloud mod_flexitagcloud
Frontend-User-Access mod_frontend_user_access
Frontpage SlideShow mod_fpslideshow
Gavick News Image I mod_gk_news_image_1
Gavick News Image III mod_gk_news_image_3
Gavick News Image VI mod_gk_news_image_6
googleWeather mod_googleWeather
HDFLV Player mod_hdflvplayer
Hello Me mod_hellome
Hot Property - Agents mod_hotproperty_agents
Hot Property - Companies mod_hotproperty_companies
Hot Property - Feed mod_hotproperty_feed
Hot Property - Manage mod_hotproperty_manage
Hot Property - Properties mod_hotproperty_properties
Hot Property - Search mod_hotproperty_search
Hot Property - Types mod_hotproperty_types
Video Categories mod_hwd_vs_categories
Video Search mod_hwd_vs_search
Videos mod_hwd_vs_sql_datalists
Video Tags mod_hwd_vs_sql_tags
hwdVideoShare Template Selector mod_hwd_vs_template_selector
Video Charts mod_hwd_vs_xml_datalists
Video Playlist mod_hwd_vs_xml_vplaylist
JA Content Slider mod_ja_contentslide
JA Slideshow2 mod_jaslideshow2
JCal Pro Latest Events mod_jcalpro_latest_J15
JCal Pro Mini-calendar mod_jcalpro_minical_J15
JCE Admin Control Panel mod_jcequickicon
JComments Latest mod_jcomments
JComments Latest Backend mod_jcomments_latest_backend
JConnect Activity Module mod_jconnect_activity
JContentPlus mod_jcontentplus
JContentPlus - Calendar mod_jcontentplus_calendar
JContentPlus - Latest news mod_jcontentplus_latestnews
JContentPlus - Most read mod_jcontentplus_mostread
JContentPlus - Random content mod_jcontentplus_random_content
JContentPlus - Related Items mod_jcontentplus_related
JContentPlus - Search mod_jcontentplus_search
J!Analytics mod_janalytics
JoomFish-Language Selection mod_jflanguageselection
JFusion Activity Module mod_jfusion_activity
JFusion Login Module mod_jfusion_login
JFusion User Activity Module mod_jfusion_user_activity
JFusion Whos Online Module mod_jfusion_whosonline
JobGrok Postings mod_jobgroklistpostings
JomSocial Connect mod_jomsocialconnect
JoomDOC Latest Downloads mod_joomdoc_latestdown
JoomDOC Most Downloaded mod_joomdoc_mostdown
JoomlaPack Backup Notification Module mod_jpadmin
Jumi mod_jumi
JX Woopra mod_jxwoopra
K2 Comments mod_k2_comments
K2 Content mod_k2_content
K2 Login mod_k2_login
K2 Tools mod_k2_tools
Latest Comments mod_chronocomments
Labels - Label Cloud mod_labels_cloud
Labels - Label List mod_labels_list
Labels - Related Content mod_labels_related_content
Labels Manager mod_labels_manager
Labels Status mod_labels_status
Latest Discussion mod_latestdiscussion
Latest group walls mod_latestgroupwalls
Latest Members mod_latestmembers
Latest Tags mod_latestTags
Menu noix mod_mainmenu_noix
MiniFrontPage Module for J! 15 mod_minifrontpage
Most Popular Tags mod_mostPopularTags
Most Read Tags mod_mostReadTags
Myblog Latest Entry mod_myblog_latest
Myblog Latest Entry with Introtext mod_myblog_latestintro
Online Users mod_onlineusers
Photo Comments mod_photocomments
PollXT Module mod_pollxt
Power Slide Pro Display Module mod_powerslidepro
QuickFAQ Module mod_quickfaq
RawContent Module mod_rawcontent
Remository multi-purpose module mod_remositorymulti
Remository Total Downloads mod_remositorytotal
Remove Mootools 11 mod_removemootools11
RokAjaxSearch mod_rokajaxsearch
Rokdownloads Latest Downloads mod_rokdownloads_latest
RokDownloads Most Downloaded mod_rokdownloads_most_downloaded
Rokdownloads Recently Updated mod_rokdownloads_recent_updates
RokNavMenu mod_roknavmenu
RokNewsPager mod_roknewspager
RokSlideshow mod_rokslideshow
RokStories mod_rokstories
RokTabs mod_roktabs
RokTwittie mod_roktwittie
Rquotes Module mod_rquotes
RSFirewall! Cpanel Module mod_rsfirewall
RSForm! Pro Module mod_rsform
RSform!Pro Frontend List mod_rsform_list
Seminar Module mod_seminar
Session Meter mod_sestimer
ShipSeeker Module mod_shipseeker
Simple Mp3 Bar mod_simplemp3bar
sjsb ssi mod_smfssi
Smart Flash Header mod_novasfh
JomSocial Statistics mod_statistics
Superfish Menu mod_superfishmenu
swMenuPro Module mod_swmenupro
Tag Cloud mod_tagcloud
Top Members mod_topmembers
Direct Translation mod_translate
Video Comments mod_videocomments
VirtueMart Module mod_virtuemart
VirtueMart All-In-One mod_virtuemart_allinone
VirtueMart Shopping Cart mod_virtuemart_cart
VirtueMart Currency Selector mod_virtuemart_currencies
VirtueMart Featured Products mod_virtuemart_featureprod
VirtueMart Latest Products mod_virtuemart_latestprod
VirtueMart Login mod_virtuemart_login
VirtueMart Manufacturers mod_virtuemart_manufacturers
VirtueMart Product Categories mod_product_categories
VirtueMart Product Scroller mod_productscroller
Email Reminders for ABPro and RBPro mod_sv_reminders
SMS Reminders for ABPro mod_sv_reminders_sms
VirtueMart Random Products mod_virtuemart_randomprod
VirtueMart Search mod_virtuemart_search
VirtueMart Top Ten Products mod_virtuemart_topten
Vinaora Visitors Counter mod_vvisit_counter
Zaragoza Clouds mod_zonline_cloud
Zoo Item mod_zooitem
Zoo Menu mod_zoomenu
Plugins declared in Joomla Multiple Sites and User Sharing
Plugins title name Install Share
Authentication - Community ACL authentication/community_acl
Authentication - GMail authentication/gmail
Authentication - jfusion authentication/jfusion
Authentication - OpenID authentication/openid
Authentication - SJSB authentication/sjsb_authentication
Billets - Avatar (AMBRA) billets/avatarambra
Billets - Avatar (CB) billets/avatarcb
Billets - Avatar (FB) billets/avatarfb
Billets - Display AMBRA.Subscriptions billets/ambrasubs
Billets - Emails billets/emails
Billets - Feedback History billets/feedbackhistory
Billets - Feedback Statistics billets/feedbackstats
Billets - For Follow-up billets/forfollowup
Billets - Frequents billets/frequents
Billets - Google Translate billets/googletranslate
Billets - Menu billets/menu
Billets - Open Tickets billets/opentickets
Billets - Reply Above Line billets/replyaboveline
Billets - Respond By Email system/respondbyemail
Billets - Tools - Check Installation billets/checkinstallation
Billets - Tools - Purge Old Files billets/purgeoldfiles
community - Fabrik community/fabrik
Contacts - Leads Capture contact/contactsandleadscapture
Content - All Weblinks content/all_weblinks
Content - AllVideos Reloaded content/avreloaded
Content - MyBlog Azrul Video Mambot content/azvideobot
Content - ChronoComments content/ChronoComments
Content - ChronoContact content/chronocontact
Content - CKforms Form Display content/ckforms
Content - DefinitionBot content/definitionbot
Content - Fabrik content/fabrik
Content - Code Hightlighter (GeSHi) content/geshi
Content - googleWeather content/googleWeather
Content - Email Cloaking content/emailcloak
Google Maps content/plugin_googlemap2
Content - JComments content/jcomments
Content - JIncludes content/JIncludes
Content - JForm Embedder content/jforms
Content - JFusion Discussion Bot content/jfusion
Content - Jom Comment content/jom_comment_bot
Content - JResearch Persistent Cited Records content/jresearch_persistent_cited_records
Content - Linkr content/linkr_content
Content - Load Module content/loadmodule
Content - RSForm! Pro content/mosrsform
Content - Optimizer content/contentoptimizer
Content - Phoca Gallery content/phocagallery
Content - DT Register EventLink content/plug_dtregister
pure css tooltip content/purecsstooltip
Content - RokDownloads Link content/rokdownload
Content - AlphaUserPoints - Content content/sysplgaup_content
Content - AlphaUserPoints - Raffle Registration content/sysplgaup_raffle
Content - AlphaUserPoints - Reader to author content/sysplgaup_reader2author
Content - Tags content/tags
Content - Version content/version
Content - Zaragoza Tags content/zaragozatags
Editor - JoomlaFCK editors/fckeditor
Editor Button - AddTags editors-xtd/addTags
Editor Button - AllVideos Reloaded editors-xtd/avreloaded
Editor Button - Content Templater editors-xtd/contenttemplater
Editor Button - Fabrik editors-xtd/fabrik
Editor Button - Image editors-xtd/image
Editor Button - JoomDOC Link editors-xtd/joomdoclink
Editor Button - JResearch Automatic Bibliography Generation editors-xtd/jresearch_automatic_bibliography_generation
Editor Button - JResearch Automatic Citation editors-xtd/jresearch_automatic_citation
Editor Button - Linkr editors-xtd/linkr_button
Editor Button - Modules Anywhere editors-xtd/modulesanywhere
Editor Button - Pagebreak editors-xtd/pagebreak
Editor Button - RawContent editors-xtd/rawcontent
Editor Button - Readmore editors-xtd/readmore
Editor Button - RokCandy editors-xtd/rokcandy_button
Editor Button - RokDownload Link editors-xtd/rokdownload
Button - Versioning editors-xtd/versioning
User - Joomla! user/joomla
User - AlphaUserPoints - New user user/sysplgaup_newregistered
MultiSites bridge for VirtueMart multisites/virtuemart
AlphaContentSys system/alphacontent
AlphaContent content/alphacontent
Authentication - jfusion authentication/jfusion
User - Jfusion user/jfusion
Community - Allvideo community/allvideo
Community - Eventlist community/eventlist
Community - Feeds community/feeds
Community - My fireboard updates community/fireboard
Community - Friend's Location community/friendslocation
Community - Groups community/groups
Community - Input Processor community/input
Community - Invite community/invite
Community - JomComment community/jomcomment
Content - Jumi content/jumi
Community - My kunena updates community/kunena
Community - Latest Photos community/latestphoto
Community - My Articles community/myarticles
Community - MyBlog community/myblog
Community - MyBlog Toolbar community/myblogtoolbar
Community - My Contacts community/mycontacts
Community - My Google Ads community/mygoogleads
Community - Nice Talk community/nicetalk
Community - Seyret community/seyret
Community - System community/system
Community - My twitter updates community/twitter
Community - Walls community/walls
Community - Wordfilter community/wordfilter
Content - Add Article Activity content/articleactivity
Content - Author Link content/authorLink
Content - Contentacroynm content/contentacroynm
JCalPro Latest Events plugin content/bot_jcalpro_latest_events
Content - JComments content/jcomments.content
Content - Jfalternative content/jfalternative
Content - Labels content/labels
Content - Pages and Items content/pages_and_items
Content - JContentPlus content/jcontentplus
Content - RawContent content/rawcontent
Content - RokBox content/rokbox
Editor Button - JComments OFF editors-xtd/jcommentsoff
Button - JContentPlus editors-xtd/jcontentplus
Button - Xmap Link editors-xtd/xmaplink
Hotproperty - Gallery hotproperty/gallery
JAM - Template - Simple jamtemplate/simple
JComments - Avatar jcomments/jcomments.avatar
Joomfish - Missing_translation joomfish/missing_translation
Mosets - Framework mosets/framework
RokNavMenu - Boost roknavmenu/boost
RokNavMenu - Extended Link roknavmenu/extendedlink
Search - Catalog search/catalog
Search - Categories search/categories
Search - Communicator search/communicator
Search - Fabrik search/fabrik
Search - Hot Property search/hotproperty
JCal Pro Search plugin search/bot_jcalpro_search
Search - JComments search/jcomments
Search - JComments search/jcomments.search
Search - JContentPlus Categories search/jcontentplus_categories
Search - JContentPlus Content search/jcontentplus
Search - JContentPlus Sections search/jcontentplus_sections
Search - Jfcategories search/jfcategories
Search - Jfcontacts search/jfcontacts
Search - Jfcontent search/jfcontent
Search - JFjoomDOC search/jfjoomdoc
Search - JoomDOC search/joomdoc
Search - Jfnewsfeeds search/jfnewsfeeds
Search - Jfsections search/jfsections
Search - JFusion search/jfusion
Search - JResearch search/jresearch
Search - RokDownloads search/rokdownloads
Search - Searchkb search/searchkb
Search - Sections search/sections
Search - Jfweblinks search/jfweblinks
Search - K2 search/k2
Search - Newsfeeds search/newsfeeds
Search - SearchTags search/searchTags
Search - Zaragoza Tags search/zaragozatags
Search - Zoo search/zoosearch
sh404sef similar urls plugin sh404sefcore/sh404sefsimilarurls
System - AceSE system/acesef
System - AdminBar Docker system/adminbardocker
System - Advanced Modules system/advancedmodules
System - AEC ErrorHandler system/aecerrorhandler
System - AEC Routing system/aecrouting
System - AlphaUserPoints system/alphauserpoints
System - AllVideos Reloaded system/avreloaded
System - BetterPreview system/betterpreview
System - Cache Cleaner system/cachecleaner
System - Community ACL system/community_acl
System - Debug system/debug
System - DT Menu system/dtmenu.system
System - Fabrik Sheduled Tasks system/fabrikcron
System - JComments system/jcomments
System - JCE Utilities system/jceutilities
System - JComments system/jcomments.system
JConnect ExApp Connector API system/jconnect
System - JContentPlus RAW system/jcontentplus_raw
System - Jfdatabase system/jfdatabase
System - Jfrouter system/jfrouter
System - JFusion system/jfusion
System - Jomsocial Facebook Connect system/jomsocialconnect
System - Jom Comment Sys system/jom_commentsys_bot
System - JXtended Libraries system/jxtended
System - ARTIO JoomSEF system/joomsef
System - JResearch Load Cited Records system/jresearch_load_cited_records
System - jSecure Authentication system/jsecure
System - Jumi Router system/jumirouter
System - K2_joomfish system/k2_joomfish
System - K2_user system/k2_user
System - Labels system/labels
System - Media Object system/mediaobject
System - Modules Anywhere system/modulesanywhere
System - Mootools system/mootools
MultiSites ID plugin system/multisitesid
System - noixACL system/noixacl
System - NoNumber! Elements system/nonumberelements
System - OptimizeTables system/optimizetables
System - ReReplacer system/rereplacer
System - RokBox system/rokbox
System - RokCandy system/rokcandy_system
System - RokModuleOrder system/rokmoduleorder
System - RokGZipper system/rokgzipper
System - RSFirewall system/rsfirewall
System - RSForm! Pro system/rsform
System - RSForm!Pro Mapping system/rsfpmappings
System - RSForm!Pro Migration system/rsfpmigration
System - Rsfpgoogle system/rsfpgoogle
System - Rsfprecaptcha system/rsfprecaptcha
System - Rsfprsevents system/rsfprsevents
System - Rsmail_rsformpro_subscription system/rsmail_rsformpro_subscription
System - Rsseo system/rsseo
System - SEF system/sef
System - SJSB sessions fixer system/sjsb_sessions
Search Replace system/sr2win
System - sh404sef system/shsef
System - Tag Meta system/tagmeta
System - TagSef system/tagSef
System - Wibiya Toolbar system/wibiya
System - xAJAX system/xajax
User - AEC authorization Access user/aecaccess
User - AEC User user/aecuser
User Registration Community AC user/community_acl
User - Jfusion user/jfusion
User - K2 user/k2
User - Hot Property user/hotproperty
User - Huru Helpdesk - User Sync user/huruhelpdesk_user_sync
User - JComments user/jcomments
User - JConnect User Plugin user/jconnect
User - noixACL user/noixacl
User - SJSB user/sjsb_user
XML-RPC - JContentPlus API xmlrpc/jcontentplus
Settings are used to order website quota to allow creating front-end websites using the 'billable' functionalities.

When you want to use the functionality of “billable” front-end websites, it is required to buy quota on www.jms2win.com.
The interface that you can use to buy quota is present in Settings menu.
This menu shows you the current number of “billable” front-end websites that have been created and your current website quota.
The website quota you have already purchased and that is attached to your “jms2win” login. Therefore, you can share your website quota between multiple JMS master installation.
Settings are used to order website quota to allow creating front-end websites using the 'billable' functionalities.

When you want to use the functionality of “billable” front-end websites, it is required to buy quota on www.jms2win.com.
The interface that you can use to buy quota is present in Settings menu.
This menu shows you the current number of “billable” front-end websites that have been created and your current website quota.
The website quota you have already purchased and that is attached to your “jms2win” login. Therefore, you can share your website quota between multiple JMS master installation.
Delete a template
Delete a template

Creation of a new 'slave' site consists in creation of the directory where will be store the Joomla configuration.
You also have to provide the list of domain names attached to this site.

It is also possible to create a new website based on a "template websites".
As a website can also be managed by "front-end" user, there is also options to assign a website to a specifc user.

When selecting a "template website", it is also possible to specify a new website title, a new admin password and email.
It is also possible to customise some parameters such as the media folder, the image folder and the template (theme) folder

When selecting a template, JMS display the associated values to allow you change it if they does not correspond to the one you want for the new website.

To create a slave site, three pieces of information are required:

  • a site identifier:  The identifier is used as directory name where Joomla will store the new configuration.php file created by the Joomla standard installation.
  • a site status: This status indicates whether the websites can be used in production, or should be hidden. This status is also used in conjunction with ‘billable’ websites that can be created from the front-end. In this case, the website status can be synchronised with the order status.
    There is also a ‘payment reference’ field that display the payment reference used when creating a ‘billable’ website from the front-end.
    When the status is not “Confirmed”, the slave site will be considered as not present by JMS. This means that the list of domains will be ignored and navigating to this domain will show the master website.
  • a List of domain names: This is the list of domain names that will be routed to the correct slave site.
Optional fields:
  • owner: this allows you to assign a user to the website. Only the websites having an owner defined can be displayed in the front-end.
  • expiration date: this allows you to define a publishing date for the website. When the date is not present, this means it will always be displayed.
    To modify a date, use the button just after the field to select or clear the date.

 In addition to the required site definitions, it is possible to define parameters to duplicate a reference database based on a “template website,” or specific rules.
The idea behind this is to define rules that will be used when replicating the table present in the reference database.
For the moment, the replication is performed in the same database.
The replication consists of copying all the tables having the Joomla prefix of the “source DB” into a new table prefix defined here (manage site) or in a template.
At the same time, it is possible to customise the new database and its associated Joomla configuration file.
Below are the parameters of the Database and/or Joomla configuration file that can be configured.

  • a template website: This combo box lists the available templates defined in the “template” menu.
    A template is defined by:
    • Its name (or master DB)
    • A DB name
    • A rule that describes the new “to” DB prefix
When you select a template, this refreshes the “template directory” information to help the user decide if they want to use the template values or change them.
  • the new DB prefix: when present, or when a template is selected with a table prefix rule, this unlocks the fields that allow you to customize the database and also trigger the creation of the Joomla configuration file.
  • the new site title: This allows you to specify a new website title. This replaces the website title that was present in the “from template website” that is replicated to create this new website.
  • the new admin email: This allows you to give a new email address to the “admin” user selected in the template. When there is no template (or a template without an “admin user” selected), the first “Super Administrator” user is used to setup a new email address.
  • the new admin password: This allows you to define a new administrator password to the “admin user” selected in the template. When there is no template (or a template without an “admin user” selected), the first “Super Administrator” user is assigned the password.
  • the new media folder: This allows you to specify a new Joomla Global Configuration, system settings, and media folder settings.
    When specified, the “source” media folder is copied into the new location.
    The source media folder is either the source path defined in the “template website” database, or when there is no database, the path defined in the master website.
  • the new image folder: This allows you to specify a new Joomla Global Configuration – system – image folder settings.
    When specified, the “source” image folder is copied into the new location.
    The source image folder is either the source path defined in the “template website” database or when there is no database, the path defined in the master website.
  • the new theme folder: This allows you to define a specific “template” or theme front-end directory. When it is specified, a new directory “/template” directory is created and the content will be either a copy (for Windows servers) or a symbolic link (for Unix servers) to all the templates present in the source template directory.
    The source theme folder is either the theme folder from the “template website” (when selected) or from master website.

When a website is already defined, additional information is displayed. The information displayed from the Joomla configuration is:

  • DB server name;
  • DB name;
  • DB table prefix;
  • DB login or User name;
  • DB password.

Creation of a new 'slave' site consists in creation of the directory where will be store the Joomla configuration.
You also have to provide the list of domain names attached to this site.

It is also possible to create a new website based on a "template websites".
As a website can also be managed by "front-end" user, there is also options to assign a website to a specifc user.

When selecting a "template website", it is also possible to specify a new website title, a new admin password and email.
It is also possible to customise some parameters such as the media folder, the image folder and the template (theme) folder

When selecting a template, JMS display the associated values to allow you change it if they does not correspond to the one you want for the new website.

To create a slave site, three pieces of information are required:

  • a site identifier:  The identifier is used as directory name where Joomla will store the new configuration.php file created by the Joomla standard installation.
  • a site status: This status indicates whether the websites can be used in production, or should be hidden. This status is also used in conjunction with ‘billable’ websites that can be created from the front-end. In this case, the website status can be synchronised with the order status.
    There is also a ‘payment reference’ field that display the payment reference used when creating a ‘billable’ website from the front-end.
    When the status is not “Confirmed”, the slave site will be considered as not present by JMS. This means that the list of domains will be ignored and navigating to this domain will show the master website.
  • a List of domain names: This is the list of domain names that will be routed to the correct slave site.
Optional fields:
  • owner: this allows you to assign a user to the website. Only the websites having an owner defined can be displayed in the front-end.
  • expiration date: this allows you to define a publishing date for the website. When the date is not present, this means it will always be displayed.
    To modify a date, use the button just after the field to select or clear the date.

In addition to the required site definitions, it is possible to define parameters to duplicate a reference database based on a “template website,” or specific rules.
The idea behind this is to define rules that will be used when replicating the table present in the reference database.
For the moment, the replication is performed in the same database.
The replication consists of copying all the tables having the Joomla prefix of the “source DB” into a new table prefix defined here (manage site) or in a template.
At the same time, it is possible to customise the new database and its associated Joomla configuration file.
Below are the parameters of the Database and/or Joomla configuration file that can be configured.

  • a template website: This combo box lists the available templates defined in the “template” menu.
    A template is defined by:
    • Its name (or master DB)
    • A DB name
    • A rule that describes the new “to” DB prefix
When you select a template, this refreshes the “template directory” information to help the user decide if they want to use the template values or change them.
  • the new DB prefix: when present, or when a template is selected with a table prefix rule, this unlocks the fields that allow you to customize the database and also trigger the creation of the Joomla configuration file.
  • the new site title: This allows you to specify a new website title. This replaces the website title that was present in the “from template website” that is replicated to create this new website.
  • the new admin email: This allows you to give a new email address to the “admin” user selected in the template. When there is no template (or a template without an “admin user” selected), the first “Super Administrator” user is used to setup a new email address.
  • the new admin password: This allows you to define a new administrator password to the “admin user” selected in the template. When there is no template (or a template without an “admin user” selected), the first “Super Administrator” user is assigned the password.
  • the new media folder: This allows you to specify a new Joomla Global Configuration, system settings, and media folder settings.
    When specified, the “source” media folder is copied into the new location.
    The source media folder is either the source path defined in the “template website” database, or when there is no database, the path defined in the master website.
  • the new image folder: This allows you to specify a new Joomla Global Configuration – system – image folder settings.
    When specified, the “source” image folder is copied into the new location.
    The source image folder is either the source path defined in the “template website” database or when there is no database, the path defined in the master website.
  • the new theme folder: This allows you to define a specific “template” or theme front-end directory. When it is specified, a new directory “/template” directory is created and the content will be either a copy (for Windows servers) or a symbolic link (for Unix servers) to all the templates present in the source template directory.
    The source theme folder is either the theme folder from the “template website” (when selected) or from master website.

When a website is already defined, additional information is displayed. The information displayed from the Joomla configuration is:

  • DB server name;
  • DB name;
  • DB table prefix;
  • DB login or User name;
  • DB password.

Create a new "Website template" allow to define the generic parameters that must be used to replicate the website.

The “website template” is used to define the rules for:

  • Which database must be used as reference database to create the new slave site?
    In fact, in the template, you select an existing slave site where all the information, such as the database and the configuration file, will be used and replicated to create the new slave site.
  • You also have to define the rules on how to create a unique table prefix
  • The rule to create a unique site ID.
  • The “generic” domain name must also be specified.
    It is possible to use sub-directory which is computed based on some parameters provided by the user. In particular, it is possible to define a domain name alias.
  • When you decide to publish the template to the front-end to allow dynamic slave site creation, it is required to specify which user will be used as administrator.

Other parameters can also be specified to customize the slave site that will be created with the temple. You can also define:

  • A deployment folder (this is only available for unix platform [not windows] because it will use Symbolic Links that are not available on windows.
    This field can be used when the hosting provider provides tools like Cpanel, Plesk, or other applications that assign a specific directory for each domain by default. As some customers may encounter difficulties setting up those tools, JMS provides the functionality to deploy a slave site into a specific folder, and it will create symbolic links on the master directory.
    Also see the “folders and files” panel that can be used to customise the deployment.
  • A new media folder;
  • A new image folder;
  • A new theme (template) folder

With the “website template” you can also define some rules on the directory structure that you want for a slave site when it is created.

When working on Unix platform, it is possible to create a “root” website directory that is based on Symbolic Links. The objective of the “Symbolic Links” is to provide the possibility to have a specific disk work space for the slave Website and increase the security when the slave sites are available from the front-end. This give for example the possibility to have specific templates folders deployed for the customers and not share them for all the slave sites.

  • ID:  This is the identifier of the template.
  • Group:  When defining a menu entry to allow front-end user create slave sites, it is possible to filter the template displayed on a specific group name.
    Enter any text you want to use to group some template into a same menu here. You could use this group field to create a category of templates or whatever.
  • Validity:  This parameter gives you the possibility to define a validity duration when you propose a “billable” website service. When present, it may be used to compute a slave site expiration date.
  • SKU:  This is a field you can use when you develop a bridge with your eShop or shopping cart system. In the case of “MultiSites for VirtueMart”, we have used this parameter to specify an external reference to a product defined in VirtueMart. This allows you to use the VirtueMart shopping cart system to place an order of a “billable” slave site.
  • Title:  This is template title that is displayed to the front-end user that created the slave site.
  • Description:  Free text that allows you to describe the template. This text is displayed to the “front-end” when a user selects the template.
  • List of domain:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    Define the rule to create the new domain name here.
    You can use multiple keywords in the definition of a domain. See next section for an exhaustive list of keywords available.
    You could define rules like:
    • http://{site_url}/u{user_id}{site_prefix}
    • http://{site_url}/{site_alias}
  • {site_url} : define the current URL of the website
  • {user_id} : define the Joomla user identifier
  • {site_prefix} : Is a prefix introduced by the front-end user when it creates a slave site.
  • {site_alias} : Is an alias introduced by the front-end user when it creates a slave site.
  • Template site:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to select an existing slave site that will be replicated when creating a new slave site.
  • To site ID:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to define the rule for the creation of the slave site identifier.
    You could use for example a rule such as:
    • u{user_id}{site_prefix}
  • Admin user:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It allows you to select the “admin user” that will be available to the front-end user and for which the administrator email and password can be setup during the slave sites creation.
  • New DB prefix:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to define the rule for the creation of the new database table prefix.
    You could use, for example, a rule such as:
    • u{user_id}{site_prefix}
  • Deployment folder:  This field is only available for “non Windows” systems – probably Unix platform. When present, it allows to specify where the slave site will be deployed. In this case, it is possible to define Symbolic Links or other rules in the “Files and Folders” panel as described in another section.
  • Path to media folder:  This field can be used when you want to use a specific media folder. When specified, it duplicates the media folder associated with the “template website,” and also updates the new database with the new path.
    The new slave site Joomla / Global Configuration / Server panel is changed with the parameter with this new media folder path
  • Path to image  folder:  This field can be used when you want to use a specific image folder. When specified, it duplicate the image folder associated to the “template website” and also updates the new database with the new path.
    The new slave site Joomla / Global Configuration / Server panel is changed with the parameter with this new image folder path
  • Themes folder:  This field can be used when you want to have a specific themes folder for the slave sites.
    In case of Windows platform, this duplicates the “template site” themes folder.
    On non Windows – probably Unix, this creates Symbolic Links on the “template site” themes folder. We have chosen to create “Symbolic Links” instead of duplication to simplify the maintenance and allow reduce the number of place where template must be updated. This can help some companies that use JMS to propose “themes” to their customers. They could have only one place where to maintain the “themes”.

Keywords available to create generic slave sites

Keyword are text between parenthesis
  • {user_id} : define the Joomla user identifier.
  • {site_id} : This is the site identifier.
  • {site_alias} : Is an alias introduced by the front-end user when they create a slave site.
  • {root} : Absolute path where is installed the current website
  • {multisites} : Absolute path to the multisites directory.
    Equivalent to {root}/multisites
  • {site_dir} : Absolute path of the site directory.
    Equivalent to {multisites}/{site_id}
  • {rel_site_dir} : Relative path of the site directory.
    Equivalent to multisites/{site_id};
  • {site_domain} : Field domain fo the site;
  • {site_url} : define the current URL of the website;
  • {site_prefix} : Is a prefix introduced by the front-end user when they create a slave site;
  • {rnd_psw_6} to {rnd_psw_10} : Random password on a length of 6 to 10 characters;
  • {rnd_psw} : Random password on a length of 8 characters

 New Folder and files

The “folder and files” panel is used to customise the new slave site root directory structure.
When working on Unix platform, this is used to create a replication of the master website using “Symbolic Links”. In this case (Unix), this allows a domain to be mapped to another directory than the master website. This can be helpful for plesk or cpanel users, or any other Unix tools that propose by default a specific directory for each domain.
With this tool, it is also possible to decide to copy or create a directory from a tar.gz file.
Some files and folders cannot be customized because they have a specific processing.

This concern:

  • the “index.php” and “index2.php” that can not be a link because this may crash website. We create a basic PHP include of the original file present in the master directory for those files.
  • The cache folder, the log folder, the tmp folder, the media folder, the image folder, and the themes folder.

Create a new "Website template" allow to define the generic parameters that must be used to replicate the website.

The “website template” is used to define the rules for:

  • Which database must be used as reference database to create the new slave site?
    In fact, in the template, you select an existing slave site where all the information, such as the database and the configuration file, will be used and replicated to create the new slave site.
  • You also have to define the rules on how to create a unique table prefix
  • The rule to create a unique site ID.
  • The “generic” domain name must also be specified.
    It is possible to use sub-directory which is computed based on some parameters provided by the user. In particular, it is possible to define a domain name alias.
  • When you decide to publish the template to the front-end to allow dynamic slave site creation, it is required to specify which user will be used as administrator.

Other parameters can also be specified to customize the slave site that will be created with the temple. You can also define:

  • A deployment folder (this is only available for unix platform [not windows] because it will use Symbolic Links that are not available on windows.
    This field can be used when the hosting provider provides tools like Cpanel, Plesk, or other applications that assign a specific directory for each domain by default. As some customers may encounter difficulties setting up those tools, JMS provides the functionality to deploy a slave site into a specific folder, and it will create symbolic links on the master directory.
    Also see the “folders and files” panel that can be used to customise the deployment.
  • A new media folder;
  • A new image folder;
  • A new theme (template) folder

With the “website template” you can also define some rules on the directory structure that you want for a slave site when it is created.

When working on Unix platform, it is possible to create a “root” website directory that is based on Symbolic Links. The objective of the “Symbolic Links” is to provide the possibility to have a specific disk work space for the slave Website and increase the security when the slave sites are available from the front-end. This give for example the possibility to have specific templates folders deployed for the customers and not share them for all the slave sites.

  • ID:  This is the identifier of the template.
  • Group:  When defining a menu entry to allow front-end user create slave sites, it is possible to filter the template displayed on a specific group name.
    Enter any text you want to use to group some template into a same menu here. You could use this group field to create a category of templates or whatever.
  • Validity:  This parameter gives you the possibility to define a validity duration when you propose a “billable” website service. When present, it may be used to compute a slave site expiration date.
  • SKU:  This is a field you can use when you develop a bridge with your eShop or shopping cart system. In the case of “MultiSites for VirtueMart”, we have used this parameter to specify an external reference to a product defined in VirtueMart. This allows you to use the VirtueMart shopping cart system to place an order of a “billable” slave site.
  • Title:  This is template title that is displayed to the front-end user that created the slave site.
  • Description:  Free text that allows you to describe the template. This text is displayed to the “front-end” when a user selects the template.
  • List of domain:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    Define the rule to create the new domain name here.
    You can use multiple keywords in the definition of a domain. See next section for an exhaustive list of keywords available.
    You could define rules like:
    • http://{site_url}/u{user_id}{site_prefix}
    • http://{site_url}/{site_alias}
  • {site_url} : define the current URL of the website
  • {user_id} : define the Joomla user identifier
  • {site_prefix} : Is a prefix introduced by the front-end user when it creates a slave site.
  • {site_alias} : Is an alias introduced by the front-end user when it creates a slave site.
  • Template site:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to select an existing slave site that will be replicated when creating a new slave site.
  • To site ID:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to define the rule for the creation of the slave site identifier.
    You could use for example a rule such as:
    • u{user_id}{site_prefix}
  • Admin user:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It allows you to select the “admin user” that will be available to the front-end user and for which the administrator email and password can be setup during the slave sites creation.
  • New DB prefix:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to define the rule for the creation of the new database table prefix.
    You could use, for example, a rule such as:
    • u{user_id}{site_prefix}
  • Deployment folder:  This field is only available for “non Windows” systems – probably Unix platform. When present, it allows to specify where the slave site will be deployed. In this case, it is possible to define Symbolic Links or other rules in the “Files and Folders” panel as described in another section.
  • Path to media folder:  This field can be used when you want to use a specific media folder. When specified, it duplicates the media folder associated with the “template website,” and also updates the new database with the new path.
    The new slave site Joomla / Global Configuration / Server panel is changed with the parameter with this new media folder path
  • Path to image  folder:  This field can be used when you want to use a specific image folder. When specified, it duplicate the image folder associated to the “template website” and also updates the new database with the new path.
    The new slave site Joomla / Global Configuration / Server panel is changed with the parameter with this new image folder path
  • Themes folder:  This field can be used when you want to have a specific themes folder for the slave sites.
    In case of Windows platform, this duplicates the “template site” themes folder.
    On non Windows – probably Unix, this creates Symbolic Links on the “template site” themes folder. We have chosen to create “Symbolic Links” instead of duplication to simplify the maintenance and allow reduce the number of place where template must be updated. This can help some companies that use JMS to propose “themes” to their customers. They could have only one place where to maintain the “themes”.

Keywords available to create generic slave sites

Keyword are text between parenthesis
  • {user_id} : define the Joomla user identifier.
  • {site_id} : This is the site identifier.
  • {site_alias} : Is an alias introduced by the front-end user when they create a slave site.
  • {root} : Absolute path where is installed the current website
  • {multisites} : Absolute path to the multisites directory.
    Equivalent to {root}/multisites
  • {site_dir} : Absolute path of the site directory.
    Equivalent to {multisites}/{site_id}
  • {rel_site_dir} : Relative path of the site directory.
    Equivalent to multisites/{site_id};
  • {site_domain} : Field domain fo the site;
  • {site_url} : define the current URL of the website;
  • {site_prefix} : Is a prefix introduced by the front-end user when they create a slave site;
  • {rnd_psw_6} to {rnd_psw_10} : Random password on a length of 6 to 10 characters;
  • {rnd_psw} : Random password on a length of 8 characters

New Folder and files

The “folder and files” panel is used to customise the new slave site root directory structure.
When working on Unix platform, this is used to create a replication of the master website using “Symbolic Links”. In this case (Unix), this allows a domain to be mapped to another directory than the master website. This can be helpful for plesk or cpanel users, or any other Unix tools that propose by default a specific directory for each domain.
With this tool, it is also possible to decide to copy or create a directory from a tar.gz file.
Some files and folders cannot be customized because they have a specific processing.

This concern:

  • the “index.php” and “index2.php” that can not be a link because this may crash website. We create a basic PHP include of the original file present in the master directory for those files.
  • The cache folder, the log folder, the tmp folder, the media folder, the image folder, and the themes folder.

The site manager allows to create 'slave' sites that are associated to one or more domain names.

When you want to create a new website, you can either enter some information here, or make reference to a “website template” that contains the rules to create the new website. The definition of a “website template” is given in chapter “Website template” management.”

The "websites templates" define some generic parameters that may be used to compute some specific parameters such as:

  • media folder
  • image folder
  • template (themes) folder
  • table prefix

The site manager allows to create 'slave' sites that are associated to one or more domain names.

When you want to create a new website, you can either enter some information here, or make reference to a “website template” that contains the rules to create the new website. The definition of a “website template” is given in chapter “Website template” management.”

The "websites templates" define some generic parameters that may be used to compute some specific parameters such as:

  • media folder
  • image folder
  • template (themes) folder
  • table prefix
Deletion of a site consists in removing the directory where the Joomla configuration is stored.

By default, JMS does not delete the table associated to a website.
When the parameter "Delete database content" is set to YES, this delete all tables corresponding to the website prefix as it is defined in the Joomla configuration. So if you share the same DB for multiple websites, this only delete the table corresponding to the website that will be deleted.
Deletion of a site consists in removing the directory where the Joomla configuration is stored.

By default, JMS does not delete the table associated to a website.
When the parameter "Delete database content" is set to YES, this delete all tables corresponding to the website prefix as it is defined in the Joomla configuration. So if you share the same DB for multiple websites, this only delete the table corresponding to the website that will be deleted.
This function checks if all the patches are installed.

At the top of the screen, you have two version number.
- The JMS version number;
- The patch definition versoin number. This latest number can be modified when using the "Check for Update" menu.

This check patches provide a report on a list of files that must be patched to work correctly in "Multi Sites" environment.
Beside each files, JMS provides the possible action that will be taken to correct a problem.

When calling "Install", the operation starts to make a backup of the current file into a "administrator/com_multisites/backup" directory and after it applies the patch.
The backup is used by "un-install" to restore the original file.
This function checks if all the patches are installed.

At the top of the screen, you have two version number.
- The JMS version number;
- The patch definition versoin number. This latest number can be modified when using the "Check for Update" menu.

This check patches provide a report on a list of files that must be patched to work correctly in "Multi Sites" environment.
Beside each files, JMS provides the possible action that will be taken to correct a problem.

When calling "Install", the operation starts to make a backup of the current file into a "administrator/com_multisites/backup" directory and after it applies the patch.
The backup is used by "un-install" to restore the original file.
Website template is a feature that allows you to define generic rules that are used to create new web sites. The rules are very important when you want to use the “front-end” slave sites dynamic creation.

When you propose to your front-end “registered users” the possibility to create slave sites, the “website template” is used to compute the parameter that would normally be introduced by the JMS administrator when using the “site manager”.

The Website template manager allows to create 'websties templates' that will be to create new websites.

The template can either be used by the administrator to create new websites or by the front-end to create websites.

With the "Websites template", you define which slave site must be used as a reference to create another websites.
The "Websites template" can be pre-configured with specific extensions that will avoid to re-install them on all the websites that will be derived from this template.

In addition, it is possible to define some rules on based on some keywords to create new media folder, image folder, template, ...

Website template is a feature that allows you to define generic rules that are used to create new web sites. The rules are very important when you want to use the “front-end” slave sites dynamic creation.

When you propose to your front-end “registered users” the possibility to create slave sites, the “website template” is used to compute the parameter that would normally be introduced by the JMS administrator when using the “site manager”.

The Website template manager allows to create 'websties templates' that will be to create new websites.

The template can either be used by the administrator to create new websites or by the front-end to create websites.

With the "Websites template", you define which slave site must be used as a reference to create another websites.
The "Websites template" can be pre-configured with specific extensions that will avoid to re-install them on all the websites that will be derived from this template.

In addition, it is possible to define some rules on based on some keywords to create new media folder, image folder, template, ...


Settings are used to order website quota to allow creating front-end websites using the 'billable' functionalities.

When you want to use the functionality of “billable” front-end websites, it is required to buy quota on www.jms2win.com.
The interface that you can use to buy quota is present in Settings menu.
This menu shows you the current number of “billable” front-end websites that have been created and your current website quota.
The website quota you have already purchased and that is attached to your “jms2win” login. Therefore, you can share your website quota between multiple JMS master installation.

Delete a template

Create a new "Website template" allow to define the generic parameters that must be used to replicate the website.

The “website template” is used to define the rules for:

  • Which database must be used as reference database to create the new slave site? In fact, in the template, you select an existing slave site where all the information, such as the database and the configuration file, will be used and replicated to create the new slave site.
  • You also have to define the rules on how to create a unique table prefix
  • The rule to create a unique site ID.
  • The “generic” domain name must also be specified.
    It is possible to use sub-directory which is computed based on some parameters provided by the user. In particular, it is possible to define a domain name alias.
  • When you decide to publish the template to the front-end to allow dynamic slave site creation, it is required to specify which user will be used as administrator.

Other parameters can also be specified to customize the slave site that will be created with the temple. You can also define:

  • A deployment folder (this is only available for unix platform [not windows] because it will use Symbolic Links that are not available on windows.
    This field can be used when the hosting provider provides tools like Cpanel, Plesk, or other applications that assign a specific directory for each domain by default. As some customers may encounter difficulties setting up those tools, JMS provides the functionality to deploy a slave site into a specific folder, and it will create symbolic links on the master directory.
    Also see the “folders and files” panel that can be used to customise the deployment.
  • A new media folder;
  • A new image folder;
  • A new theme (template) folder

With the “website template” you can also define some rules on the directory structure that you want for a slave site when it is created.

When working on Unix platform, it is possible to create a “root” website directory that is based on Symbolic Links. The objective of the “Symbolic Links” is to provide the possibility to have a specific disk work space for the slave Website and increase the security when the slave sites are available from the front-end. This give for example the possibility to have specific templates folders deployed for the customers and not share them for all the slave sites.

  • ID:  This is the identifier of the template.
  • Group:  When defining a menu entry to allow front-end user create slave sites, it is possible to filter the template displayed on a specific group name.
    Enter any text you want to use to group some template into a same menu here. You could use this group field to create a category of templates or whatever.
  • Validity:  This parameter gives you the possibility to define a validity duration when you propose a “billable” website service. When present, it may be used to compute a slave site expiration date.
  • SKU:  This is a field you can use when you develop a bridge with your eShop or shopping cart system. In the case of “MultiSites for VirtueMart”, we have used this parameter to specify an external reference to a product defined in VirtueMart. This allows you to use the VirtueMart shopping cart system to place an order of a “billable” slave site.
  • Title:  This is template title that is displayed to the front-end user that created the slave site.
  • Description:  Free text that allows you to describe the template. This text is displayed to the “front-end” when a user selects the template.
  • List of domain:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    Define the rule to create the new domain name here.
    You can use multiple keywords in the definition of a domain. See next section for an exhaustive list of keywords available.
    You could define rules like:
    • http://{site_url}/u{user_id}{site_prefix}
    • http://{site_url}/{site_alias}
  • {site_url} : define the current URL of the website
  • {user_id} : define the Joomla user identifier
  • {site_prefix} : Is a prefix introduced by the front-end user when it creates a slave site.
  • {site_alias} : Is an alias introduced by the front-end user when it creates a slave site.
  • Template site:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to select an existing slave site that will be replicated when creating a new slave site.
  • To site ID:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to define the rule for the creation of the slave site identifier.
    You could use for example a rule such as:
    • u{user_id}{site_prefix}
  • Admin user:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It allows you to select the “admin user” that will be available to the front-end user and for which the administrator email and password can be setup during the slave sites creation.
  • New DB prefix:  This field is mandatory when you want to show this template into the front-end.
    It is used to define the rule for the creation of the new database table prefix.
    You could use, for example, a rule such as:
    • u{user_id}{site_prefix}
  • Deployment folder:  This field is only available for “non Windows” systems – probably Unix platform. When present, it allows to specify where the slave site will be deployed. In this case, it is possible to define Symbolic Links or other rules in the “Files and Folders” panel as described in another section.
  • Path to media folder:  This field can be used when you want to use a specific media folder. When specified, it duplicates the media folder associated with the “template website,” and also updates the new database with the new path.
    The new slave site Joomla / Global Configuration / Server panel is changed with the parameter with this new media folder path
  • Path to image  folder:  This field can be used when you want to use a specific image folder. When specified, it duplicate the image folder associated to the “template website” and also updates the new database with the new path.
    The new slave site Joomla / Global Configuration / Server panel is changed with the parameter with this new image folder path
  • Themes folder:  This field can be used when you want to have a specific themes folder for the slave sites.
    In case of Windows platform, this duplicates the “template site” themes folder.
    On non Windows – probably Unix, this creates Symbolic Links on the “template site” themes folder. We have chosen to create “Symbolic Links” instead of duplication to simplify the maintenance and allow reduce the number of place where template must be updated. This can help some companies that use JMS to propose “themes” to their customers. They could have only one place where to maintain the “themes”.

Keywords available to create generic slave sites

Keyword are text between parenthesis
  • {user_id} : define the Joomla user identifier.
  • {site_id} : This is the site identifier.
  • {site_alias} : Is an alias introduced by the front-end user when they create a slave site.
  • {root} : Absolute path where is installed the current website
  • {multisites} : Absolute path to the multisites directory.
    Equivalent to {root}/multisites
  • {site_dir} : Absolute path of the site directory.
    Equivalent to {multisites}/{site_id}
  • {rel_site_dir} : Relative path of the site directory.
    Equivalent to multisites/{site_id}
  • {site_domain} : Field domain fo the site
  • {site_url} : define the current URL of the website
  • {site_prefix} : Is a prefix introduced by the front-end user when they create a slave site.

 New Folder and files

The “folder and files” panel is used to customise the new slave site root directory structure.
When working on Unix platform, this is used to create a replication of the master website using “Symbolic Links”. In this case (Unix), this allows a domain to be mapped to another directory than the master website. This can be helpful for plesk or cpanel users, or any other Unix tools that propose by default a specific directory for each domain.
With this tool, it is also possible to decide to copy or create a directory from a tar.gz file.
Some files and folders cannot be customized because they have a specific processing.

This concern:

  • the “index.php” and “index2.php” that can not be a link because this may crash website. We create a basic PHP include of the original file present in the master directory for those files.
  • The cache folder, the log folder, the tmp folder, the media folder, the image folder, and the themes folder.

Creation of a new 'slave' site consists in creation of the directory where will be store the Joomla configuration.
You also have to provide the list of domain names attached to this site.

It is also possible to create a new website based on a "template websites".
As a website can also be managed by "front-end" user, there is also options to assign a website to a specifc user.

When selecting a "template website", it is also possible to specify a new website title, a new admin password and email.
It is also possible to customise some parameters such as the media folder, the image folder and the template (theme) folder

When selecting a template, JMS display the associated values to allow you change it if they does not correspond to the one you want for the new website.

To create a slave site, three pieces of information are required:

  • a site identifier:  The identifier is used as directory name where Joomla will store the new configuration.php file created by the Joomla standard installation.
  • a site status: This status indicates whether the websites can be used in production, or should be hidden. This status is also used in conjunction with ‘billable’ websites that can be created from the front-end. In this case, the website status can be synchronised with the order status.
    There is also a ‘payment reference’ field that display the payment reference used when creating a ‘billable’ website from the front-end.
    When the status is not “Confirmed”, the slave site will be considered as not present by JMS. This means that the list of domains will be ignored and navigating to this domain will show the master website.
  • a List of domain names: This is the list of domain names that will be routed to the correct slave site.
Optional fields:
  • owner: this allows you to assign a user to the website. Only the websites having an owner defined can be displayed in the front-end.
  • expiration date: this allows you to define a publishing date for the website. When the date is not present, this means it will always be displayed.
    To modify a date, use the button just after the field to select or clear the date.

 In addition to the required site definitions, it is possible to define parameters to duplicate a reference database based on a “template website,” or specific rules.
The idea behind this is to define rules that will be used when replicating the table present in the reference database.
For the moment, the replication is performed in the same database.
The replication consists of copying all the tables having the Joomla prefix of the “source DB” into a new table prefix defined here (manage site) or in a template.
At the same time, it is possible to customise the new database and its associated Joomla configuration file.
Below are the parameters of the Database and/or Joomla configuration file that can be configured.

  • a template website: This combo box lists the available templates defined in the “template” menu.
    A template is defined by:
    • Its name (or master DB)
    • A DB name
    • A rule that describes the new “to” DB prefix
When you select a template, this refreshes the “template directory” information to help the user decide if they want to use the template values or change them.
  • the new DB prefix: when present, or when a template is selected with a table prefix rule, this unlocks the fields that allow you to customize the database and also trigger the creation of the Joomla configuration file.
  • the new site title: This allows you to specify a new website title. This replaces the website title that was present in the “from template website” that is replicated to create this new website.
  • the new admin email: This allows you to give a new email address to the “admin” user selected in the template. When there is no template (or a template without an “admin user” selected), the first “Super Administrator” user is used to setup a new email address.
  • the new admin password: This allows you to define a new administrator password to the “admin user” selected in the template. When there is no template (or a template without an “admin user” selected), the first “Super Administrator” user is assigned the password.
  • the new media folder: This allows you to specify a new Joomla Global Configuration, system settings, and media folder settings.
    When specified, the “source” media folder is copied into the new location.
    The source media folder is either the source path defined in the “template website” database, or when there is no database, the path defined in the master website.
  • the new image folder: This allows you to specify a new Joomla Global Configuration – system – image folder settings.
    When specified, the “source” image folder is copied into the new location.
    The source image folder is either the source path defined in the “template website” database or when there is no database, the path defined in the master website.
  • the new theme folder: This allows you to define a specific “template” or theme front-end directory. When it is specified, a new directory “/template” directory is created and the content will be either a copy (for Windows servers) or a symbolic link (for Unix servers) to all the templates present in the source template directory.
    The source theme folder is either the theme folder from the “template website” (when selected) or from master website.

When a website is already defined, additional information is displayed. The information displayed from the Joomla configuration is:

  • DB server name;
  • DB name;
  • DB table prefix;
  • DB login or User name;
  • DB password.



The site manager allows to create 'slave' sites that are associated to one or more domain names.

When you want to create a new website, you can either enter some information here, or make reference to a “website template” that contains the rules to create the new website. The definition of a “website template” is given in chapter “Website template” management.”

The "websites templates" define some generic parameters that may be used to compute some specific parameters such as:

  • media folder
  • image folder
  • template (themes) folder
  • table prefix

Deletion of a site consists in removing the directory where the Joomla configuration is stored.

By default, JMS does not delete the table associated to a website.
When the parameter "Delete database content" is set to YES, this delete all tables corresponding to the website prefix as it is defined in the Joomla configuration. So if you share the same DB for multiple websites, this only delete the table corresponding to the website that will be deleted.


This function checks if all the patches are installed.

At the top of the screen, you have two version number.
- The JMS version number;
- The patch definition versoin number. This latest number can be modified when using the "Check for Update" menu.

This check patches provide a report on a list of files that must be patched to work correctly in "Multi Sites" environment.
Beside each files, JMS provides the possible action that will be taken to correct a problem.

When calling "Install", the operation starts to make a backup of the current file into a "administrator/com_multisites/backup" directory and after it applies the patch.
The backup is used by "un-install" to restore the original file.


Website template is a feature that allows you to define generic rules that are used to create new web sites. The rules are very important when you want to use the “front-end” slave sites dynamic creation.

When you propose to your front-end “registered users” the possibility to create slave sites, the “website template” is used to compute the parameter that would normally be introduced by the JMS administrator when using the “site manager”.

The Website template manager allows to create 'websties templates' that will be to create new websites.

The template can either be used by the administrator to create new websites or by the front-end to create websites.

With the "Websites template", you define which slave site must be used as a reference to create another websites.
The "Websites template" can be pre-configured with specific extensions that will avoid to re-install them on all the websites that will be derived from this template.

In addition, it is possible to define some rules on based on some keywords to create new media folder, image folder, template, ...

With Check Patches, you have the list of file

Creation of a new 'slave' site consists in creation of the directory where will be store the Joomla configuration.
You also have to provide the list of domain names attached to this site.

When the site is created, you have to go in one of the corresponding domain name to have access to the standard Joomla installation procedure.
With the Joomla


Deletion of a site consists in removing the directory where the Joomla configuration is stored.

This does not delete any table from the database or whatever.


The site manager allows to create 'slave' sites that are associated to one or more domain names.


The procedure to perform a manual backup/restore depends on the platform (Windows or Linux).

The procedure consists in using a traditional Zip or tar + PHPMyAdmin export / import.
On windows platform, this is easy to zip and later unzip on your server.
On linux platform, you can tar -cvf (backup) and tar -xvf (restore)

Here we describe the procedure on a Linux with a cPanel and we assume that you have a SSH terminal available.
We also provide some usefull linux commands.

Backup the PHP Code

Change Directory
cd public_html

Show the list of files and folders
dir -l

Backup (PHP code) and Symbolic Links
tar -cvf [Deploy Dir].tar [Deploy Dir]

gzip [Deploy Dir].tar

If you want to replace the backup of the symbolic links by their content, add the "-h" parameter and also use the -z to compress the backup in one step
tar -chzf [Deploy Dir].tgz [Deploy Dir]

Move (or rename) a file
mv [Deploy Dir].tar.gz ../

Restore the PHP COde

Restore the files
Uncompress/decompress the gz
gunzip [Deploy Dir].tar.gz

Unpack (extract)
tar -xvf [Deploy Dir].tar

Print working directory (show the current path)

Check the content in the "/multisites/config_multisites.php"
Potentially delete the "master" cookies and master directory path.

Delete all the symbolic links present in each slaves sites "deployed directory".

Delete the "index.php" and "index2.php" present in the root of each "deployed directory".

Backup MySQL

You can either perform the backup of MySQL with PHPMyAdmin or an SSH command "mysqldump"

PHPMyAdmin backup = export

mysqldump --add-drop-table [DB NAME] >result.sql

Restore MySQL

You can either restore the MySQL DB using the PHPMyAdmin or with a SSH terminal  command "mysql"
Sometimes PHPMyAdmin does not allow using the restore and request that you are using a "mysql" command.

Restore from a SSH prompt
mysql -u<user name> -p<password> [DB Name] < [DB NAME].sql

mysql -u[MySQLUser Login] -p[MySQL Psw] [DB Name] < [DB NAME].sql

CRON backup script

A weekly backup script is available in the free download section.

This script can be called from a cron to perform the backup.

It is able to perform the backup of a DB and backup of a directory that can be automatically sent by FTP on another server in case of crash.

See Weekly backup script


Joobi JSetup is an extension encrypted with IonCube.


The installation of this extension into a slave site is not easy due to the way this extension is working and due to its encryption.

We have identified a method to re-install it into a slave site.

JMS does allow to re-install the extension into a slave site because JSetup delete its temporary component that is used for the installation.
Therefore JMS refuse to re-isntall it into a slave site because it does not find it in the master website.

The procedure consist in a partial installation of JSetup in the master website to let the JSetup temporary installation component "Joobi Installer" remaining on the master website.
So you install JSetup in the master website and stop when it ask you accept the license and click on "next" button to complete the installation.


Once you have the "Joobi Installer" present in the master website, you can now re-install JSetup in a slave site.

If will ask you again to accept the license and click on the next button.

Once you have installed JSetup in the slave site, the result will be that JSetup will delete on the disk the "joobi installer" that will cause your master website not able to use it anymore. At this moment, you can Uninstall "joobi installer" in the master website and re-install it for another slave site.


When you will try re-isntall again the JSetup in a second slave site, JSetup will detect that some files are already present on the disk and will propose you to un-install them for your current slave site (ie slave no 2). You can un-install them and re-install just after.

When done, you will have a second slave site installed with JSetup.


You have to repeat the master "joobi installer" uninstallation and partial re-installation to allow re-install JSetup in each slave site.


Based on the information provided by one of our customers, here it is the procedure he has communicated to us concerning the configuration of lighthttpd.conf.
The information provided below was not checked and is provided AS IS in hope this will help other customers


 1.- Enabled mod_simple_vhost en your /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

server.modules  = (
                                "mod_accesslog" )
2.- Configure a Virtual Host for your Parent Site
     $HTTP["host"]=~ "joomla.puebla.gob.mx"{
                                 server.document-root = "/var/www/lighttpd/puebla"

3.- Configure your Slave Sites using vhost sintaxys for the same Document root
     $HTTP["host"]=~ "joomla.sep.puebla.gob.mx"{
        simple-vhost.server-root = "/var/www/lighttpd"
        simple-vhost.document-root = "puebla"
4.- Restart lighttpd "/etd/init.d/lighttpd restart"


Get a new download ID for the latest version

To receive a new download ID corresponding to the product you have ordered, you have a special "get latest version" menu that is available when you are logged into JMS.

Select (check box) the product for which you want to receive a new download ID and click on "get latest version" button in the top right.

This will resend youan email with the new download ID corresponding to the selected producted.

Here we show in a video how to get the latest version.
You also have a PDF document with screenshot that show you how to get latest version.

How to update Joomla Multi Sites

Normally, you can install JMS over a current one.
Nevertheless, It is advised to "uninstall" the JMS patches with current version of JMS before installing the new JMS version.
When the new JMS version is installed, you can re-install the JMS patches.

Uninstall the JMS patches is also recommanded when you want to update Joomla itself.
This reduce a risk of inconsistency between the patches that are present and the patches that are missing due to the Joomla update (new files installed by Joomla).


When using Joomla Multi Sites on a Windows Platform, it is required that all the domain and sub-domain share the same directory path.

When you define the domain or sub-domain, you must be checked the permission of the directory that you have create allow to be accessible via Internet. For that, the security permission must include the user "Internet Guest Account".

Check that directory can be accessible from Internet


The second element is to share the same directory path than the master website.

For that, in IIS, when you have a look in the property of the domain or sub-domain that you have defined, you have to check the "home directory".
The local path must have a value identical to the one of your master website.
This is the path that JMS display you when you create a new slave site.

You may also have to check the permission of the domain or sub-domain to ensure that you allow to execute PHP script.
Otherwise, only HTML files can be displayed by your domain or sub-domain.

 Specify the same home directory than the master wesbite


The following procedure is a summary of the full procedure described by one of our customer and present in the PDF "How to configure JMS with IX Web Hosting". This ful document contain screenshot that can be helpfull.

In summary the operation consist to setup a domain as usual in IX WebHosting and retreive the "HTML Directory Name" that must be used by JMS in the deploy diirectory field. This assume that Symbolic Links is allowed in JMS.

  • Login in IX Web Hosting
  • Select Hosting Products menu / Manage 
  • Click on "Domains" present in the section "Main"
  • Click on "Add a new domain" button in bottom right
  • Enter the domain name
  • When done, edit the domain that you have just created to retreive the "HTML Directory Name" that must be used in JMS deploy directory
  • Return in "main" section and select "Web Options" to setup your domain to recognize index.php by default
  • Enable MultiViews
  • Go now in "Tools" section and start "File Manager"
  • Remove or rename the index.html

This message may appears when try to access a slave site that you have created into JMS and when you have deployed your website into a specific directory.

In this case, JMS creates several Symbolic Links into the deployed directory and in particular a Symbolic Link on the installation directory.

The problem may comes on the fact that apaches is not configured to follow the symbolic link and therefore that the installation PHP files can not be founded.

When you are using the ".htaccess" provided by Joomla it normally contain a statement like
Options +FollowSymLinks

This statement inform apache to follow the symbolic links.

If you don't use the  ".htaccess", you may have to directly enable the FollowSymLinks into the apache configuration file.


The present GoDaddy domain configuration is based on the configuration of a customer.

Thsi procedure shows you how to configure several domain to share the same directory path than the master domain.

The steps described below are:

  • Login to the "Hosting Management" -> "My Hosting Account"
  • Manage the Hosting: Select "My Products" menu, option "Hosting"and in "Control Panel" click on the link "Manage Account"
  • Go in the "Domain Management".
    - Open the "Setting" panel;
    - Click on icon "Domain Management" to display the list of domain that are currently attached to your account.
  • Clik on button "Add Domain" (top right)
  • Enter your "domain name" and specify its "folder".
    For Joomla Mulii Sites, put here the same folder than the one used by your master domain.


 My Hosting Account Maangement - Login

Manage account

 Manage hosting account

Domain Management

Domain Management

 Add Domain

Add a Domain

 Domain name and folder definition

Domain name and folder definition


Here below, we present how to configure a domain or a sub-domain on DreamHost web hosting.
The ScreenShots have been provided by a customers that use Joomla Multi Sites.

In summary, the operation consists in:

  • Go in "Manage Domain" and click on "Add New Domain / Sub-Domain)
  • When you arrive in the "Manage Domains"
    • "Host to domain": Enter the domain or sub-domain you want to host
    • "Specify your web directory": Change the default value by the directory path of your master website.
      For example
      if you have a "domain.com" with directory "/home/username/domain.com".
      When you define a "subdomain.domain.com" must change the path to "/home/username/domain.com".

Here are the screenshots that illustrate this case

Manage Domain

 Add a doamin or sub-domain

Specify Website Directory

 Definition of a Website Directory


Some customers use Plesk for the administration of their domains.

Most Plesk users know how to create a domain but not necessary how to provide a specific folder for this domain.
In general the users create a domain that has its own folder.

When working on Unix platform, Joomla Multi Sites Version 1.1.x or higher offers you the possibility to deploy a website in a different directory than the master but only if the Symbolic Links is supported by your hosting provider and if you have the permission to create such links between the directories.
In this case, you can specify the directory that is created by Plesk from within Jommla Multi Sites.

If you want to use the same directory as the master website (as we recommend), the procedure below is provided by one of our customers.
We are providing it to help Plesk users in the configuration of their system.
We cannot guarantee the accuracy.

In summary:

  • Login into Plesk
  • Click on Domain
  • Click on the Master domain on which you want to add alias
  • Click on "domain alias" 
  • Add the different slave sites as an alias domain of your master.
    As the slave sites are defined as an alias (synomym) of the master website, they automatically also use the same path of the master websites. This means that they share the same files and folder of the Joomla Installation.

 Login into plesk

 Login into Plesk

Click on the domain

 Select Domain management

Click on the "master-domaincom" to enter in the DNS definition of this domain

 Enter in the master domain definition

Click on Add Domain Alias to declare the slave sites as a synonym (alias) of the master website

 Add plesk domain alias


Joomla Multi Sites (Version 1.0.x and also Version 1.1.x when Symbolic Links is not available) requires that ALL the domains and sub-domains SHARE the same directory (The Joomla Installation - Files and Folders).

The procedure below describes how to check if the Domain Hosting is correctly configured for each of the domains that you want that Joomla Multi Sites manage.

This procedure does NOT require Joomla Multi Sites and can be tested totally independently without anything else than the "hello world" files that you can be download here.

The objective is to install a "hello word" file into the directory of your master domain and check if you can see also this files from the domain that will be used as slave domain.

The hello.zip file contain:

  • hello.txt : This file contain "Hello world";
  • hello.php : This file is a php script that:
    • display the text "Hello world script";
    • display the current path where it is installed
    • test if the Symbolic Links are available on your environment
      This last point is important when your different domains are located and defined into separated directories.
      In this case, the Symbolic Links could be (conditional) used to create a bridge between the master directory and the slave directory. Perhaps you will encounter permission problem to create the bridge between the master and slave directory.
    • When the slave sites is located into another directory than the master website AND the Symbolic Links is present then this script also allow you to test the creation of the bridge between the Slave Site and the Master Website.
      This allows you to verify if the Joomla Multi Site Symbolic Link feature present in the version 1.1.x can be used.

If you want to see a sample of results of those scripts and therefore the expected results here are some links that you can use.
Master website URL:

Slave website URL

Notice the both Master and Slave websites display exactly the same "The current path is".
This is because the Domain hosting share the SAME path (share the same joomla installation - share the same files and folders)

"Hello world" Installation and test procedure

  • Unzip the hello.zip file into the root of domain you will consider as it will be your master websites.
  • Enter the URL http://www.master_domain.com/hello.txt
    You should see the "Hello world" text displayed.
    • If you see the "Hello world" text, you can repeat the operation with the script "hello.php"
      This script will display "Hello world script" and additinoal information such as the path where it is installed and if the Symbolic Links are available
  • Now that you know the the"hello" files are correctly installed on the master website, you can check the slave site domain hosting configuration
  • If the "hello.php" display that "Symbolic Links IS NOT OK", this means that is mandatory to map all the slave sites into the same path than the master website. The path is the one displayed by "hello.php" script.
  • If the "hello.php" display that "Symbolic Links is PRESENT", this means that it should be possible to have the slave sites deployed into an external directory. Perhaps you will encounter later problem with permission.

Test that slave sites are mapped in the same directory than the master website

The objectif is to check that you can see the "hello.txt" file from the other slave domain.
To help you, the "hello.php" script display the path that must be used when you setup the slave domain into your Domain Hosting tools.

You can have different scenario:

Case of another domain than the master domain

He this is the case of "www.slave-domain.com" and "www.master-domain.com".
In this case, it is necessary to ensure that both domain (slave and master) use the same full path.

GoDaddy - Domain and Sub-domain setting with the same folder path

This is a summary of the steps to configure GoDaddy:

  • Login to the "Hosting Management" -> "My Hosting Account"
  • Manage the Hosting: Select "My Products" menu, option "Hosting"and in "Control Panel" click on the link "Manage Account"
  • Go in the "Domain Management".
    - Open the "Setting" panel;
    - Click on icon "Domain Management" to display the list of domain that are currently attached to your account.
  • Clik on button "Add Domain" (top right)
  • Enter your "domain name" and specify its "folder".
    For Joomla Mulii Sites, put here the same folder than the one used by your master domain.

 See also Godaddy Configuration here.

CPanel  - Same path using AddOn Domain

When using CPanel, this can be achieved with AddOn domain where you can specify the path that must be used by the domain. Becarefull if you are using different CPanel account. In this case, it is probable that path will be different as they will be relative to each account. You probably will have to consider using Symbolic Links to create a link between the different accounts.
In summary:

  • Go in CPanel and select AddOn domain
  • Once in the AddOn Domains, then you will see an interface similar to this:
    Create an AddOn domain
    • New domain: the “slave site” name
    • Document Root: This is the root where the Master Site with the installed component is installed.
      This is also the path that is displayed by JMS after it has created the slave site (see the message in blue in the top)

See also CPanel Configuration here. For screen shot provided by one of our customer: click here

When you have configured your CPanel, you can test the "hello.txt" file and "hello.php" scripts.

If you have an "page not found" when you enter your the URL with the slave domain, this probably means that the path is not the identical to the master domain.
If you have in the "hello.php" result the text "Symbolic Link is PRESENT" then it is posible that you could use symbolic links to create the bridge between the master website and the slave sites. In this case you will have to use the "deployment directory" feature available in Joomla Multi Sites. This will only work if you have the permission to create such links.

The "Hello World Script" alllows you to test if the Symbolic Link solution can work in this case.
When you are on the master website, it gives you the possibility to enter the path of your slave site in aim to create a Symbolic Link in this directory. The Symbolic Link created is "master_link".
With this Symbolic Link created into the Slave Site, you can test if it is possible to see the master website from the slave site.

Plesk - Create an alias domain on the master domain
When using Plesk tool to configure the Hosting Domains, this can be achieved in defining domain alias on the master domain.
When you define an alias, this automatically use the same path than your master domain as it is defined as a synonym (an alias).
The procedure conisists in:

  • Login into Plesk
  • Click on Domain
  • Click on the master domain to manage it
  • Click on "alias domain" to create alias on the master domain
  • Create entries for the slaves domain.

To have a more detailled description of this procedure and screen shot, see How to configure Plesk alias domain.

Case of sub-domains using the same domain than the master domain

He this is the case of "slave1.master-domain.com".
In this case, you can generally defined the sub-domain (slave1) as a Hosting Domain alias of your (master-domain.com).
When you define an alias, this automatically use the same path than your master domain as it is defined as a synonym (an alias).



YES, with JMS 1.2.x, it is now possible to share the users between several website.
With this new feature, you can share the standard Joomla users but also a limited number of extension such as:

  • VirtueMart users;
  • Full VritueMart including the catalog, prices, ...
  • Full Community Builder
  • Full JomSocial
  • Full SOBI2

This is not an exhaustive list.

Joomla multisite version 1.2.x also share the sessions (Single Sign-in). That means for example that you don't have to login again when you go from one website to another website.

In previous version JMS 1.0.x or JMS 1.1.x, it was NOT possible to share the users.

By default with JMS each website is totally independent and also the database content.

Yes and No.


because JMS only share the files and folders present on the disk. It shares the Joomla Installation.

The each websites used its own content or at least different table prefix when it shares the same database.

This means that articles, news, forum, users or whatever that is stored in the database is totally independent.


because we have developped a special component Articles Sharing for Joomla Multi Sites that allow to display the articles, categories, sections from any websites defined with Joomla Multi Sites.
With this extensin, you don't need anymore to replicate or use special extension to synchronise the websites.

This “Articles Sharing” consists in a new menu type “Multi Sites articles sharing” that works like the standard Joomla menu type “Articles” except it adds the possibility to select the websites where the articles, categories, or sections are located.
Articles Sharing for Joomla Multi Sites only display the articles.
The menu type implemented are:
-    Multi Sites articles layout;
-    Multi Sites Category Blog Layout;
-    Multi Sites Category List Layout;
-    Multi Sites Front Page Blog Layout;
-    Multi Sites Section Blog Layout;
-    Multi Sites Sections Layout;
It does not allow to edit or submit articles.
“Archives” is not implemented.

The articles sharing required with JMS 1.1.5 or higher.


YES, we have redo the test with Joomla 1.5.8 and it is working.
We already have customers that have updated with success their Joomla and now working with the version 1.5.8.


Joomla Multi Sites requires that all the websites (master websites and all the slave sites) share the same Joomla Installation folder.

This mean that you have to setup each domain to be mapped on the same folder.

In the procedure below, we summarize the different steps to folllow.
We also provide you a link to a document provided by one of our customer that explain with screen shot, the different steps he followed to configure CPanel.

In summary:

  • Go in CPanel and select AddOn domain
  • Once in the AddOn Domains, then you will see an interface similar to this:
    Create an AddOn domain
    • New domain: the “slave site” name
    • Document Root: This is the root where the Master Site with the installed component is installed.
      This is also the path that is displayed by JMS after it has created the slave site (see the message in blue in the top)
For screen shot provided: click here

Sometimes, you install a slave site and you forget to install the "sample data" or you change your mind after the installation.

The procedure below give you different alternatives to recreate a database with the sample data

Solution 1: Delete the sites and recreate it.

This probably the faster method and that can be done using JMS interface.

Solution 2: Create a second site that use the same DB name and table prefix

This solution consists in creating another slave site in using the same db name and table prefix than the previous one. When it is installed, you can delete the second site.
This solution is slower because it requires to declare the new domain or sub-domain.

Solution 3: Delete the configuration present in the specific site directory.

This solution consists in a manual deletion of the file configuration.php present in the directory multisites/xxx where xxx is the site id.
When you connect again into the slave site, it will request a new installation.
This solution is very fast but require a direct access to the file. (You need an FTP tool, telnet, or a direct access to the file)


Sometime when sharing a large number of websites, it is welcome to have specific folders for Media or Images.
In Joomla global configuration, it is possible to change the default Media and Images folder present in the system panel.

If you want to change those default value for a slave site, it is suggested to point on a directory that contains a duplication of the original Media / Images folder in aim to provide a default set of images. 

Those setting are saved in the database and are specific to a website.


Joomla FTP Layer is a feature introduced in Joomla 1.5 to resolve some permission problem experienced by many Linux/Unix host Users.

Some Hosting provider or Shared hosting servers or simply server may have a high security level that does not autorize to write files or create directories.

With Joomla 1.5 and FTP Layer, it is now possible to use FTP to create directories or simply write files.
To use the FTP Layer, some parameters must be specified such as the URL or IP address, the user name and the password.

The FTP Layer can be setup during the installation or changed in the Global Configuratoin (if you can write it).
If you have already installed Joomla and the FTP Layer is not enable and you can not modify it using the Global configuration, the only solution consists in updating the "configuration.php" file manually. (Probably using an FTP connection or telnet).

The FTP Layer is mainly used by Joomla when installing new extensions but also by some functions like update the Global Configuration.
Joomla Multi Sites also use this feature to create the slave site directory and its specific configuration file.

Standard Joomla has the possibility to specify a table prefix for all the tables created for a website.
By default, the table prefix is jos_ but can be modified when multiple websites share the same database.

Joomla Multi Sites uses also this feature that consists in using different table prefix when multiple websites wants to share the same database.

The configuration of the table prefix can be specified at the installation as show below or after the installation in using the adminitration global configuration panel.

Multi Sites in the same DB with different table  prefix




Some customers have reported a problem during the standard Joomla installation.

If you received an error like:

Undefined index: DBtype in /home/heinoset/muut_html/joomla/installation/installer/models/model.php on line 764

This is due to a problem when installing the sample data or trying to migrate some data from an older joomla database.
To solve this problem, it is recommended to install joomla without the sample data.

This problem is reported with Joomla Multi Sites 1.0.8 and affect also all previous versions.

This issue is solved in Patch Definition versoin 1.0.7 or higher.


Joomla multisites is sensitive to permission as it needs to update some core Joomla files.
When working in Windows environement, the FTP Layer can not be used to solve the permission problem.
An alternative solution consist in giving ALL rights to IIS during the installation of JMS.

The  procedure below describe how to change the permission in Internet Information Service (IIS).
This procedure consists in:

  • Add the user everyone to main directory of the website
  • Give to the user everyone the permission "WRITE"
  • Install Joomla Multi Sites
  • Remove the user everyone to restore the IIS normal rights.

Start Administrative tool - Internet Information Service (IIS) manager

 Start the IIS Management tool


Select the permission menu

First select the directory where you want to change the permission. In our case, we have selected the root directory of our website.
Click the right button to see the contextual menu.

Select the permission contextual option


Add the "everyone" user

Here the objective is to add the user "everyone" with the "write" permission

First click ADD to add a new user

Add a new user

Enter the "everyone" and check it exists and is correctly spelled.

Add the user

Set write permission to the "everyone" user

Here the objective is to add the user "everyone" with the "write" permission

Enable the WRITE permission


NOW YOU CAN INSTALL Joomla Multi Sites.

Don't forget to DELETE the user "EveryOne" when the installation is done.


Keep 'jos_' table prefix for the websites is possible when only one site uses this database.
When one or more slave sites share the same database, the 'jos_' table prefix CAN NOT be used because all the users present in the jos_users are deleted during the installation of a slave site. (Whatever the table prefix chosen during the installation procedure).

Some person wants to install Joomla Multi Sites on an existing websites that is already installed using the 'jos_' table as prefix.
This is possible if ALL the slave sites are installed using one or multiple databases other than the master site database.

In that case, the slave sites will use diffrerent table prefix and never use the 'jos_' table prefix.
As any 'jos_' table is present in the slave database, there is no risk to delete the jos_users present in the slave database.
If you want to keep 'jos_' table prefix for the slave sites, you will have to create as many slave database than there are slave sites.

In conclusion, each time you want to use 'jos_' as table prefix for a website, this website must be alone to use this database.
When you share a same database for multiple website, you can NEVER use 'jos_' table prefix to prevent the jos_users record deletion during the installation of a slave site.

NO, we have decided to deliver this component with a GNU/GPL V2 license.
This mean that the PHP code is delivered in clear without any obfuscation mechanism.
This also explain why we do not deliver this component for a trial period. (Because there is no protection).

YES, it is possible to see JMS working in a demo environment.
You have a description of this demonstration environment in the document "demo installation".
We invite you to read this document that show you all the steps of a typical installation and will give the URL of the master and slave sites.

In addition, we have live installation.
This www.jms2win.com is already a slave site of our company website.
www.faq2win.com is another slave site that share the same database than www.jms2win.com


NO, a trial version of JMS is not available.
It is not possible to create a special JMS that will not provide all the functionalities or give the full functionalities for a limited period of time.
As this is a component developped in PHP, it is difficult to protect this code. Event with obfuscation.

To help you have a better idea on how JMS is working, you have different video present in the tutorial that illustrate some cases:

  • Tutorial Step 0 present the concept of joomla multisite
  • Tutorial step 9 present how to create a slave site into a sub-directory of the master website.
  • Tutorial step 13 present how to create a slave site from the front-end.
    It uses the "website template" to define the replicate rules that must be applied to create the new slave sites.

For people that want to test this component, we have a "demo" website that can be used on case by case basis to test the installation of specific extensions.
We give the administrator password to the potential customer that have doubt concerning the installation of some extensions.
As there is only one demo environment and we have to reset it each time a new customer want to test his specific extension, this explain why we deliver the login and password for a limited period of time and on case by case basis.


When an error message “Unable to write entry” appears, this means that joomla try to extract files from an archive (tar.gz) file and that the destination is write protected.
This can happen when some files of the list of patches have the "Read only" attribute or when the owner is different than the current one.

The action consist to check the permission and owner of each files present in the patches list.
Starting with Joomla Multi Sites version 1.0.4, additional checks are now performed to report the user on potential permission problem.

Some customers have reported some difficulties when using Joomla Fantastico that protect files and give different owner between joomla standard files and the extensions.


YES, with JMS 1.2.x, it is now possible to share the users between several website.
With this new feature, you can share the standard Joomla users but also a limited number of extension such as:

  • VirtueMart users;
  • Full VritueMart including the catalog, prices, ...
  • Full Community Builder
  • Full JomSocial
  • Full SOBI2

This is not an exhaustive list.

In JMS 1.0.x or JMS 1.1.x, it was NOT possible share the user.


YES, each web sites can select its own default template.
As each sites use its own database or at least diffrent table prefix, the customisation each sites is independant.
The only exception concern the extension that save their configuration information on disk rather than in database.
Sometime we have to provide a patch for such extensions to let them use separate configuration.


YES, all websites share the same Joomla Installation.
In fact, a new 'multisites' directory is created and store all the 'configuration.php' parameters associeted to each website.
In such maner that we a domain is called, Joomla Multi Site select the appropriate 'conifiguration.php' file to connect the database and proceed with the request.


JMS Multisites version 1.3.90 - All Editions

  • Fix a PHP 8.x compatibility fatal error during the JMS product registration;


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.79

  • Fix the patch "defines" for Joomla 5.0



Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.78

  • Fix the patch "defines" for Joomla 4.4

Jms Multisite version 1.3.88 - All Editions

  • Add compatibiity with Joomla 5.0 and J4.4;


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.77

  • Add Joomla 5 compatiblity

JMS Multisites version 1.3.87 - All Editions

  • Fix some deprecated messagers with PHP 8.2.
  • Fix some compatibiity issues with Joomla 4.3 with the Maintenance Menu;

Jms Multisites version 1.3.86 (All Editions)

Fix some PHP Fatal error reported with PHP 8.1.

  • In the JMS Tool menu, you could get an error 500 that may be due to new restriction in PHP 8.
    The error was due to an assignment by reference that is now forbiden
  • Also fix an error in the JMS registration that is due to Joomla 4 compatibility

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.76


  • Propagate the fix in the "defines_multisites.php" for Joomla 4 and PHP 8 to all Joomla 1.5 till 3.10 to remove a JMS Patches "warning" with those older versions
  • Fix a PHP 8.x fatal error in a old Patch applied on JDatabase for all Joomla < 4.0 - It is not applied on J4.x

Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.84 All Editions


  • Fix some PHP Fatal error reported with PHP 8.0.
    Use PHP Reflexion to compute the syntax parameters on some functions due to PHP 8 polymorphism removed.
    Now it is mandatory to redeclare function as its parent one.
    The PHP reflexion is required due to different parameter syntax depending on the Joomla version.


  • Fix Joomla 4 compatibility concerning the Maintenance Menu.
    - Some javascript error are caused by JQuery that is removed in J4 and replaced by native Javascript
    - Fix some internal string tokenization affected by new extensions.sql files containing escaped characters for the #__finder_terms_common table
    - Fix the Joomla version detection and compatibility as the JVersion class removed the "RELEASE" member
    - Add a new Joomla extension ID detection as it is no more a constant 700. J4.0+ has replaced the 700 by a flag in the #__extension table "locked" for type='file' and 'element=joomla'

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.75

  • Fix some PHP 8 and Joomla 4 compatiblity

Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.83 All Editions

Fix a PHP Fatal error that is revealed with PHP 7.4 concerning the reference to a variable and also occurs in PHP 8.x


Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.82 All Editions

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.74

  • Fix a patch under Joomla 4.2 concerning the patch in the 'libraries/src/Installer/Installer.php' that has a new finger print and implementation.

Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.81 All Editions

  • Fix save of the settings when testing the JPATH_ROOT
  • Fix the "InstallComponent_j16" under Joomla 4.x to fix column list that changed in #__extensions
  • Fix some Javascript error under J4.0 in JMS / Tools and JMS / Maintenance
  • Replace call to Mootools or JQuery by native Javascript
  • Add PHP 8 compatibility.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.73

  • Fix a patch under Joomla 4.0 to "temporary" remove the JMS InstallerOverwrite to allow re-installing an extension inside a slave site without any verification.
    The InstallerOverwrite is complex under J4.x because when JMS is started, Joomla is not initialized yet and under J4.x, the Installer require that Joomla application is initialized.
    So we decided to disable this feature in JMS while we are searching for another solution to continue providing such functionality under Joomla 4.x



Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.80 All Editions

Improve compatibility with joomla 4.0.0 RC-6

Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.80 Full edition

  • Add PHP 7.3+ compatibility in the front-end website creation when processing the JMS layout


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.72

  • Add patch compatiblity with Joomla 4.0



Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.79 All Editions

Fix a bug introduced with the partial joomla 4.0.0 RC-1 compatibility caused by a Javascript syntax error associated to several button actions.
The bug affected several JMS menus and actions.


Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.78 All Editions

  • Add partial joomla 4.0.0 RC-1 compatibility
    • Remove call to JSTring and use PHP Native instead.
    • Fix some java list selection (checkAll, isChecked) to enable the action button under J4.0
    • Remove some PHP Notice present in PHP 7.2+


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.71

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - VMCustomFiltersPRO
  • Add Joomla 3.8, 3.9, 4.0 sharing definition for:
    - VMCustomFiltersPRO

Jms Multisite for Joomla version 1.3.77 All Editions


  • Add joomla 3.10.0 alpha-3 compatibility
  • Add partial joomla 4.0.0 beta-7 compatibility
    • Menu Layout unavailable under J4.0
    • Re-installation of an extension in a slave site with the Joomla / Extension Manager => Install is NOT tested and potential patches are NOT present.
    • Use the Joomla / Extension Manager => Discover menu instead
    • The installation and sharing of an extension from the JMS Tools menu is not verified and certified yet.



Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.70


  • Add Joomla 4.0 patch compatibility
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Chronoform 7
    - J2Store
    - My Maps location
    - OS Membership Pro



Jms Multisites for Joomla version 1.3.76 All Editions

  • Fix some joomla 3.9 compatibility in the JMS Full edition and website creation from the front-end
  • Remove some PHP 7.x notice, warning and deprecated messages


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.69

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Affiliate Tracker
    - Chameleon
    - DPCalendar
    - JA Mega Filter
    - JChatSocial Enterprise
    - JSN PageBuilder 3
    - Maximenu CK Hikashop
    - Membership Pro
    - SumoMe
    - VikRestaurants
    - Webtexttool
  • Add Joomla 3.8 sharing definition for:
    - Affiliate Tracker
    - jChat
    - PayPlans
    - VikRestaurants



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.75 - All Editions

  • Add joomla 3.9 compatibility
  • Remove some PHP 7 notice message that may forbid create joomla session when the messages are displayed upon screen


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.68

  • Add Joomla 3.9 patch compatibility

Jms Multisite for joomla version 1.3.74 - All Editions

Fix the definition of new extension in an existing website with the JMS Open/Save definition when the slave site had used the Joomla / Extension / Discover menu.
In Joomla 3.x, when an extension is discovered, joomla adds its definition into the DB with a specific state that JMS didn't took into account.
This fix consists in comparing the extension between the parent (generally the master) and the slave site to deploy by excluding all the "discovered" and not installed yet extensions.

Full Editions (only)

Add the possiblity to create views (Partial Sharing) based on on "userdefs" field.
In this case, the tag is {userdefs:<field name>}.
Also added the {user_id} as keyword in <tablewhere> to allow customization record based on the user that create the website.
This can be helpfull when building affiliate websites.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.67

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Droptables
    - JCH Optimize
    - List Manager
    - Nextend System
    - Regular Labs - Extension Manager
    - Smart Slider 3
    - Social Login And Social Share
    - VikRentCar
    - MarketPlace
    - VMuikit
  • Add Joomla 3.7 sharing definition for:
    - Partial Sharing on Hikashop category, order, price, taxation
  • Add Joomla 3.8 sharing definition for:
    - Partial Sharing on Hikashop category, order, price, taxation
    - VikRentCar
    - VMMarketlace

Jms mutlisite for joomla version 1.3.73 (All Editions)

- Remove some PHP Strict or Deprecated messages that can appears on PHP 7.x
- Add the possiblity to overide the test of symbolic link to force enabling/disabling.
- Add low level functionalities to provide some PHP 7.x compatiblities for the other extensions like the "Article Sharing for JMS"


Jms multisite for joomla version (All Editions)

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.66

  • Update the patch for the "libraries/joomla/filesystem/path.php" to provide compatibilty with Joomla 3.8.4
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Membership Pro

Jms multisite for joomla versino 1.3.71 All Editions

  • Implement a work arround relative to a regression bug present in Joomla 3.7 and 3.8 that affect the registry that may cause connection to a wrong DB.
  • Force using MySQLi driver under PHP 7.0+ when the removed MySQL driver was still specified.
  • Under Joomla 2.5+, remove in the JMS Tools the list of the extensions that are just discovered and not installed.


Full edition

  • Fix the selection of a JMS layout from the front-end under joomla 3.8.
    The default layout was always selected because the value of the element could not be read. (changed of place).


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.65

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - EasyArticles
    - FastSeller
    - JomOffers
    - JSN EasySlider
    - JSN Sun Framewor
    - JSN ImageShow (Update)

Jms Multisite for joomla version 1.3.70 - All Editions

Fix a Joomla 3.7 and 3.8 compatibility, when forcing the default language of a slave site, the joomla session was not completly initialized by the core of joomla and we have added those missing initialisation inside JMS to fix the issue.
The symptom was that a message "You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#xxx)."
That affected the edition of all the contents (users, articles, contact, categories, ...)


Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.69 - All Editions

  • Fix several Joomla 3.8 compatibility.
    In particular fix a PHP Fatal error in the JMS Maintenance.
    Also fix the J3.8 version detection in the JMS Maintenance.
  • Update some core JMS required for a future JMS 1.4.x that will include a new Multisite Update feature to propagate the Joomla Update to all the slave sites.
    Allows now calling the Joomla Update in a the slave to finalise the database structure upgrade.
    This method should be tried before the Extension Manager / Database => Fix because the database fix does NOT process the INSERT statement.
    Also add patches to manage some MySQL errors during the Joomla Update in case where some ALTER TABLE would be executed on shared tables (VIEWS).
    Now such errors are ignored to allow the Joomla Update processing the maxium of statement and reduce the risk to a stop on MySQL error.
  • Remove several PHP Notice and PHP Strict messages. Added __constructor() functions.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.64

  • Add patches in JInstaller to converting some SQL errors into warning during the Joomla Update processing.
  • Add patches in JInstallerScript to converting some SQL errors into warning during the Joomla Update processing.

- Add plugins

  • The plugin system/multisiteupdate is in charge to filter the Joomla Update processing
  • The plugin installer/multisiteupdate is in charge to filter the MySQL errors that may occurs during a Joomla Update and parsing of Schema Updates "ParseSchemaUpdates() function" or "ConvertTablesToUtf8mb4()"



Jms Multisite for joomla version 1.3.68 (All Editions)

  • Add Joomla 3.8 compatibility
  • Add the Joomla Update feature under Joomla 3.7 or higher.
    In the about menu, a new "download ID" info is added to allow JMS get the update of itself when a new release is published.
    It is required that the extension is registered by the person who has purchased the product.
    The download ID is automatically collected by JMS when the product is registered.
    When the download ID is attached to the product, JMS adds the info into the Joomla Update to allow including it into the list of the extensions to check for update.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.63

  • Add patches for Joomla 3.8



Jms multisite for Joomla version 1.3.67 - All Editions

Add the processing of the MySQL error 1066 (No unique table/alias) that can occur on CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS.
Now when this happen during the update of a slave site, this error code (1066) is considered as success when the table already exists.


Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.66 (All Editions)

Add the possibility to specify a language code associated to a domain name with the objective to allow the Multisites Menu Item, Article Sharing or other extensions using a specific domain name instead of the first one of the list according to the current language code.
The language code is added as suffix to the domain with language code into parenthesis without space like
Short language code is also accepted to avoid providing a country code

When several occurrences of a same language code is present, like
That will be the first one that will be selected by the "Multisite Menu Item" or "Article Sharing for JMS".

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.62

  • Remove a PHP Notice relative to a variable not defined in the Geo_localisation
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JBackend
    - Mobile Joomla (updated for version 2)

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.61

Improve the "multisites switcher" when working on "localhost" with _host_ to avoid PHP Fatal error under J3.4 and higher


Jms Multisites for Joomla version 1.3.65 - All Editions

  • Add Joomla 3.7.0 RC2 Compatiblity


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.60

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multi Sites Redir Zip
    - OSMap
  • Add Joomla 3.6 sharing definition for:
    - RSTicketsPro



Jms Multisites for joomla 1.3.64 all edition

Fix a PHP fatal error that may occurs in the JMS Templates edition

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.59

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Appointment Booking Pro v3
    - SP Upgrade
  • Add Joomla 3.6 sharing definition for:
    - AwoCoupon
    - Appointment Booking
    - Virtue Affiliate



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.63 - All Editions

  • Add Joomla 3.4+ compatibilty to let the normal processing doing the install (or update) when the parameter 'Ignore Version' is enabled in JMS.
  • Add Joomla 3.5+ compatibility relative to the saving of parameters in some "multisites extensions" like the "Article Sharing".
  • Fix a PHP fatal error that can occurs when a call to the API that provide the list of template is called from a plugin like the SSI For domains.
    Ensure that the "DS" is defined to avoid PHP fatal error

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.58

  • Improve the "multisites switcher" that make the CLI working like "localhost" and allow adding the "_host_" parameter when executing a CLI program
    ie. Syntax is :
    php /home/account/public_html/cli/finder_indexer.php _host_=http://slave.com
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Layer Slider
    - SP Page Builder
    - vData



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.62 - All Editions

- Fix display and saving of the slave site comboBox API provided to the extensions like "Single-Sign-In for domains" under J3.x
Also remove a PHP Fatal error when the API is called directly from an environment that didn't defined the "DS" variable.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.57

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Fix JomFish definition to avoid removing the Joomla core language table when it is uninstalled.
    - Unite Revolution Slider
  • Add Joomla 3.4, 3.5 & 3.6 sharing definition for:
    - Unite Revolution Slider

Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.61 (All Editions)

Adds the Joomla 3.6 definition and compatiblity

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.56

  • Improve the patch on JPath::find to verify that the virtual path exists. Otherwise, keep the pathinstead of physical path to allow extensions like SCLogin compute correctly the CSS path.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AltaUserPoints
    - Ark Editor
    - jHackGuard
    - Map Locations
    - Share For Points

Jms multisites for joomla 1.3.60

All Editions

  • In the JMS Maintenance menu, add the possiblity to search on a specific extension name.
    When the "search" field start with "com_" then the search is performed on extensions name.
    It is also possible to provide a list of component name separated with a commas.
    ie. com_multisites, com_meeting2win, com_hikainvoices
  • Remove plently of PHP Strict message when the Joomla debug mode is enabled
  • Add in the JMS Tools menu, the reading of the language from the extension directory in addition of the administrator/languages and /languages.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.55

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - jDBexport

Jms multisite for joomla 1.3.59 All Editions

  • Authorize the "^" character inside the DB Password field present in the JMS Template and JMS Manage.
  • Fix a PHP fatal error under Joomla 3.2.1


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.54

  • Add a patch on JPath::find to return virtual path instead of physical path to allow extensions like SCLogin compute correctly the CSS path.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JLMS Community Profile



Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.58

Fix the Fix relatif to JRegistry implemented in J1.3.57 that had a side effect into the Joomla Web Installer that didn't worked anymore and replied by "no configuration or installation missing"

The fix affected the Joomla Web Installer under Joomla 3.x


Jms multisites for Joomla version 1.3.57

All Editions

  • Add in the core of JMS the possibility to exclude table using wildcard.
  • Fix a PHP Fatal error when "Set Default Language" is used under Joomla 3.4.
    The JRegister class were not defined and replaced by an alias on the NameSpace Joomla\Registry\Registry


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.53

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Securitycheck Pro
    - Zh GoogleMap



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.56 - All Editions

Add Joomla 3.5.0 beta 1 compatibility

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.52

  • Add Joomla 3.5.0 beta 1 compatibility (update the list of patches)
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - CM Coupon Listing
    - iCagenda
    - Sexy Polling PRO
    - VAPUpdater (VikAppointment)



Jms multisite for joomla (All Editions)

Improve the JMS maintenance menu to recongnize the MySQL statement "ADD COLUMN CONSTRAINT <fieldname>".
In fact ignore the word CONSTRAINT when searching the <fieldname> during the verification that a column (field) exists in a MySQL table.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.51

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JBusinessDirectory
    - JoomlaLMS
    - Store Locator
  • Update Joomla 3.4 sharing definition for:
    - JBusinessDirectory
    - JoomlaLMS



Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.54

All Editions
- Update the maintenance menu to add joomla 3.4.3 MySQL definition.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.50

  • Add Joomla 3.4 compatibility when installing an extension from a slave site.
    It consists in adding the declaration of the Registry name space to allow the JRegistry alias class to be defined.
    This error may cause a fatal error when trying to install an extension from a slave site.



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.53 (All Editions)

Fix a PHP Fatal error that may occur on J3.x during the uninstall of a component or a module from the slave site extension manager

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.49

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Mshah Frontend User Manager
  • Update Joomla 3.3 & 3.4 sharing definition for:
    - SOBI Pro



Jms multisite for joomla 1.3.52 (All Editions)

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.48 that add Joomla 3.4 compatibility when re-installing an extension from a slave site.
A PHP Fatal error was raised when re-installing an extension for the slave site.

The error was due to a regression bug in core J3.4 that does not declare the JRegistry via their autoload.
The present work arround add consists in adding the missing JRegistry declaration under J3.4.


Jms multisite for Joomla version 1.3.51

Is Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.47

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - ChronoForms5
    - Easy Timetable
    - JLike
    - People Suggest
    - Phoca Download
    - VMVendor
  • Add Joomla 3.3 & 3.4 sharing definition for:
    - VMVendor



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.50 - All Editions

Fix an error in the JMS Tool module installation when the module ID is different between the FROM and the TO website.
In that case, the installation was not possible and a MySQL error was reported with module ID = 0.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.46

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JGrid



Jms multisite for joomla - All Editions

is Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.45

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - DJ Classifieds
    - EU e-Privacy Directive
    - JSN Mobilize
    - JSN PageBuilder
    - JSN UniForm
    - LMS King
    - NextGenEditor
    - Update for WidgetKit 2
  • Update Joomla 1.5, sharing definition for:
    - Hikashop partial sharing on the orders
  • Update Joomla 2.5, 3.3 & 3.4 sharing definition for:
    - WidgetKit 2



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.48 - All Editions

Add a special JMS Tools code to recognize the DOCMan vers 2.0 that is now defined by the authors as a core joomla extension with a special installer.
This now allows displaying the DOCman extension in the JMS Tools menu to perform the install and the uninstall from the JMS Tools menu instead of using the EXTman that does not work in a slave site and delete the files required by the master.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.44

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JSN ImageShow
    - Simple Image Gallery - PRO



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.47 - All Editions

In the JMS Template, add the possibility to edit the action on the "index.php" and "index2.php" when creating a new rule.
By default, those files remain "read only" in default JMS Template rules or previous rules created in JMS 1.3.46 or below.
Becarefull that once copied, if you upgrade/migrate your joomla version, you will have to re-copy the "index.php" & "index2.php" manually in case where you don't use the "Special redirection"

Also improve the compatiblity with Joomla 3.4. Fix the manifest files name to ensure that it is always in lowercase without spaces.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.43

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - EasyJobs
    - EXP Autos Pro
    - JD Classifieds
    - JomEstate (update table name)
    - Comdev
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - HikaInvoices
  • Add Joomla 3.3 & 3.4 sharing definition for:
    - RSEventsPro (Require to share the Joomla categories for the RSEventPro categories)



Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.45 is bundled with Patches definition 1.3.41 relative to the patch concerning the Pull Request 5238 that can not be applied under Joomla 3.2


Jms multisite version 1.3.46 - All Editions

Fix a PHP Fatal error when trying to re-install an extension from a slave site under Joomla 3.4

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.42

Add Joomla 3.4 sharing definition for:

  • jCenter (including partial sharing on the categories, product and orders)



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.44

Fix a PHP Fatal error that may happen in rare case during the installation.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.40

  • Add the patch that implements the Pull Request 5238 that is still not fixed in Joomla 3.3+
    See https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/5238
    This fix is required to make the JMS "check for update" working properly.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - jCenter suite: jAffiliates, jAuction, jBounceback, jDefender, jFeedback, jLinks, jMarket, jSubscription, jTickets, jVouchers
    - RSFiles
  • Add Joomla 3.3/3.4 sharing definition for:
    - jCenter (including partial sharing on the categories, products and orders)
    - RSFiles



Jms multisites for joomla 1.3.43 is bundled with Patches definition 1.3.39

  • Fix the packaging of the patches files applicable for Joomla 3.4
    2 old patches were distributed in the JMS 1.3.42 that cause an alert in the "Check Patches" under J3.4.0
    This affect new Joomla 3.4 installation and not the upgrade from J3.3.x to J3.4.0
    The patch present in J3.3.x were good and therefore didn't required any installation under J3.4.0 except from a fresh Joomla 3.4.0 installation.



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.42

Mainly add the compatibilty with Joomla 3.4.0..
Prior version of JMS may crash the Joomla 3.4 when they install the patches 1.3.37 or lower.
In addition, the new Joomla 3.4.0 changed the installation and the name of the manifest file that had cause issue in JMS to apply the correct patches version.
Therefore, it is strongly advised to install JMS 1.3.42 or higher before updating to Joomla 3.4.0

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.38

  • Add patches for compatibility with Joomla 3.4.0
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JUX Gallery
  • Update Joomla 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 sharing definition for:
    - EasySocial partial sharing on profile type, group categories, event categories
  • Add Joomla 3.4 sharing definition that start with a copy of the J3.3 one



Jms multisite for joomla - All editions

  • Fix Joomla 3.3 compatiblity when the JMS debug is enabled.
  • Improve the detection of the master extension version when re-installing an extension from a slave site and that several manifest file is detected.
    In this case, JMS selects the manifest file that has the higher version number.
  • Fix a Joomla/aJmooL 1.5 PHP Fatal error when re-installing a plugin from the slave site.
  • Improve the maintenance automatic detection in case where extension use a version number composed on more than 3 parts (ie.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.37

  • Update core multisites to always compute Geo-Localisation even when not used to identify a slave site.
    This give the opportunity to thrid parties extensions to use the Geo-Localisation for their processing.
    ie. hikainvoices.com use it to determine the customer Geo-Localisation in application of European Tax rules 2015 (MOSS)
    It also converts the MaxMind region code into region name to help in MOSS tax state matching.
  • Update Joomla 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 sharing definition for:
    - Hikashop to add the filtering on the order when the Site ID is present



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.40 (All editions)

  • Fix the pagination under J3.2+ to allow displaying the limit counter per page available.
    Applied on the "manage site", "template" and "maintenance" menus but also on front-end list of slave sites.
  • Add the pagination in the footer of the "maintenance" menu .
  • Fix a PHP Fatal error that may happen in the "maintenance" menu when the connection to the slave site DB fails or is invalid.
  • Remove some PHP Strict messages that may occurs when displaying the list of JMS templates and displaying the toolbar.
  • The "check for update" does not work anymore due to a bug introduced by Joomla recently.
    This affect both Joomla 2.5 and 3.3
    We proposed a fix that can be retreived at


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.36

  • Update Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - JomRes : add partial sharing of the properties
  • Update Joomla 3.1 sharing definition for:
    - HikaShop : add partial sharing for the prices and taxations
  • Update Joomla 3.3 sharing definition for:
    - JomRes : add partial sharing of the properties



Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.39 All editions

Ensure in the "maintenance" menu that each SQL statement ends with a ";" to make them valid when copied (concatanated) into the "Free SQL" field.

Jms multisite for joomla Full editions

Fix the installation of JMS layout under Joomla 3.3.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.35

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - RS Appointment Booking Pro 2
    - FlippingBook
    - Virtue Affiliate
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - Virtue Affiliate
  • Add Joomla 3.3 sharing definition for:
    - FlippingBook



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.38 (All editions)

Improve the "maintenance" menu to:

  • Fix the MySQL statement that rebuild the sharing of table when the structure of a table is modified.
  • Add the detection of the "max_input_vars" to see if the form display could exceed the maximum number of fields in a form allowed by the server.
    In this case, display a warning message to let the user know that some limitation may cause the processing of the action partially executed (not all fields received).
    The estimated number of fields in the form of the maintenance menu is:
    Nb Sites * (1 + (Nb extensions per site * 3))
    For example, a default cPanel/WHM installation has a max_input_vars=1000 that is very small when you have a large number of websites and extensions


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.34

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Edocman
    - JEvents RSVP Pro
    - VikBooking
  • Add Joomla 3.3 sharing definition for:
    - Edocman
    - VikBooking



Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.37 (all editioins)


  • Fix a Joomla 3.3 compatibility that replaced the class JRegistry by a namespace Registry.
    In some case, the JRegistry may not yet be declared because JMS starts before Joomla and must be defined in JMS
  • Fix Joomla 2.5+ compatibility when searching for the list of templates (style) available and when the "debug is ON" in the configuration.php of the slave.
    Ignore any MySQL error in case where the table #__template_style is not present


Improve the "maintenance" menu

  • add a Show/Errors/Hide details for the websites that help be focused on the errors
  • Improve diagnosis on shared tables (views) to propose an automatic rebuild of sharing
    - Detection of sharing modification
  • Add the possibility to fix the extension in addition to the core Joomla
  • Detect the case where extension PHP code is removed and extension still defined in the DB

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.33

  • Fix patch for Community Builder V2.0
  • Remove the patch for new Joomla 3.3 password encryption on Joomla 2.5.17 or lower.
    (The version before Joomla 2.5.17 doesn't contain some functions required to implement the J3.3.x password encryption and that result by the impossibility to install the patch under J2.5.17).
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Calc Builder
  • Add Joomla 3.2 sharing definition for:
    - Widgetkit
  • Add Joomla 3.3 sharing definition for:
    - Widgetkit



The Jms multisites version 1.3.36 add the partial hikashop sharing definition for J1.5, 2.5 and 3.3 that allow providing different prices depending on the website.


The Jms multisite for joomla 1.3.35 (All editions) fix the patch in "filesystem/path.php" under Joomla 2.5 in aim to fix and ajax issue with JomSocial (JPath::check Snooping....)


Jms multisite for Joomla - All editions

  • Add sharing definition for Joomla 3.3
  • Add javascript "Joomla.submitbutton" call in the "check patches" to perform the "uninstall" verification and add display of an alert box to confirm the uninstallation of the patches.
  • Fix some PHP 5.4 Strict, warning and notice messages
  • Fix some J1.5/2.5/3.x API compatibilities (J2WinDB)

Compatibility with Legacy (1.5/2.5) extension for Joomla (2.5/3.x) - see :http://www.ajmool2win.com

aJmooL 1.5 is a fork of Joomla 1.5 that provides security fix and PHP 5.4 compatiblity for Joomla 1.5 and is designed to allow the Legacy 1.5 extension working with old Joomla 1.5 but also with new Joomla 2.5/3.3 login encryption

  • Add aJmooL 1.5 compatibility
    • Jms2WinFile::exists() static function detection
    • Jms2WinFolder::exists() static function detection
  • Add Legacy 1.5/2.5 for joomla compatibility
  • Open some internal JMS API to make them available for the Legacy 1.5 extension for joomla


Jms multisite for joomla - Full edition

- Add javascript "Joomla.submitbutton" to call the "local" submitbutton and perform field verification.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.30

  • Fix Geo-Localisation for the ICC when only the Country DB is present (City disabled).
    In this case, a message "Country Failed" is returned due to ICC that is uppercase instead of lowercase.
  • Add patch in "filesystem/path.php" under Joomla 2.5 to fix ajax issue with JomSocial (JPath::check Snooping....)
  • Update Wordpress patch for WP 3.8 and its new "wp-load.php" initialisation - Fix WP for Joomla 2.5+ compatibility
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Captcha - Play Thru
    - Dynamic 404
    - Fix JoomSEF
    - OS Property
  • Add Joomla 1.5 & aJmooL1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Update Hikashop to allow filtering the prices depending on the Site ID
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - Update Hikashop to allow filtering the prices depending on the Site ID
  • > Add Joomla 3.3 sharing definition for:
    - OS Property
    - Update Hikashop to allow filtering the prices depending on the Site ID

=== aJmooL 1.5.x and Legacy 1.5/2.5 for Joomla 2.5/3.x compatibility ===

See http://www.ajmool2win.com

  • Update LibUser17 to ensure that user->_params is not null.
    (Mandatory when working with Legacy 1.5)
    See bugtracker #24879 that Joomla declined to fix.
  • Update the AdminIndex patch for aJmooL 1.5 compatiblity
  • Add Libraries/compat under J2.5 for J3.3 password algorithm verification
    See Joomla Pull Request #3695
  • Add LibCrypt25() under J2.5 to Add J3.3.x BCrypt compatibility
    See Joomla Pull Request #3688
  • Add libUserHlp25() under J2.5 to Add J3.3.x password verification compatibility
    See Joomla Pull Request #3691

- Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.29

  • Fix patch on the "filesystem/path.php" to also check the path against the Master Path Root
  • Add Joomla 3.3 sharing definition that is a copy of the Joomla 3.2 one

Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.33 - All editions

  • Add Joomla 3.3 compatibility


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.28

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - CrowdFunding
    - CrowdFunding Finance
    - Perfect Popup Box
  • Add Joomla 3.2 sharing definition for:
    - CrowdFunding (Geo data)



Jms multisite for joomla All editions

- Under J3.2, Verify that old JSimpleXML is not already installed by other extensions (ie. JVital plugin used by agora-pro) to avoid duplicated class definition that leads to a PHP Fatal error.
It is assumed that when the JSimpleXML class is present that this is the original joomla one.
- Fix the packaging concerning the "the uninstall of a template" advertised in version 1.3.29 but not correctly package (The fix was missing in the distribution).
- Update the memory limit verification to add the GB in addition to existing MB and KB

Maintenance menu

- When there is no legacy mode selected, now by default, the verification of a "Create Table" also verify all the field.
In the previous version, only the verification that the table exists was performed without structure verification.
The new default behavior is equivalent to "fix table".

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.27

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Agora Pro
    - Akeeba DocImport
    - Akeeba Release System
    - Akeeba Ticket System
    - jVoteSystem
    - Skyline Advanced Poll
  • Add Joomla 3.2 sharing definition for:
    - Akeeba DocImport
    - Akeeba Release System



Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.31 "Full editions"

  • Improve the compatibiliy with Joomla 3.2 when creating (or listing) the website from the front-end.
    Under Joomla 3.x, a PHP Fatal error may occurs due to functions that are renamed  in the core of Joomla

Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.31 "All edition"

  • Update the PHP memory limited present in the Tool menu to take in account the unlimited memory (-1)

Jms multisites for joomla (All editions)

  • Fix the replication of a website when the new table prefix start with a number.
    This will avoid a MySQL statement error that seems to be reported on MySQL 5.5 and not on MySQL 5.1
  • Add possibility to display PHP Strict error message when the Joomla debug mode is enabled.
    This may avoid hidding a PHP Fatal error message when the PHP Strict error message are ignored.
  • Fix the "set default language" that may cause PHP Fatal error on Joomla 3.2

Jms multisite for joomla (Full Edition only)

  • Fix joomla 3.2 implementation concerning the sendEmail function that Joomla moved from JUtility into a JFactory::getMailer().
  • Add the possibility to add captcha in the website creation from the front-end when it is enabled (new parameter).
    By default, it is disabled. Only available on Joomla 2.5 or higher.
  • Add cron processing to allow purge expired websites


Template and manage site menu

  • Add the keyword {DayOfWeek}, {DayOfMonth}, {monthNbr}, {Month}, {year4}


Template menu

  • Remove some PHP Warning that may appears when some fields are not present.


Maintenance menu

  • Fix the Joomla 1.6 detection in checkDB
  • Add the preprocessing for the fixDB and fixUncheckedDB actions
  • Add cleanup of the "lists" of website to process during the checkDB to remove all websites with wrong DB connection and avoid infinite loop (or no Ajax reply);
  • Fix the identification that a field exist in a MySQL Table
  • Improve the detection of the "NOT NULL" pattern that may be present in a MySQL field.
  • Add plenty of rules for the different version of Joomla and improve the "Legacy mode"
  • Add loading of the update/schema information to provide them in the list of choices.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.26

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JSiteMap Pro
    - Meeting Schedule



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.29

  • Improve the assets processing that didn't properly worked on the slave site.
    The uninstall of a component may impacted the master instead of the slave.
    Fixed the DB connection used during the uninstall of the assets.
    Does not stop anymore when an error occurs in the '#__assets' processing but write error in the "error_log" file.
  • Improve the Tool / Template installation to allow installing "administrator" template and not only front-end template.
    So now the "#__template_styles" is populated when the "client_id=1" (administrator)
  • Fix the uninstall of a template from the JMS Tools.
    The record inside the "#__template_styles" table was not removed due to a MySQL syntax error.
  • In the "Maintenance",  list the websites in the ascending order and also fix the filtering on a site identifier.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.24

  • Changed the bugtracker 32702 implementation according to the remarks published on the bugtracker

Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.28

  • Emprove the JMS Tool install/uninstall to also create the "Assets" for J1.6 or higher
    Also add a DB Verification to fix the potential missing #__assets records for components.
    This can also fix the bug in Joomla discovery that does not populate the #__assets
    See bug tracker #33242
    When the assets are missing, this may cause some extension to produce a 500 Internal Server Error.
  • Emprove the JMS Tool to display the duplicate module title when they correspond to different module name.
    Also did the same for the other extensions (components, plugins, template, languages).
  • JMS Maintenance :
    - Fix the "install package" to install the latest joomla version and not use the hardcoded "Joomla download URL" value that crash under J3.2
    - Also improve the processing to allow in the future download and extract different joomla version depending on the selected value.
    The objective would be to use several master with different joomla version and allow managing the upgrade from remove environment.
    - Update the "Remove Joomla files" file of files and folders used by J3.2.
    - Avoid DB structure analysis when the DB connection fails.
    This avoid a DB fatal error that stop the analysis of the other websites.
    - Verify that the /installation directory exists to avoid displaying error message in the queue when the directory is removed.
  • Fix under J3.2, the uninstall of a joomla template from a slave site. (extension manager / manage => uninstall).
  • Add call to Multisites plugin to allow cleanup the cache in case where a new DBTable.xml would be installed.
  • Add a verification under J1.5 that the templates directory exists when searching the template available.
    This avoid warning for invalid directory.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.24

  • Add a patch on the "filesystem/path.php" to also check the path against the Master Path Root
  • Update JMS Tools (install) definitions for all the core extensions defined in J3.2
  • Update many extension to add modules and plugins definitions for :
    - AcyMailing
    - Admin Tools
    - Akeeba Backup
    - Community Surveys
    - EasyBlog
    - JS Jobs
    - Projectfork
    - RSForm
    - RSMediaGallery
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Search - Community Crosswords
    - Editor - CodeMirror
    - Payment
    - RSFeedback
    - Social Ads Layout
    - Super Login
    - Super Login Pro
    - User Activity

Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.27 is bundled with Patches definition 1.3.23

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - HDW Player
    - Jom Classifieds
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - HDW Player
    - Jom Classifieds



Jms Multisite for joomla (All Edition)

  • Add verification that memory is >= 128 MB in the JMS Tools menu. Blank screen can be resulting of a too small memory.
  • Add trim on the "manage site" filter field.
  • Add possibility to keep some sharing untouched for some extension that have a specific sharing algorithm.
    Case of Hikashop that create internal views for the reporting and that can not be touched by the JMS sharing processing.
  • Avoid that the "Set new default menu, template and language" is processed during the installation to avoid PHP Fatal error due to call of functions that does not exists in the Joomla Web Installer.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.22

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - 2jgallery
    - 2JToolBox
  • Update Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Hikashop to allow specific payment and shipment



Jms Multisite for joomla (All Edition)

  • add a cross-check in _isViewSupported() that DB is an object to avoid PHP fatal error in case where the db would be false.
  • Fix joomla 3.2 backward compatibility to allow access some fields that was public in J3.1 and are become protected in J3.2.
    This allows some of our other extensions like the "Article Sharing for JMS" to work properly.
    We added an API to getProtected() the fields

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.21

Fix bug in Joomla 3.2.0 and reported in bug tracker 32702
It allows extensions like the Article Sharing for JMS and others to be available in the menu type.
Otherwise they might be unavailable when directories contain the word "view".


Jms Multsite for joomla (All Edition) is bundled with Patches definition 1.3.20.

It fixes the joomla 3.2 compatibility that introduced a bug into Joomla 3.1 that forbid the installation of the patches under J3.1


Jms Multisite for joomla (All Edition)

  • In some circumstances, MySQL may return the description with a syntax for MySQL 4.x (in case of upgrade of MySQL to 5.5).
    In this case, this result with invalid CREATE TABLE syntax.
    In case of MySQL 5.1+, ensure that create table use ENGINE=xxx instead of TYPE=xxx
  • Improve the "Set Default Language" when the plugin / system / language filter is enabled.
    In this case, the JMS "set default language" is applied only the first time and after, this is the language filter that is responsible of the language code.
  • Allow updating a website definition from the front-end when the "Maximum Site" is reached.
    The verification of the "Maximum Site" is only performed in the case of a new site and no more during the update.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.19

  • Add joomla 3.2.0 RC compatibility.



Jms Multisite for joomla (BASIC edition)

  • Add Joomla 3.2.0 Beta 1 compatibility.
    Fix the packaging distribution that had a missing "..../admin/patches/patches_files_j32.zip" file


Jms Multi Sites for joomla (All Edition)

  • Fix the saving of the "Parent Site ID" when a slave site from the front-end is updated.
    The original "parent site id" is keept and not rebuilt each time that the front-end is updated.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.18

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - EasySocial
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - EasySocial
  • Add Joomla 3.1 sharing definition for:
    - EasySocial
  • Add Joomla 3.2 sharing definition for:
    - EasySocial



This Jms multisites for joomla version 1.3.21 add the compatiblity with Joomla 3.2.0 beta 1


Jms Multisites for joomla 1.3.20 (all editions)

  • Remove some PHP Notice message that may appear in some cases when arrays are empty.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.17

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - MijoEvents
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - MijoEvents



Jms Multisite for joomla version 1.3.19 (all editions)

  • Add display of the "Parent Site ID" in the list and also compute the "Owner Name" based on the parent Site ID when the websites are created from a slave site.
  • Add call to multisite "onUpdateAdminUser" plugin to allow the "Partial User Sharing" create the Site ID / User ID relationship on a slave site that share partially the users.
    This avoid problem when creating a slave site from a slave site that has the users partially shared.
  • Fix the display & save of the owner ID when editing a slave site.



Jms Multisites for joomla (all editions)

  • Add {fromDBName} and {toDBName} keyword resolution in the parseQueries() function to allow creating complex queries during the replication.
  • Add an API for the plugin system / Multisites Users to allow process all shared sites instead of specific the exhaustive list manually.
  • Add saving of parentSiteId that may help in an affiliate website creation.
  • Ensure that the site is not written in the Master Index when the "ignoreMasterIndex" is ON
  • Fix a potential Fatal Error on some environment that consists in adding a verification that JError class exists before checking the method_exists.
    This may crash on some PHP environment and generate a 500 "Internal Server Error".
  • Fix some PHP Warning and PHP Strict message that might become fatal under PHP 5.4
  • Fix the saving of the "root" user
  • Fix some Joomla 3.1 compatibility
    - Add try / catch to process the case of invalid DB connection (user/password) and avoid returning a general error.
  • Fix Joomla 2.5+ compatibility:
    - Improve delete of a slave site to include the hidden files (.htaccess, ...).


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.16

  • Add a patch on JViewLegacy to avoid that it is declared several times.
    (Potential case with the Article Sharing for JMS)
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Community Quotes
    - JSPC
    - JTAG Members Directory
    - Publisher
    - ZOOlanders Manager
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - AEC
    - DOCman
  • Add Joomla 3.1 sharing definition for:
    - JTAG Members Directory

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.15

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Add Acymailing plugin definitions
    - Add autotweet module and plugin definitions
    - CjLib API
    - Add Community Polls modules and plugin definitions
    - Add Community Quiz modules and plugin definitions
    - Crosswords
    - CRMery
    - Freestyle Support
    - iJoomla Installer
    - Add InviteX modules and plugin definitions
    - JA Slideshow Lite
    - Add JomSocial modules and plugin definitions
    - JS Jobs
    - Add Projectfork modules and plugin definitions
    - Add RSEventsPro modules and plugin definitions
    - RSMediaGallery
    - Add YooRecipe modules and plugin definitions



Jms Multi Sites (all editions)

Joomla 3.x compatibility

Fix the re-installation of a module or a plugin from the slave site. (Avoid calling the JXMLSimple class that is removed in J3.x)

Installation improvment

The first time that JMS is installed, add the update of all the JMS Templates rule (folder and files) to take in account the currentmaster website directory.
This avoid that the replicMasterXXXX or shareMasterXXXX rule miss some directories when the rules are not reviewed by the user and updated to take in account the current master directory structure.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.14

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Mijoshop / ACL plugin definition

Jms Multi Sites for joomla (all editions)

  • Add possibility to use the {root} keyword into the browser and geoip logfile.
    Also force rebuild the Master index to save the new log file and avoid waiting that a slave site is created or updated to rebuild the index.
  • maintenance menu
    - Fix the table prefix present in the "master" or "template" table structure to avoid
    - Fix the code version number detection when several manifest files are present in the same directory.
    - Add verification that hardcoded list of MySQL script directories exists (case of /installation/sql/mysql/ *.sql that might be unavailable).
    - Change the default 1.6 script to be only available when using Joomla 1.5 or 1.6 - No more present by default.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.13

  • Update JMS "super switch" to avoid setting the default time zone when there is no browser or geoip log file.
    Force the test of geo-localisation in lowercase to avoid problem with case sensitivity in the external DBs (maxmind)
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Akeeba Subscriptions
    - Update Cobalt for version 8
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - Akeeba Subscriptions
  • Add Joomla 3.1 sharing definition for:
    - Akeeba Subscriptions

Jms Multi Sites (all editions)

  • Joomla 3.1 compatibility
    - Fix the re-installation of a component from the slave site after that the JInstaller is moved in cms directory and that the adapter class name was renamed.
  • Joomla 3.x compatibility
    - Fix the processing of the registration button present after the installation.
    The "component not" found error was due to the "<form>" tag that now surround the whole component message and forbid that an extension use also the "<form>" tag inside its description.
  • Joomla 2.5, 3.x compatibility
    - Remove some PHP Strict and PHP Notice messages in the installer.
    - Improve JMS Tool menu to display the plugin language name instead of the plugin internal name (code)


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.12

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Spider Catalog



Jms Multisite for joomla (all editions)

  • Joomla 3.x compatibility
    - Fix the "/installation" patch installation when the original "/installation" directory is restored.
    The issue was that the JMS patch for J2.5 was restored under J3.x that has as result that the patch required was not present.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.11

  • Fix the localhost behavior when using the "cookie".
    The issue was that it was not possible to switch on a fresh slave site that require a "Joomla Web Installer" and also come back on the master website when a slave site is present.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - MijoSEF



Jms Multisite for joomla (all editions)

  • Improve JMS Tool to allow installing extension that perform ALTER TABLE on other tables.
    Case of the "CW Multi-Cats" that modifies the joomla core "catid" from int to a varchar(254)
  • Improve settings menu to process the "{root}" keyword in the multisites path.
  • Improve the "set default template" to allow under J2.5 or higher to select a specific template variant when there are several template with the same name.
  • During the installation, fix the default setting values in case where the server admin tool (cPanel, Plesk, ...) is not detected.
  • Fix some Joomla 3.1.1 compatibility


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.10

  • In the Super Switch:
    - Remove a PHP Notice and Improve localhost _host_ cookie processing to avoid calling the session the first time that the _host_ is assigned in the cookie.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - CW Multicat (require the JMS 1.3.13 or higher)
    - hwdVideoShare - (Addon) Plenty of modules and plugins.
    - Komento
    - MijoShop
    - Netbase Virtuemart Zoom Category Plugin
    - Netbase Virtuemart Zoomer Product Plugin
    - Netbase VM Ajax Search Pro Module
    - RQuote
    - VMCustom - photoupload
    - VM Order Upload Pro plugin
    - VirtueMart Import Images
  • > Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - VirtueMart Import Images
  • > Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - MijoShop
    - Ohanah
    - VirtueMart Import Images
  • Add Joomla 3.0 sharing definition for:
    - MijoShop
  • Add Joomla 3.1 sharing definition for:
    - MijoShop

Jms Multisite (all editions)

  • Remove a PHP Strict message during the installation.
  • Add the possiblity to customize the drop down "List of sites" to replace the "unselected" value by any specific value or list.
    This give the possibility to 3rd parties extensions to customize the title of the drop down list of sites.
  • Fix a bug present JMS low level DB access that had a side effect to process the pagination. ie Article Sharing and "next pagination".
    In fact the offset was always set to 0 in the setQuery() function and ignored the pagination offset.
  • Fix the "share whole" site selection in both template and "manage site".
    The Ajax call didn't refresh the fields correctly and the template "share whole" site parameter was not saved correctly.
  • Fix the Symbolic Link relative path computation when a relative source path is provided.
    The following syntax provide the same result:
    - administrator => ../{file}
    - administrator => ../administrator
    - administrator => ../
  • Create a specific sort function to order the Site ID present in the tool "tree" of sites.

Jms Multi Sites (medium and full)

  • Improve CreateMasterIndex processing to take in account the Site Sort Ordering field. Mainly used by Geo-Localisation to sort the rules.
    The rule for the sortering is: len(URL) DESC, sortOrdering ASC, site_id ASC
  • Force the Max Upload Size to 64MB when downloading the Geo-Localisation city.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.09

  • In the Super Switch:
    - Add a verification that the master "configuration.php" is present when renaming the "/installation" into "/installation_delete".
    - Store the _host_ value into the cookie instead of the session. This avoid opening the session before joomla and reduce side effect in J3.x
  • Add patch for Wordpress 3.5 under Joomla 3.0 & 3.1
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Event Booking
    - SP Upgrade

Joomla 3.0 and Joomla 3.1 compatibility

  • Fix the set default language (functions getValue()/setValue() removed in 3.x and replaced by get()/set())
  • Fix the FTP setting in the "manage site" and "template" due to getValue()/setValue() remove in J3.x
  • Fix Toolbar rendering due to get() function removed from JApplication.
  • Fix the front-end slave site edition - JUtility::getToken() removed in 3.x
  • Fix several CSS issue to improve the look and make it closer to J1.5 & 2.5
  • Add catch of DB throw in case of select of a DB that does not exists.


Jms MultiSites (all editions)

  • Add the keywords
    - {site_id-n+}
    The plus after the number allows using all the element =n and higher.
    So a {site_id} = person.city.domain.com with {site_id-3+} = person.city

    - {Site_id} with first character in uppercase
    - {SITE_ID} with the value in uppercase.
  • Add a check that the apache "MB String" module is installed when using the Geolocalisation (city).


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.08

  • Fix the JMS Tools (install) definitions for HWDMediaShare



This Jms Multisite version 1.3.10 fix a problem of compatibility with Joomla 2.5.10 and higher 2.5.x.
For more technical details concerning the change introduced in Joomla 2.5.10 see the bug tracker 30206
This bug affect all the JMS extensions and the patch present in the JMS 1.3.07 definition consist in discard (rollback) the change applied by joomla.

The symptom is that when you install a package, joomla 2.5 use the manifest for Joomla 1.5 instead of the 2.5.
This result by the language file that are not installed (or updated) and the specific installation script that is not executed.

This does not affect Joomla 1.5 and 3.x

Other changes present in Jms Multisite 1.3.10


  • Use the JMS Setting directory permission to create the cache, tmp, logs and template directory

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.07

  • Modify the Joomla installer patch to also remove the ordering of the manifest file detection when it is present.
    See  bug tracker 30206
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - HWDMediaShare
  • Add Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1 sharing definition for:
    - HikaShop Remove the sharing of the configuration



This Jms Multi Sites version mainly add definition to have a "hikashop multisite" and "hikamarket multisite".

Hikashop and Hikamarket are extension that allow managing a eCommerce website.

Hikamarket provide a multi vendor system and with the benefit of Jms Multi Sites, it is now possible to create specific website for a specific vendor that the other website does not see.
In the same time, the "super store" can see the products of all vendors and also have a single inventory.

Hikashop allows create website with categories that are specific to a specific website. So that the other website will not see the categories.
As in case of the hikamarket and vendor, the "super store" can see all the categories.
So that you can for example, in the super store, searh product in all the categories of all the websites and in a specific website, just see the products of your own category.

This will require Hikashop 2.1.2 and Hikamarket 1.1.4

In HikaMarket multi-vendor, a new field is added to specify the Site ID for which this vendor should be displayed.

In HikaShop, a new field in the category allow the selection of one Site ID. the category can be assigned to a single site and not multiple site.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.06

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - HikaMaket
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - HikaMaket (include partial vendor sharing)
    - HikaShop  (include partial category sharing)
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - HikaMaket (include partial vendor sharing)
    - HikaShop  (include partial category sharing)
  • Add Joomla 3.0 sharing definition for:
    - HikaMaket (include partial vendor sharing)
    - HikaShop  (include partial category sharing)
  • Add Joomla 3.1 sharing definition for:
    - HikaMaket (include partial vendor sharing)
    - HikaShop  (include partial category sharing)



A problem in the package of the version 1.3.07 basic edit had a file missing in the packaging and other file not updated.

This version 1.3.08 fixes the issue present in the 1.3.07 basic edition packaging.


This Jms Multisite version 1.3.07 add a partial compatibility with Joomla 3.1.

Under Joomla 3.0 & 3.1:

  • Fix an issue in the installation of a component form the JMS Tool menu.
    Issue due to a column removed in the joomla #__menu table. The column "ordering" is removed in in j3.0
  • Fix an issue during the re-installation of an extension in a slave site.
    A Fatal error may occurs during the manifest version number verification.

Under Joomla 2.5 and higher

  • Fix the "new default menu" to add in joomla both the specific language but also the default wildcard (*) language with the new default menu value.

It is also bundled with Patches definition 1.3.05

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JomWALL
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - AceShop
    - JomWALL



The Jms multiisite for joomla version 1.3.06

- Fix an issue in the packaging of the vesion 1.3.05 (medium)
Increased the version number to identify the new packaging.
- Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.03
> Fix a potential "restricted area" message that may occurs in plugins.


This jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.05 adds the sharing definition of AceShop under Joomla 2.5 and also fix an issue in the patch definition that is revealled in patches version 1.3.01


Jms Multisite for joomla

  • Add the possibilty to execute plugin after the creation of a slave site.
    A first use of this functionality is present in the patch for Wordpress 3.3 tables.
  • Fix the installation of a template and language in the JMS Tool menu under Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0
  • Fix an issue when installing an extension in a slave site under Joomla 3.0µ
  • Change the order of the action (new, newlike, edit, delete) to be more user friendly under J3.0
    * This affect the "manage site" and "template" menus.
    * In "check patches" this allow the access to the menu

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.02

  • Add patch for Wordpress 3.3.1 to fix bug in the wp-load for the initialize of joomla 1.6 or higher
    Require JMS 1.3.04 or higher to allow executing post DB update.
    WP require to update the data in the DB after it is replicated.
  • Add Joomla 3.0.3 compatibility
    * Fix the Joomla session management when working on a localhost. (usage of _host_)
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - Mosets Tree



The Jms Multisite 1.3.03 for joomla fixes an "Internal Server Error" that may occurs when creating a fresh Slave site on Joomla 3.0.2 and PHP 5.3.15.

The error is araise during the computation of the "refresh icon".
On prior JMS version, it is possible to avoid the error when settings the "disable the refresh icon" to yes. (See the settings menu).



Fix the maintenance menu under joomla 1.5

  • Remove some PHP notice present in the maintenance
  • Fix some JSON encoding in the maintenace menu that may appear with PHP 5.2.
    Ensure that the result to encode with JSON does not contain any reference to resource or object that can not be encoded.
    Replace all the object or resource by string.
  • Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.01
    Fix the patch that install the missing CMS library required by the maintenance menu under Joomla 1.5



The Jms Multisite for joomla version 1.3.01  fix some Joomla 3.0 compatibility issues:

  • Fix the selection of a JMS template to allow action such as "new like" or "delete".
  • Fix the save of a new slave site "configuration.php" parameters. (fix the setValue() function that is removed in j3.0).
  • Fix the "check for update" to replace the call to getValue() function that is no more present in j3.0 and also use a zip file instead of "tar.gz".

Improve/Enhancement of Jms Multi Sites.

  • Add the possiblity to execute special installation script during the layout install.
    Required for the coming soon "VM2" layout that need to install a library.
  • Enhance the "site" element rendering to allow replacing the combo-box by a "text" field or "hidden" field in aim to hide the full list of slave site in the "Article Sharing", ... or any extensions that give the "site" parameter in the "menu item" management.
    A new "multisites.cfg.php" parameter allows selecting the rendering type depending on the website.
  • Enhance the possiblity to create the "configuration.php" into a directory outside of joomla root directory.
    Add the "configuration prefix directory". This is for example an advice from RSFirewall.
  • Fix the layout sub-parameters retreiving values unders joomla 2.5.
    Duplicated the sub-parameters into the root of parameters for joomla compatibility.
  • Improve the sub-menu rendering to ensure that sub-menu are attached to the JMS components.
    Some extension like YooThemes may add sub-menus to JMS extension and this new filtering ensure that YooThemes sub-menus are not displayed in JMS.
  • Fix several PHP strict message and PHP notice messages.
  • Add the possibility to provide a source of a path when using "special copy".
  • Authorize the "&" character in the New DB password field (toDBPsw) present in the template and manage site.
  • Fix the automatic home_dir computation at the installation (cPanel & Plesk) that fill the default settings.
  • Fix some "deploy folder" equation in the "distributed" template configuration (missing a dot in the domains deploy folder).
  • Fix the maintenance Refresh Symbolic Link to avoid calling Joomla delete function that may alter the directory permission with 777 and therefore product a 500 Internal Server Error when suPHP is installed on the server.
    See joomla bug tracker:  http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_id=11410&tracker_item_id=29826
  • Improve the "maintenance" performance by using cache.
  • Fix the SQL script computation proposed in the maintenance menu.
    Issue when the extension contain a zero in the version number - case of empty(version) that is replaced by isset( version).
  • Fix the version comparison to ignore the edition type (basic, medium, full, ...)

Improve compatibility with Joomla 3.0

  • Selection of a slave site (edit, delete) that had error after that joomla removed the isChecked javascript function.
    restore the "isChecked" javascript function that is droped in joomla 3.0 core
  • Fix several CSS issue after that joomla removed plenty of definition present in the earlier joomla version.
    Added or included several legacy css definition.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.00

  • Fix the "Mobile Joomla" patch to process the mobilejoomla.php (j2.5) instead of admin.mobilejoomla.php (j1.5)
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Ohanah
    - RokSprocket
    - RSEventsPro
    - YooRecipe!
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - RSEventsPro
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - Widgetkit



Jms multisite version 1.2.97 is bundled with the joomla 2.5.8 installation directory and is also bundled with the Jms multisite patches definition version 1.2.91 that:

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Ohanah
    - RokSprocket
    - RSEventsPro
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - RSEventsPro
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - Widgetkit

Jms Multi Site version 1.2.96

  • Add in the front-end the possibility to extend the existing "views" to create new layout.
    Case of the "bulk" website creation layout.
  • Enhance the "site" element rendering to allow replacing the combo-box by a "text" field or "hidden" field  in aim to hide the full list of slave site in the "Article Sharing", ... or any extensions that give the "site" parameter  in the "menu item" management.
    A new "multisites.cfg.php" parameter allows providing the rendering constrain for the rendering.
  • Fix bug when creating MySQL Users dynamically. Avoid a fatal error.
  • Remove PHP Strict message. Added some "static" to functions. Require PHP 5 as a minimum.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.90

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - YooRecipe!



Jms multisite for joomla 1.3.0 RC1

All Editions

  • Add Joomla 3.0 stable compatibility
    - Fix Mootool call due to deprecated functions removed.
    - Partially fix css rendering due to plenty of style removed in 3.0 (tabs, list, ...)
  • Fix some PHP Strict message
  • Add possibility to set a new "Meta Description" and "Meta Keyword" in the back-end when creating a website.
  • Improve the maintenance menu to allow comparing an extension with its "master" or "template" website DB structures.
  • Fix a dynamic MySQL user creation when the permission to create views is not allowed.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.00 RC1

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JooCart (open cart)
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - AwoCoupon
    - VMAffiliate

Updates in Jms multisite for joomla version 1.2.95

  • Fix a bug in joomla 2.5 when refreshing a website to install new extensions.
    In some circonstances, the module or plugin may replace the definition of a component.
    The symptom is that the "component"/ extension name has the name that is modified or the rendering in the menu is incorrect.
    This may also result by a "com_xxxx load error".
  • Fix the possibility to ignore the "manifest" version when using the parameter MULTISITES_IGNORE_MANIFEST_VERSION
    This feature is helpfull when it is required to upgrade an extension in the slave before the master or when an extension has a special installer with another name for an "install bootstrap".
  • Add in the JMS Tool the possibility to install extension that does not use joomla table prefix (ie. joocart - oc_%)
  • Bundled with Joomla 2.5.7 installation files

Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.89

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JooCart (opencart)
    - RPL
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - AwoCoupon
    - iProperty
    - VMAffiliate

Jms multisite version 1.3.0 beta 5 mainly fix bugs identified in the beta 4 and also add partial compatibility with Joomla 3.0 beta 1

Jms Multisites "All" Editions

  • Fix the "Set Language" that may result by display "**" arround each label.
  • Remove some PHP Strict that may appears during the installation
  • Fix some issues with PHP 5.4 that now can generate a fatal errors on some PHP Stricts that was still accepted with PHP 5.3.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.00 beta5

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - RPL
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - CiviCRM
    - iProperty (Intellectual Property)

Jms multisite for joomla version 1.3.0 beta 4 fixes several issues identified in the beta 3

Jms multisites All Editions

  • Fix the "Set Language" that may result by display "**" arround each label.
  • Remove a PHP warning on multisites_patch.cfg-dist
  • Fix bug introduced in JMS 1.3.0 concerning compatibility with the "Article Sharing" and the other JMS extension
    Remove the "static" for the JFactory2Win::import() to allow that $this exists. Otherwise it is not defined.
    This generate a "PHP Strict" message that is normal.
  • Remove plenty of "PHP Strict" message by adding "static" on function declaration when possible.
  • Fix in the "manage site" the "refreshing" of template values and also give the possibility to simply replicate the master when there is no templates at all (case of a light or low-cost edition).
  • Revamp the code to prepare a future "light" or "low-cost" edition that will just be able to create fresh slave site and replicate the master.

Jms multisites Full Edition

  • Fix front-end layout name computation when there are parameters (case of future Bridge for VM2)

Jms Multi Sites version 1.2.94 fix a bug introduced in 1.2.89 concerning the resolution of the table prefix (keywords that were no more resolved due to filtering of special characters) and is bundled with the "Patches definition" version 1.2.88 that:

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - cobalt CCK
    - ConfigBox
    - FaLang
    - JLinked
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - iJoomla Ad Agency
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - iJoomla Ad Agency
    - Joomla Estate Agency
    - JoomShopping
    - List Bingo

This Jms multisite for joomla 1.3.0 beta 3 ;

  • Adds a partial Joomla 3.0 alpha1 compatibility. That had required to review all the DB access to manage the exception as no legacy with joomla 2.5 or earlier is provided
  • Add french translation.
- Fix the "templates" multiple delete.
- Fix the settings "directory rights" to use "chmod" like input.
- Improve the "check patches" concerning the version checking.
- Improve the installation to download the "installation.tar.gz" or "installation_jXX.zip" from internet.
Remove from the distribution package to reduce the size
- Create a "multisites_userexit.php" with default domain/subdomain detection.

The new Jms multisite version 1.3x contain a lot of new functionalities and now several variant of the package is available

The functionalities added are:

  • Add Geo-Localisation
  • Add Browser Feature detection (mobile, languages)
  • Allow modifying the default Menu, Template, Language
  • Add redirection (SEO)
  • Add Settings configuration and possibility to have multisites present into any directory
  • Add the "Maintenance" feature to compare a DB structure with SQL statements
    - Extends the Joomla 2.5 / Extension Manager / Database / Fix feature.
    - Add possibility to cleanup (remove) Joomla directories
    - Add possibility to cleanup JMS symbolic links
    - Add possibility to refresh JMS symbolic links after moving an installation
  • Add Multisites User Exit to allow creating hardcoded value and avoid build master index
  • Add Symbolic Link for Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and PHP 5.3.3 or higher
  • Provide default "templates" rules

Bundled with Jms multisite patches definition 1.2.87 that adds the JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • ARI Data Tables
  • Artio Fusion Charts
  • AyelShop
  • Shape5
  • Update Listbingo
  • Preachit

Jms multisite for joomla 1.2.92 remove a "PHP notice" message for Joomla 2.5 compatibility.
It is also bundled with the jms multisite patches definition 1.2.86 that:

  • Add a patch for JomSocial, jomdirectory, jomestate
    This fix a problem with the Ajax call performed by theses extension that may get error due a wrong value present in JPATH_COMPONENT.
    This replace the dirname(__FILE) by JPATH_BASE.'/components/OPTION' where the option is the extension directory.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JFBChat (Joomla Facebook Chat)
    - Podcast Manager
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - JomRes
This jms multisite for joomla version 1.2.91 adds the sharing of the JoomBah Jobs extension content.

Jms Multisite for joomla version 1.2.90 fixes a fatal error that occurs in the front-end website creation under joomla 2.5.

It is also bundled with the patches definition 1.2.84 that :

  • Add a patch for JCE under joomla 2.5
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AutoGroup
    - Friend Manager
    - Gift Exchange
    - Fix AceShop

Jms multisite for joomla

The version 1.2.89 enhance the following functionalities:

  • Add the possibility to ignore setting the "configuration.php" / "from name" value.
  • Add the possibiltity to customize the sender email notification.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.83

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AceShop
    - EasyDiscuss
    - EZ Portal
    - JoomBri Freelance
    - Fix zoo tables after that they chanded the table name prefix.
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - EasyDiscuss
    - EZ Portal
    - JoomBri Freelance

Jms Multisite for joomla 2.5

This version add several joomla 2.5 compatibilities features

  • Add a basic ACL control options for joomla 1.7 and 2.5 to allow restrict the access of Jms multisite to some specific joomla user group.
    Now the "option" button is available to setup the ACL that give the access to Jms multisite for joomla 2.5.
  • Fix the joomla 2.5 layout dynamic parameters that is used by some specific layout.
    This allow rendering correctly the "sub-parameters" defined in the layout.
    Now the "List anonymous" layout can be installed under Joomla 2.5 and its sub parameters are available.
  • Fix the replication of website when they contain shared tables with complex sharing and filtering.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.82

  • Add patches for community builder under joomla 2.5.
    Now use the same patches as the one defined for joomla 1.5.
    This allow using specific CB configuration for each website.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - ARI Image Slider
    - ARI Smart Content
    - EZ Realty
    - J2XML Importer
    - JomEstate
    - JoomSlide
    - Power Admin
    - sigplus
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - EZ Realty
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - EZ Realty

Jms Multisite for joomla

In this version, we improved the front-end website creation.

  • Fix the front-end success processing to display the message.
  • Use the "error" message type when an error is reported to have the message display in red.
  • Add processing of the return code of the "OnBeforeSave" plugin to allow abort the slave site creation when an error is reported.
  • Give to the front-end the possibility to use alternative "controller" in case where front-end layout would like overwrite the JMS one.
  • Add filtering on the "toDBName" and "toPrefix" to remove all non alphanumeric characters. Just accept the underscore.
    This allow using a providing keywords containing special characters like a domain value where the dot(.) and (-) must be removed.
  • Allow the component reading of the "module" parameters when submitted by the "Create Site Module" or other module.
  • Improve the website replication when some table contain complex sharing expression.
    Add a new parser to analyze the expression.
  • Fix the checking on the DB connection to avoid using the error number of a previous call.
    Now use connected() instead of getErrorNum().
Enhance Jms Multisite for joomla 1.2.86 to:
  • Add keywords {site_alias_left}, {site_alias_left_alnum}, {site_alias_right}, {site_alias_right-X},
  • Give to the front-end, the possibility to read the "module" parameters instead of the component parameters.
    This allow using the "Multisties Create Site Module" module parameters
  • Add the possibility to send the email notification to a specific "to email address".
  • Compute the subject email and body email with additional keyword to allow using the {site_alias}
  • Autorize to set an email address into the front-end {site_alias} field.
  • Allow customizing the redirect URL (on success or on error) with additional keyword and now {site_id} is allowed in the url. We also added special keyword such as {task_referer} and in case of error the {error_code}.
    The {task_referer} generally contain the value "saveSlave"
    The {error_code} generally contain the value "SITE_ID_EXISTS"



Jms multisite for joomla version 1.2.85

  • Added the possibility automatically generate a site title.
  • Revamp the dynamic DB creation and dynamic user creation to remove all the access to Joomla in aim to avoid compatibility issue consecutive to ascending compatibility not provided by Joomla.
    Implemented a new light DB API that is used to create the DB and the users.
    This solve the problem present in Joomla 1.6 or higher that provide copy of the DB connection instead of a reference and that result issue in DB object to get informed of operation performed by other DB object.
    The new API create unique instance and not more copy of instance like in Joomla 1.6 or higher.


  • Fix under Joomla 2.5 the re-installation of a module from a slave site.
  • Allow using the character "-" inside a Site ID.
  • Fix the On Error Redirect URL processing when saving a slave site from the front-end and that a message is returned.

Jms multisite for joomla version 1.2.83 restore the keyword {site_id-N} that were accidentally removed in the 1.2.81 when adding keywords.


Under Joomla 2.5.4 some implementation were changed and affect one patch provided by Jms Multisite.

This new jms multisite version 1.2.82 take in account this new joomla 2.5.4 implementation concerning the saving of the "global configuration".

It is bundled with Joomla 2.5.4 original files.

It is also bundled with the Patches definition 1.2.81 that include:

  • A fix on the patch concerning the saving of the "global configuration" under Joomla 2.5.4
  • Also include the patch for DocMan that is added under Joomla 2.5
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - CSVI

Add new keywords

We added the possibility to use the front-end "New Administrator Email" field to compute a site ID.

  • {new_admin_email} : This is the new administrator email address
  • {new_admin_email_left} : This is the left part (before the at @) of the new administrator email address.
  • {new_admin_email_left_alnum} : Same as {new_admin_email_left} and remove all special character. Just keep the letter, digits and the '-' character.
  • {new_admin_email_right} : This is the domain name of the logged joomla new administrator email address. This is the right part after the at @ character.
  • {new_admin_email_right-1} to {new_admin_email_right-n} : This extract the part present in the domain name from right to left using the dot (.) as separator.

We also autorise to have a site ID that is an email address

  • {site_id_left} : This is the left part (before the at @) of the site identifier.
  • {site_id_left_alnum} : Same as {site_id_left} and remove all special character. Just keep the letter, digits and the '-' character.
  • {site_id_right} : This is the part after the at @ character of the site identifier.
  • {site_id_right-1} to {site_id_right-n} : This extract the part present in the domain name from right to left using the dot (.) as separator.

New keywords

Several keywords are added to allow creating random value composed of alphanumeric characters or only letter or start with a letter followed by a random string or using and auto increment values.

Here are the keywords added

  • {rnd_alnum_6} to {rnd_alnum_10} : Random string that only contain letters and digits on a length of 6 to 10 characters. The letters can be Uppercase or in lowercase.
  • {rnd_alnum} : Random alpha numeric string with a length of 8 characters
  • {rnd_word_6} to {rnd_word_10} : Random word contain uppercase or lowercase letters on a length of 6 to 10 characters.
  • {rnd_word} : Random word with a length of 8 characters
  • {rnd_prefix_6} to {rnd_prefix_10} : Random alphanumeric string in lowercase only and starting with a letter and containing only lowercase letters on a length of 6 to 10 characters.
  • {rnd_prefix} : Random alphanumeric string in lowercase only and starting with a letter and containing only lowercase letters with a length of 8 characters
  • {autoinc+offset} : Auto-increment number starting at 1 to which an offset number can be added. ie. {autoinc+100} will start at 101.
  • {autoinc} : Auto-increment number that is starting at number 1

Keywords to parse the current user email address is also added:

  • {user_email_left} : This is the current logged joomla user email left part (before the at @)
  • {user_email_left_alnum} : Same as {user_email_left} and remove all special character. Just keep the letter, digits and the '-' character.
  • {user_email_right} : This is the domain name of the logged joomla user email address. This is the right part after the at @ character.
  • {user_email_right-1} to {user_email_right-n} : This extract the part present in the domain name from right to left using the dot (.) as separator.



Jms Multi Sites update

  • Fix the "Master Index Creation" when a new website contain a maximum limit of websites creation.
    Force to recompute the list of website getSites( true) to ensure that the created site is included in the list.
    Otherwise, with the cache, the new website was not present and therefore not indexed and recognized from the front-end.
  • Bundled with original Joomla 2.5.2 installation files

Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.80

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :£
    - 1 Flash Gallery
    - Web Player
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - 1 Flash Gallery
    - JomRes
    - Web Player

Add compatibility with Joomla 2.5 in Jms Multisite

  • Fix the installation of the components from a slave site to detect the case where the "COM_" is already present in the name of the extension.
    This fix the re-install of Kunena in a slave site.
  • Remove call to Joomla APIs to display the expiration date. This will avoid future incompatilities with Joomla.
    Use the native PHP strftime format to display the date instead of the joomla JHTML::_('date', ...) that does not provide any ascending compatibilities.

Jms Multi Sites update

  • Improve front-end "billable website" creation to reduce a risk of error when creating a website.
    Technically, we use a POST instead of a GET to reduce risk of "forbidden access" when a .htaccess filter the GET request on some specific patterns.
    The fact to post the info, reduce the risk of rejection.
  • Improve the http internal protocol to use the CURL header size when it is present.
    This reduce the risk to receive a wrong reply when the reply does not contain the marker "\n\n" that is the separator between the http header and the http data.

Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.79

  • Propagate the T3 framework patch for Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 1.7 and 2.5. So now the T3 patch is applicable to joomla 1.5, 1.7 and 2.5.
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - uddeIM

Add compatibility with Joomla 2.5

  • Fix the front-end admin User information saving that updated the master website instead of the new created slave site
  • Fix the slave site back-end installation to detect the new Joomla "version" file location.

Bundled with Patches Definition 1.2.78

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • ContentBuilder

If you have a warning message like

com_multisites/helpers/helper.php on line 603

This is an error introduce in the Jms 1.2.74 to display the information concerning all the websites (owners, DB, ...)

This error message is fixed in the Jms Multi Sites Version 1.2.76

This version is a re-packaging of the Jms Multi Sites version 1.2.74 in which we have discovered a file that was not correctly updated.

This version add a rescue registration in case where our hosting provider interrupt the connection during the transfert and return a cookie instead of the data.

When Jms Multi Sites detects this case, it retries with an alternate solution during the registration.


Joomla 2.5 compatibility

  • Allow selecting front-end layout and no more display the default layout
  • Fix the front-end access for the "registered" users under Joomla 1.7 and 2.5.

Jms Multi Sites enahancement

  • Always read the "multisites.cfg.php" configuration when getting the list of site from another extension than JMS.
    So that, when it is called from another extension, the rendering is correct when a setting like the "letter tree" is enabled.
    In example: called from the "Partial User Sharing".
  • Update the "about us" scren to add the compatibility with joomla 2.5
  • Add a configuration parameter to allow ignoring the extension version during the install from a slave site.
    The objective is to allow some extension proceeding with the upgrade of the DB in a slave site when they need the old version number in the manifest file
  • Fix registration message to provide a better english text
  • Modify the combo box to display all the DB, owners, ... of all the website and not more only the one corresponding to the current page displayed.
  • Add the possibility to save "User Defined" parameters when they are defined in a specific front-end layout

Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.77

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • - RokEcwid
  • - Proforms Basic
  • - ArtofUser

This Jms Multisite version contain the compatibility with Joomla 2.5.0 stable and is also bundled with the Patches definition 1.2.76 that:

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Update JCalcPro for version 3
    - RokGallery

Joomla 2.5 beta 1 compatibility

  • Include the Joomla 2.5 installation
  • Include patches and restore files.

Joomla 1.7 compatibility

  • Fix the JMS Layout installation
  • Fix the Expiration date selection

Bundled with Patches definition 1.2.75

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JINC
    - jomDirectory
    - JPlaces
    - Mad Blanks
    - SuperEvents
    - Ticketlib Event Manager
    - V-Portfolio
    - WebServices VirtueMart
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - V-Portfolio
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - V-Portfolio
  • Add Joomla 2.5 sharing definition for:
    - Initial version is a copy of the Joomla 1.7 sharing

Jms Multi Sites update:

- Fix "Elements compatibility" declaration to ensure that Joomla class are defined when called from Ajax.
- Verify that DB connection exists when computing the Admin user combo box (helper).
This avoid a Fatal Error when displaying the Front-End website creation on a template that has lost its DB (or slave site).

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.74

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites Create Site module
    - Multisites Custom HTML
    - Accordion Menu for Joomla 1.7
    - Cassrina Slideshow Flo CSF6
    - Fix civiCRM
    - DJ-Image Slider
    - Fix DT Register definition
    - EasyCalcCheck PLUS
    - Event Registration Pro
    - JBolo
    - JB Login 2
    - JB MicroBlog
    - JV Framework
    - PayPlan
    - Superfish Menu (JT)
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Event Registration Pro

Updated the JMS multisite core to:

  • Add a new type of parameter to allow retreiving all the domains present in all the slave site.
    This new type is used by the "Multisites Single Sign In for domain" plugin.
  • Extends the "multisiteslayout" with the possibility to get layouts from any directories.
  • Also make the possibility to access low level API from module or plugins.
  • Add the possibility to get "Product Information" when using "Billable website" creation.
  • Fix the computation of the complex view when there is a "from" word present in the view to replicate.
    Now search for the " FROM " (with space) to avoid confusion with field 'fromname', 'fromemail' used by acymailing.
  • Bundled with Joomla 1.7.3 installation files.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.73

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites Single Sign In for domains
    - Ads Manager modules,
    - Mobile Joomla modules,
    - Mobile Joomla modules,
    - Paidsystem
    - ParaInvite
    - Profile URL
    - SocialAds
    - Zoo modules
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - Ads Manager
    - JV-LinkDirectory
    - Paid System
    - RS Form

This JMS multisite version for joomla is bundled with Joomla 1.7.2 installation files.

It is Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.72:

  • Fix a patch for compatibility with sh404SEF 2.2.3 under joomla 1.5 to allow saving the configuration with the wrapper present.µ
  • Fix a patch for Mobile Joomla 1.0 RC4
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - iProperty (j1.7)
    - EasyBlog Modules and plugins (3.0)
    - JWallpapers,
    - JWallpapers PM
    - VirtueMart 2.0
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - JWallpapers,
    - VirtueMart 2.0
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - JWallpapers,
    - VirtueMart 2.0

Joomla 1.7 compatibility.

  • The access to the MySQL connection is become protected field in joomla 1.6 and 1.7.
    Therefore the MySQL connection can not more accessed directly.
    Now we use the "connected()" function to verify the DB connection.
  • Fix the re-installation of a component in a slave site.
    In Joomla 1.7, the install of a component in a slave site didn't created the DB tables and the menu.
    With the fix, the "fresh" install is called from a slave site and no more the joomla "update" that don't create the mysql tables and admin menu when they are not present.

Improve Jms Multi Sites

  • Add the possible to create shared tables with specific filtering.
    This new feature is used in the Partial User Sharing and introduced the possibility to filter the content of some extension.
  • Remove a potential warning that could be displayed when SEF is enabled (front-end router) and that PHP is configured to display the warnings.
  • Remove a potential warning message inside the JMS tool during the installation of a component.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.71

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Widgetkit

Fix some issues in Jms Multi Sites

A problem were reported to create dynamic DB and also when a different MySQL users when creating a new DB.
The issue were that the MySQL root login was not used when the new DB user were not yet defined.
So now the MySQL root user is used in case where the connection with existing from/to user are not valid.

Another issue were identified when a site has an invalid DB connection. In this case, the refresh icon generated an error and the list were not displayed. So now this side effect is fixed.
In previous case, the work arround were to disable the display of the refresh icon by a setting in the "multisites.cfg.php" file.


Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.70

Add the Jms multisite Tools (install) definitions for :

  • BF Quiz Plus,
  • nBill

Jms multisites add Joomla 1.7.1 compatibility

  • Fix the install of Joomla Template into a slave site.
  • Fix the JMS internal debugger to be compatible with Joomla 1.7.x
  • Improve the "uninstall" of the extension to cleanup the ghost menu in case where joomla didn't do it in case of error.
    This avoid the "unable to build admin menu".
    This provide a temporary solution to a joomla bug.
  • Fix bug in Joomla 1.7 to force writing the session when closing the DB to avoid that later session close failed due to DB connection close.
  • Fix bug in Joomla 1.7 that may have fatal error when working on localhost with Joomla 1.5
    See bug tracker http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_id=8103&tracker_item_id=24879
    that joomla declined to fix because they are not able to reproduce it.

Jms Multisite Features

  • Add the possibility when sharing a table to execute additional queries depending on conditions.
    This feature is used in the Partial User Sharing extended.
  • Cleanup the "patches" version number to allow correct comparaisons when there are plugins present that may add text in the patches version.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.69

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites User Sites,
    - Form2Content Pro,
    - redShop,
    - Fix Joomdle to add its table definitions,
    - Update JoomLoc,
    - Update K2,
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Multisites User Sites,
    - Chola Tube,
    - Add the possibility to share JomSocial without its configuration,
    - JS G-Kunena;
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Multisites User Sites
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - Multisites User Sites,
    - hwdVideoShare,
    - JoomLoc,
    - red Shop

Joomla 1.7 compatibility

  • Fix joomla 1.7 the database connnection when working with the cache.
  • Update the Tool menu to display the extension title instead of their internal name.
    This also improve the matching between master and slave site extension definitions.
  • Fix DB Connection when working with different server and users
  • Fix the slave site creation when the letter tree is enabled and that the site ID has more than 20 characters. In this case, Joomla may report an error when creating the slave site.
    We fixed the website creation to split the site name is block of 10 characters to avoid the limit of 20 characters present in joomla JFolder::create.
  • Update the "manage site" list to avoid double language conversion.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.68

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Chola HTML5 Player,
    - CholaTube,
    - Fix Flexi Contact,
    - Update Frontpage SlideShow,
    - JS G-Kunena,
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Add possibility to share JomSocial without its configuration
    - Chola Tube
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Add possibility to share JomSocial without its configuration
    - K2
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    -  Add possibility to share JomSocial without its configuration
    - K2

Improve Joomla 1.7 compatibility

  • Allow re-installing an extension in a slave site.
    Under joomla 1.7, this functionality may cause a fatal error when trying to re-install an extension from a slave site.
  • Also fix the Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 discovery from a slave site.

Bundled with patches definition 1.2.67

  • Add several XMap plugins definitions
  • Add several sh404SEF plugins definitions

Joomla 1.6 and 1.7

  • Extend the standard Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 cookie domain to allow sharing the session between websites on a same domain (single sign)
  • Add the possibility in Jms Multisite to filter the list site on the the websites that can only share the users.
    This new internal update is used by the "Multisites Partial User Sharing" plugins for Joomla 1.6 and 1.7.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.66

  • Add patch in the sessions for Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 to process the single sign-in correctly.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JoomBah Jobs,
    - Osolcaptcha,
    - Flexi Contact,
    - Multisites patches for partial user sharing on joomla 1.6 and 1.7
    - Multisites partial user sharing for joomla 1.6 and 1.7
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
  • - JoomBah Jobs,
    - List Bingo
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Fix user sharing definition to add the "viewlevels".
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - Fix user sharing definition to add the "viewlevels".

Add Joomla 1.7 compatibility

  • Fix again some DB access after that joomla revamped all the DB APIs that is not compatible with the earlier joomla version.
    In particular this take in account the new J1.7 "connection" field that replace the J1.6 "_connection" and J.5 "_ressource" field.
  • Also add the detection of wrong replace DB Prefix present in Joomla 1.7.0 that might result by a delete of all tables in a DB.

Improve the front-end website creation

  • Add a new Error processing when a website can not be created from the front-end and it is required to login first.
    This may avoid "infinite loop" when the redirection comeback to the same page.
  • Add the possibility to create an Alias directory into a directory that does not exists.
    ie. /home/account/domains/{site_prefix}/public_html

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.65

  • Add new patch for JoomlaCK Editor
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Printme

This jms multisite version improve the compatibility with Joomla 1.7.

It fix the call to DB access API that is totally revamped by Joomla and no more compatible with earlier Joomla version.


This Jms Multisites version add comptibility with Joomla 1.7:

  • Fix an error message when working with Joomla 1.7 and that verify that the DB patches are correctly installed.
  • Bundled with Joomla 1.7.0 stable installation files.
  • Add patch for Joomla 1.7.0 stable version concerning the creation of slave sites.
    The patch consists in redirection of the "completed" screen to the front-end of the slave sites instead of displaying the front-end into the installer frame-work that is not able to display correctly additional CSS.

Compatibility with Joomla 1.6.5 and Joomla 1.7.0 RC1

  • Include the origina joomla 1.6.5 and 1.7.0 RC1 installation directory;
  • Add a patch in the standard Joomla "articles" to avoid conflicts when the articles models is already used by the "Article Sharing for JMS".
    A potential conflict was reported with RockStories.

Jms Multi Site enhancement

  • When making a reference to a website creation creation from the front-end, the standard joomla does not cleanup all the parameters present in the URL (event when they are already defined in the menu item).
    The enhancement consists in adding a SEF cleanup to remove all the parameters that are already defined in the menu item.
    So that the URLs are more friendly.
  • Enhance the "slave site" installer to allow re-installing some extensions like JomSocial that have different names (Public name is "JomSocial" and technical name "Community").
    This allow re-installing the extension from a slave site and potentially proceed with the upgrade of the extension when the DB layout is modified.
    This new feature can help to proceed with the upgrade of SomSocial 2.0.2 to 2.2.2 that require to apply some DB modifications.

Bundled with jms multisite Patch definition 1.2.63


  • In Joomla 1.6 and 1.7, add a patch in the Joomla Articles (com_content) to avoid duplicate models articles definition when the Article Sharing and RockStories are simulanously called present.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites patches for VirtueMart Payment Method,
    - AlphaGetCouponCode,
    - AlphaUserPoints Raffle,
    - Community Quiz,
    - Community Surveys,
    - Droomla,
    - GTranslate,
    - GW Coupons,
    - iJoomla Ad Agency modules,
    - iJoomla Magazine,
    - iJoomla News,
    - jCenter,
    - JEvents Tags,
    - jNews,
    - jomLike,
    - Joobi installer,
    - JoomlaXi User Search,
    - VideoWhisper 2 Way Video Chat,
    - VideoWhisper Live Streaming,
    - VideoWhisper Video Conference,
    - VideoWhisper Video Consultation

Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 compatibility

Under Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 it may happen that some action list combobox does not contain any description due to a problem in Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 that now try convert all the string into HTML. This new feature present in Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 may result with an empty string when the text provided in the combobox contain ISO 8859-1 for accentuated characters. In this case, Joomla is not able to render the string correctly and return an empty string.
This problem is arised with the French version that we now converted in UTF-8.
We also disabled the Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 HTML conversion to keep the text untouched.

Jms multisite Enhancement

We Fixed the cleanup of the template 'toSiteID' and 'toPrefix' to accept the '-' characters that is present in the {site_id-n} keyword.
This now allow using the parts of the site ID to create a new site ID or define a new DB table prefix.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.62

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - EasyBlog,
    - JE FAQPro,
    - JE Testimonial,
    - News Pro GK4
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - EasyBlog
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - EasyBlog
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - EasyBlog
The Jms Multisite for joomla 1.7 core changes includes:
  • Add Joomla 1.7 beta 1 compatibility.
  • Increase the Site ID length and introduce new keywords {site_id-n} where n is the number of the site ID when splitted with a dot(.).
    This allow to use a site ID with a domain name and parse it to extract some parts in reverse order. n start at 1.
    ie Site ID = www.jms2win.com
    {site_id-3} = www
    {site_id-2} = jms2win
    {site_id-1} = com
  • Fix front-end pagination count.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.60

  • Add original Joomla 1.6.4 and 1.7.0 beta 1 files in case or restore or uninstall.
  • Fix the VirtueMart patch to always used DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR instead of DS when it is called from outside Joomla.
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    -  Add possibility to share all VirtueMart except the vendor info to allow creating a special "store" information for each website (event when shared).

Joomla 1.7 compatibility

The new Jms Multi Sites version 1.2.55 introduce the compatibility with Joomla 1.7 alpha 1.

We also enhanced the processing of the site ID so that joomla 1.6 and 1.7 are fully compatible wtih joomla 1.5.

We also fix "notice message" that may appear when editing an existing template written by an Jms multisites version 1.1.x.


Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.59

  • Add patches for Joomla 1.7 compatibility
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AcePolls,
    - AwoCoupon,
    - Community Answers,
    - Community Polls,
    - Craigslist RSS Autoresponder,
    - DOCman Populate,
    - DOCman RSS,
    - Job Board,
    - Joom!Fish Plus,
    - K2 Import,
    - Kaltura Video,
    - obHelpDesk,
    - Pro Sticky Message,
    - RokAdminAudit,
    - RokCandyBundle,
    - RokNavMenuBundle,
    - RokQuickLinks,
    - RokUserChart,
    - Zoo modules and plugins.
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    -  Community Answers,
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - AcyMailing,
    - Community Answers
    - Job Board
  • Add Joomla 1.7 sharing definition for:
    - Started with same definition than Joomla 1.6

This Jms Multi Sites, fix a bug in the new installer compatible with joomla 1.6 and introduced in the version 1.2.53.

When installing the 1.2.53 version, the installer didn't use the latest manifest file present in the package but re-use the older one that was present in the previous version installed.

The new version fix this issue and now is using the latest manifest file for joomla 1.6


Joomla 1.6 enhancement

  • Refactor the installer
    This Jms Multisite version refactor the installer to use the new joomla 1.6 recommended processing.
    With this new installer, it is now possible in Joomla 1.6 to re-install Jms Multisite over an existing one without having to uninstall it before re-install.
  • Fix a bug in the JMS Tools when displaying the modules definitions under joomla 1.6. In fact a MySQL syntax error is fixed.
  • Also reduce the scope of the component displayed to the "site" (non core or not protected) under Joomla 1.6
    This avoid listing the "protected" components.

Both Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6 bug fix

  • Fix a bug in the utility that update the status of the orders when the letter tree is enabled.
    This affect the Bridge for VirtueMart when Jms Multi Sites is configured with letter tree.
    In this case, the status of a website was not updated.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.58

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - jVideoDirect
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - jVideoDirect,
    - Simple Image Gallery

A bug were introduced when saving a slave site from the front-end.

This version fix the fatal error that occurs after the save of the slave site when computing the redirection URL


Add new front-end website facilities

  • Add the possibility to automatically create a website using the "{user_email}", {user_name}, {user_login}, {user_psw}  keywords in the template to allow using the current logged user information to build the new slave site
  • Also give the possibiilty to send an email notification to the user with the login information.
  • Add the possibility to use the {site_prefix} and {site_alias} keywords in the redirect URL parameters present in the front-end website creation (menu item configuration).

Other updates

  • Add the possibility to disable the session.cookie_domain used for the single sign-in in case where the hosting provider does not support it.
  • Add bulgarian translation files.
  • Improve the website replication when third party also use "views" to perform filtered queries. (Case of OSE Membership).

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.57

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AccessLevel module,
    - Adminpraise, Admin Tools, Ajax Banner,
    - APLiteIcons, aPoll,
    - Fix CK Forms,
    - Feed Gator, Field Info,
    - Fix JCE,
    - JFBConnect,
    - JW Player Module,
    - Lof ArticlesSlideShow Module,
    - My Editor,
    - Phoca PDF,
    - PraiseSessions,
    - Quick Item Lite, Quick Item Pro,
    - Search Advanced,
    - Session Lifetime Bar,
    - Simple Image Gallery,
    - Editor - SimpleCE,
    - JoomlaPraise SubmitMailer,
    - TPI,
    - WPIcons

Improve the compatibility with Joomla 1.6


This Jms Multi Sites version is now bundled with original Joomla 1.6.2 installation files.

When a new Joomla 1.6 version is released and that the patches for that version are not included, it apply a default rule to install the patches for the lastest known version like the implementation present for the Joomla 1.5.

Bundled with Jms Multisite Patch definition 1.2.56

  • Add the patches for Joomla 1.6.2 compatibility
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Artical,
    - Flexbanner,
    - Google Custom Search,
    - Hikashop plugins,
    - Ice Accordion Module,
    - Lof Accordion Module,
    - InviteX,
    - Editor - JoomlaCK,
    - Qlue Accordion,
    - SP Accordion module,
    - U24 - Lytebox
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - uddeIM
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Hika Shop
Fix the computation of the"original "com_content" path directory that could be wrong when called form a Multisites Content module.

Add Joomla 1.6.1 compatibility

We improved the compatibility with Joomla 1.6.x stable and we can now consider Jms Multi Sites as fully compatible with Joomla 1.6.1.
Sometime, Joomla 1.6 sends a Site ID as an array instead of a string.
So we detect this case in the Multisites DB connection to retreive the appropriate site ID value.

We also bundled this Jms Multisite package with the original Joomla 1.6.1 installation file.

Bundled with patches definition 1.2.55

This contain the patches for Joomla 1.6.1;
and add the JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • AlphaRegistration

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.54

  • Add patches for Joomlart T3 framework V2.
    T3 framework 2009 does not need patches and is perfectly OK.
  • Add a partial patches for Rockethemes Gantry Framework 3.1.4.
    Remark: The patch is partial.
    Only the "save" button in the update of a template parameter save as Rockethemes does not "hacked" the code.
    Concerning the "Apply" button, Rocketthemes continue to update the "master" parameters file and not the slave one.
    The patch is not possible as present in an "encrypted/packed" file.
  • Fix a bug present in Joomla 1.5.16 and higher that create duplicated session and forbid the Single Sign-In.
    As Joomla didn't yet solved the problem of session after they changed their algorithm to try improvin the login security, this patch consists in applying the roolback to the Joomla 1.5.15 implementation in aim to allow the Single Sign-In when working on the same domain.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - iJoomla Sidebars,
    - Ambra subscription,
    - Amigo,
    - Juga plugin and modules,
    - DJ-Catalog2,
    - Sexy Bookmarks,
    - sh404sef modules and plugins.
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - CB 1.4

Improve the compatibility with Joomla 1.6.0.

Fix a bug to verify the condition when the "refresh icon" must be displayed.
The problem identified concern the comparison of two DB with different DB User and Password.
In the case, the connection to the new DB with a different MySQL user and password had failed.
The fix now provide a Joomla 1.6 DB connection compatibilty.

Improve the performance in the back-end when computing the "refresh icon".

When displaying the "refresh icon", all the website DB are compared with its "website templates" DBs.
We added a cache on the DB queries to improve the performance during the comparison of the DBs tables.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.54

  • Add a partial patches for Rockethemes Gantry Framework 3.1.4.
    Remark: The patch is partial.
    Only the "save" button in the update of a template parameter save as Rockethemes does not "hacked" the code.
    Concerning the "Apply" button, Rocketthemes continue to update the "master" parameters file and not the slave one.
    The patch is not possible as present in an "encrypted/packed" file.
  • Add patches for Joomlart T3 framework V2.
    T3 framework 2009 does not need patches and is perfectly OK.
  • Fix a bug present in Joomla 1.5.16 and higher that create duplicated session and forbid the Single Sign-In.
    As Joomla didn't yet solved the problem of session after they changed their algorithm to try improvin the login security, this patch consists in applying the roolback to the Joomla 1.5.15 implementation in aim to allow the Single Sign-In when working on the same domain.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - iJoomla Sidebars,
    - Ambra subscription,
    - Amigo,
    - Juga plugin and modules,
    - DJ-Catalog2,
    - Sexy Bookmarks,
    - sh404sef modules and plugins.
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - CB 1.4
In this Jms Multisites patch definition, we have added several definitions for
  • Joomlart
    - Joomlart extensions manager
    - JA Buletin,
    - JA MegaMenu,
    - JA News2 Module,
    - JA News Ticker Module,
    - JA News Frontpage Module
    - JA Tabs
    - JA Twitter
    - JA Bookmark
    - JA Disqus Debate Echo Plugin
    - JA Thumbnail
    - JA Popup
    - JA Section menu plugin
    - JA T3 Framework. This plugin need a patch to process correctly the "params.ini" file.
    - JA User Setting
  • other extensions,
    - Affiliate Text Ads,
    - AutoTweet,
    - HikaShop,
    - Newsletter (Joo Mailer Mailchimp Integration),
    - Joo Mailer Mailchimp Signup
    - JoomShopping
    - Nurte Facebook Like Button
    - OSE UPMan
    - RSComments!
    - RSMail
    - RSMembership!
    - Sobi Pro
    - WDBanners
  • Fix Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for
    - Tienda
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - HikaShop,
    - Affiliate Text Ads
    - Sobi Pro
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Sobi Pro

This Jms Multi Sites patches definition includes

  • Add patch for CBE (Community Builder Enhanced)
  • Modify the patches for Joomla 1.6.0 stable
  • Modify the patches for acesef 1.5.13 compatibility
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - CBE,
    - GCalendar,
    - JoomGallery Treeview,
    - JSPT / XIPT / JomSocial Profile Types,
    - VM Affiliate Tracking Module,
    - WordPress
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - CBE,
    - JSPT,
    - WordPress

Improve compatibility with Joomla 1.6 in Jms Multisites.

It now contains the filtering for the "installation/uninstall" processing in a slave site to avoid removing the PHP code of the extension uninstalled or re-install an extension with a different version than the one installed via the master website.

Fix some menu language file to display menu correctly.

Both Joomla 1.5 and 1.6

Add a verification that a DB does not exists when creating a DB dynamically.
In some case, Joomla can return a DB object that has no ressource connected to any DB.
The new check, verify that the DB Oject returned by joomla contain a real MySQL DB ressource.


Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.53

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Affiliate Text Ads,
    - Attend JEvents,
    - AutoTweet,
    - HikaShop,
    - Newsletter (Joo Mailer Mailchimp Integration),
    - Joo Mailer Mailchimp Signup
    - Joomlart extensions manager
    - JA Buletin,
    - JA MegaMenu,
    - JA News2 Module,
    - JA News Ticker Module,
    - JA News Frontpage Module
    - JA Tabs
    - JA Twitter
    - JA Bookmark
    - JA Disqus Debate Echo Plugin
    - JA Thumbnail
    - JA Popup
    - JA Section menu plugin
    - JA T3 Framework - Need patch
    - JA User Setting
    - JoomShopping
    - Nurte Facebook Like Button
    - OSE UPMan
    - RSComments!
    - RSMail
    - RSMembership!
    - Sobi Pro
    - WDBanners
  • Fix Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for
    - Tienda
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - HikaShop,
    - Affiliate Text Ads
    - Sobi Pro
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Sobi Pro

Joomla 1.6.0 stable compatibility

This Jms Multi Site release add a partial compatibility with the newer Joomla 1.6.0 stable version.
Jms Multi-Site is no more compatible with joomla 1.6.0 alpha, beta, RC1 due to low lever API incompatibility introduced in Joomla 1.6.0 that is not compatible with its own 1.6.0 alpha, beta and RC1.

This Jms Multi Site version is also bundled with Joomla 1.6.0 installation directory that contain all the languages installation files.

Jms Multi-Site kernel update

Fix the name of a plugin routine that allow adding customer specific patches definition.

Also add conditional implementation to take in account the new incompatibility between Joomla 1.5.x and Joomla 1.6.x related to the JRegistry->toString function that removed the second argument in Joomla 1.6. So now Joomla 1.5.x has 3 arguments and Joomla 1.6.x has 2 arguments.

Bundled with Jms Multi Site Patch definition 1.2.52

> Add patch for CBE (Community Builder Enhanced)
> Modify the patches for Joomla 1.6.0 stable
> Modify the patches for acesef 1.5.13 compatibility
> Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
- CBE, GCalendar, JoomGallery Treeview,
JSPT / XIPT / JomSocial Profile Types,
VM Affiliate Tracking Module,
> Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
- CBE, JSPT, WordPress

This Jms multisite patch definition 1.2.51 include the definitions for :
  • RS Events,
  • iJoomla SEO
and the Joomla 1.5 candidate sharing definition for:
  • RS Events,
  • RS Form

Joomla 1.6 RC1 compatibility

With the new Joomla 1.6 RC1 it is now possible to remove almost all the patches installed by Jms Multisites and now it is possible to simply adding files to extends Joomla functionlaities or overwrite some of them.

So now, most of the patches consists in adding files to the Joomla 1.6.
Also bundled with Joomla 1.6 RC1 installation directory

New extension compatibilities

It is bundled with the Jms Multisites Patch definition 1.2.51 that adds the definitions for :

  • RS Events,
  • iJoomla SEO

and also adds the Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:

  • RS Events,
  • RS Form

This patches definition now include:

  • FLEXIaccess,
  • HotelGuide,
  • jShareEasy,
  • JV-LinkDirectory,
  • JV-LinkExchanger

Joomla 1.6 compatibility

This Jms Multi Sites version add the Joomla 1.6 compatibility in the "tool" menu.

Now it is possible to install,share and uninstall joomla 1.6 extension using the "tool" menu.

It is also bundled with Joomla 1.6 beta 15 installation file.

Add customisation

When a large number of slave site needs to be managed, the time to compare the number of tables that are present in the master with all the slave site DB may be high.

So now, it is possible to disable the "refresh icon" to speed-up refresh of the list of slave site present in the manage site.
The parameter is MULTISITES_REFRESH_DISABLED and can be in the "multisites.cfg.php" file.

Here it is a sample value:

define( 'MULTISITES_REFRESH_DISABLED', true); // When a large number of slave sites is expected, this allow disable the refresh icon that require to count the number of tables in each slave site.


Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.50

The new patches defined now include:

  • FLEXIaccess,
  • HotelGuide,
  • jShareEasy,
  • JV-LinkDirectory,
  • JV-LinkExchanger

This Jms Multisites patches definition add a patch for the All Video download script. The patch computes the "document root" directory based on the deployed directory. The sitePath "document root" directory was not correct when using Symbolic Link.

It also add the JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • All Video,
  • Ninja Content 1.5 (Ninja 1.5, Nooku Framework, Koowa system plugin)

This Jms Multi Sites version is partial compatibility with Joomla 1.6 beta 14.

It also force the alias field in lowercase.

A new keyword {user_email} is added.

Bundled with jms multi site patch definition 1.2.49

Add a patch for the All Video download script to compute the "document root" directory based on the deployed directory. The sitePath "document root" directory is not correct when using Symbolic Link.

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • JoomlaWorks All Video,
  • Ninja Content 1.5 (Ninja 1.5, Nooku Framework, Koowa system plugin)

With Joomla 1.5.22, the jms multisite need an update of an existing patch is used to allow sharing the users sessions between subdomains and subdirectories.

This JMS Multisites patch definition include:

  • The fix in the new session management present in Joomla 1.5.22
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Copyright Current Year,
    - jDownloads,
    - JW Tabs & Slides Module

This Jms Multisite version add the compatibility with Joomla 1.5.22 and also a partial compatibility with Joomla 1.6 beta 13.
It fixes severa screen rendering to work with Joomla 1.6 beta 13.

It is also bundled with jms multi site patch definition 1.2.48 that :

  • Include the fix for an existing patch that accept to share the sessions between subdomains or subdirectories and that is now compatible with Joomla 1.5.22.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Copyright Current Year,
    - jDownloads,
    - JW Tabs & Slides Module

Jms Multisites Patches definition 1.2.47

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
  • Tiendra
Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
  • Tiendra:
  • This is a release candidate.
    You may have a limitation when using reference to joomla articles that will not be shared,
  • Joomla Estate Agency

Add partial Joomla 1.6 beta 12 compatibility.

Bundled with Jms Multisites Patch definition 1.2.47

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
  • Tiendra
Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
  • Tiendra:
  • This is a release candidate.
    You may have a limitation when using reference to joomla articles that will not be shared,
  • Joomla Estate Agency
Add the JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
  • Auctions,
  • Restaurant Guide,
  • CodeCitation plugin,
  • Versioning Workflow
Add the sharing definition for:
  • Auctions,
    Allow a full sharing of the auctions and also the possibility to only share the actions users info
  • Restaurant Guide
    with limitation on the Linked Articles that can not be used as the articles are not shared

Bundled with Jms Multisites Patch definition 1.2.46

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
  • Auctions,
  • Restaurant Guide,
  • CodeCitation plugin,
  • Versioning Workflow
Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
  • Auctions (full sharing and only user sharing),
  • Restaurant Guide
    with limitation on the Linked Articles that can not be used as the articles are not shared

This Jms Multisites patch definition add a patch for Mobile Joomla to allow speciifc configuration for each slave sites.

It also add the JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • CB Search plugin,
  • ai Sobi Search

This JMS Multisites version is partial compatibility with Joomla 1.6 beta 11.

It is also Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.45 that:

  • Add patch for Mobile Joomla
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - CB Search plugin,
    - ai Sobi Search

When the SEF is enabled, Joomla does not cleanup all the parameters when they are already present in the menu item id definition.

In this "Article Sharing for JMS" we have added a cleanup of the parameters when they are already present in the menu item id.

So now the "site_id" parameter can be hidden when its value is the same as the menu item definition corresponding to the SEF URL computed based on the alias.

This "Article Sharing for JMS" version 1.0.12 require JMS Multisites 1.2.34 or higher. Otherwise you will get a fatal PHP error due to call to a "multisitesfactory" file that is only available wtih JMS Multisites 1.2.34 or higher.

Also purge all the converted files to remove the older caches. Otherwise you will  get a duplicate "routing" definition error message.


Kunena 1.6 renames its tables names. The new patch defined the new "#__kunena%" tables name as synonym of the old "#__fb%" table names.
If you want to install Kunena 1.6, this patches definition is required.

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AceSEF plugin,
    - Categories module,
    - Joomdle,
    - JoomFish SEF,
    - Kunena 1.6,
    - Scheduler
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Kunena 1.6,
    - Scheduler
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Kunena 1.6

Partial compatibility with Joomla 1.6 beta 10

We added the Joomla 1.6 beta 10 original file and in particular its new installation directory that is required to create fresh slave sites.

Bundled with Jms Multi Sites Patches definition 1.2.44

Kunena 1.6 renames its tables names. The new patch defined the new "#__kunena%" tables name as synonym of the old "#__fb%" table names.
If you want to install Kunena 1.6, this patches definition is required.

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AceSEF plugin,
    - Categories module,
    - Joomdle,
    - JoomFish SEF,
    - Kunena 1.6,
    - Scheduler
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Kunena 1.6,
    - Scheduler
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Kunena 1.6

En the SEF is enabled, the routing might be called from any extension.

This fix ensure that the MultisitesContent routing cache file is always stored in the multisites content directory and in the directory from which the multisitescontent is called.


Update the AceSEF patch to be compatible with AceSEF version 1.5.x

The new patch try to identify the signature of AceSEF 1.3.x and 1.5.x to apply the patches that correspond to the appropriate version of AceSEF.

The new patch is required due to refactoring of AceSEF 1.5.x.

This new patch is required for AceSEF 1.5.x or an error may be raised during the installation of the patches and result by the "uninstall" of all patches with the impossibilty to re-install the patches.


Front-end website creation when SEF is enabled.

When the core Joomla SEF is enable, joomla may produce wrong encoding/decoding SEF url.
The problem occurs in the <Form action that are not processed by the Joomla SEF system plugin and that may have different URL than the one compute by the URL present in the menus.

To align the URL between the menu computed by Joomla and the URL present in the front-end website creation forms, we have computed all the form actions to provide the same SEF urls than the menu.

We also modified the internal redirection URL to compute the same menu SEF url and help Joomla decode them with the same algorithm.

The new SEF url compute in the front-end were tested on Joomla 1.5 and 1.6.
It also works with AceSEF, sh404SEF and JoomFish.

  • In case of sh404SEF, don't forget to setup the Joomla 1.0.x "live_site" parameter in the configuration.php that is required by sh404SEF to display correctly the stylesheet and other images. See sh404SEF documentation.
  • In case of JoomFish and SEF enabled it is recommended to install a fix concerning the HTML <base tag when # anchor is used.
    See http://www.metamodpro.com/software/jfsef for the download of the fix.

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.43

Update the AceSEF patch to be compatible with AceSEF version 1.5.x


This JMS Multisites Patches definition 1.2.42

  • Fix the patch concerning the Global Configuration in Joomla 1.6.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites Content Modules (NewsFlash and LatestNews),
    - Multisites Contact,
    - BreezingForms >= 1.7.2 (formelly Facile Forms),
    - Listbingo,
    - Projectfork,
    - RSTickets! Pro,
    - Community Builder Profile Pro + Magic Window,
    - Grid
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - Ignite Gallery,
    - Community Builder Profile Pro + Magic Window

Joomla 1.6 beta 9 compatibility.

  • installation language conversion to avoid convert leading and trailing quotes in _QQ_
  • Partially fix the problem relative to load of new layouts in the back-end
  • Fix some patches for Joomla 1.6
  • Fix the front-end layout selection for Joomla 1.6

Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.42

  • Fix the patch concerning the Global Configuration in Joomla 1.6.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites Content Modules (NewsFlash and LatestNews),
    - Multisites Contact,
    - BreezingForms >= 1.7.2 (formelly Facile Forms),
    - Listbingo,
    - Projectfork,
    - RSTickets! Pro,
    - Community Builder Profile Pro + Magic Window,
    - Grid
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - Ignite Gallery,
    - Community Builder Profile Pro + Magic Window

Core Enhancement

  • Add an internal routine to get the first domain name based on its site id that can be used by mutlisites modules or plugins
  • Improve the SEF processing to bypass standard Joomla SEF url error resolution that may affect the website creation from the front-end when SEF is enabled.
    The problem is due to the standard Joomla 1.5 SEF processing that does not resolve correctly the URL to their aliases when parameters are present.This may result by using the default processing instead of the action required. In addition, Joomla does not route the normal URL to their process when "non" SEF redirection url are used and that SEF is enabled.

Bundled with Jms Multisites Patch definition 1.2.41

  • Modify the SH404SEF patch to be complient with version 2.0.
    Some patches where moved into other files after they have refactor their code to use MVC.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites patches for Mighty,
    - Disqus Comment System for Joomla!,
    - Scribe,
    - SEF Title Prefix and Suffix,
    - some sh404SEF plugins,
    - Simply Links,
    - WysiwygPro3

Partial Joomla 1.6.0 beta 6 compatibility

  • Fix a problem to reset the DB error number and that we put in a new Multisites Database adapters
  • Fix the submenu display after that Joomla change the behavior in beta 6

Improve the Front-End website creation

  • Always check the validity expiration to be able redirect the user to the expired URL when it is present;
  • Improve some SEF url when redirecting the user to other multisites actions.
    There is still a know problem when editing a slave site from the list of slave site and when the SEF is enabled.
    In this case, the data are not send by the form to the server. Use a normal input submit button instead of the joomla javascript submitform routine can solve the problem.
  • Fix some minor HTML syntax error when editing a Front-end website definition.
    A table row TR were not correctly closed.

Bundled with Jms Multisites Patch definition 1.2.41

  • Modify the SH404SEF patch to be complient with version 2.0.
    Some patches where moved into other files after they have refactor their code to use MVC.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Multisites patches for Mighty,
    - Disqus Comment System for Joomla!,
    - Scribe,
    - SEF Title Prefix and Suffix,
    - some sh404SEF plugins,
    - Simply Links,
    - WysiwygPro3

JMS multisites patches definition

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Ninja Content,
    - Simple Caddy,
    - Sourcerer,
    - redEVENT,
    - redFORM,
    - Multisites Search plugins (Multisites Content + Multisites Categories + Multisites Sections);
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - Simple Caddy,
    - redEVENT,
    - redFORM.

Joomla 1.6.0 Beta 5 partial compatibility

We still consider this JMS Multisites Version as an alpha version for Joomla 1.6 event if it is stable for Joomla 1.5.
Here are the changes performed to increase the compatibility with Joomla 1.6 beta 5:

  • Remove one Joomla 1.6 database patch that is replaced by new MultisitesDatabase API that allow update the protected JDatabase table prefix.
  • Improve Joomla 1.6 beta 5 language file conversion to use "_QQ_" for the quote character.
  • Modify the "Site" element to autorize multiple selection and also make it compatible with Joomla 1.6 beta 5.
    The "Site" element is used to display the list of JMS Multisites in the extension like "Article Sharing for JMS" or "Multisites Menu Item" and also in "Multisites Search" plugins.
  • Modify the "Layout" element to make it compatible with Joomla 1.6 beta 5.
    The "Layout" element is used in the menu when defining a website creation form the front-end and to allow selecting a layout.
  • Make the front-end compatible with Joomla 1.6 beta 5.

Other JMS multisites changes

  • Fix a bug in JMS tools introduced in 1.2.33 concerning the action to share a component.
    The new possibility to exclude some share tables from a generic list were resulted in the impossibility to share the extension from the JMS Tools.
  • Bundled with Joomla 1.5.20 files
  • Bundled with Patch definition 1.2.40
    Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Ninja Content,
    - Simple Caddy,
    - Sourcerer,
    - redEVENT,
    - redFORM,
    - Multisites Search plugins (MultisitesContent + MultisitesCategories + MultisitesSections);
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - Simple Caddy,
    - redEVENT,
    - redFORM.

Bundled with JMS Multisites Patch definition version 1.2.39

Add/modify patches

  • Fix the patch for Community Builder 1.2.3 that moved some code into another source.
    If you try install the previous patch on CB 1.2.3, this result by the uninstall of all the patches.
    So it is required to use the JMS Multisites patch definition 1.2.39 or higher with CB 1.2.3.
  • Fix the patch for the Sermon Speaker 3.4.1.
    In fact with version 3.4.1, the patch is no more required. Now they save the configuration into the DB.
  • Add patch for CssJsCompress.

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • CssJsCompress,
  • Annonces,
  • Djf Acl,
  • EstateAgent,
  • jSecure Authentication,
  • MooFAQ
  • QuickContent,
  • PU Arcade,
  • AjaxChat,
  • Add also some plugin for JomSocial 1.8.3

Add sharing definition for:

Following sharing are considered as "candidate for sharing". They need more feedback and validation from the customer who request them.
  • Annonces,
  • JVideo,
  • PU Arcade,
  • AjaxChat
  • JEvent with default excluded.

JMS Multisites version 1.2.33 is now partially compatibility with Joomla 1.6 beta 5.

It is now possible install JMS Multisites on joomla 1.6 beta 5.
We still consider this JMS Multisites version as an alpha version for joomla 1.6 even if this is the same stable code used with joomla 1.5.
The reason is that Joomla has changed plenty API that sometimes require that we implement specific things for joomla 1.6.
For the moment, it is possible :

  • to install JMS Multisites on joomla 1.6 beta 5
  • to create "fresh" slave site and install extension from the slave site. You can NOT uninstall an extension.
  • to replicate existing slave site
  • to display the extension installed (JMS Tools). The installation from JMS tools does not work.
You can use the same zip file for the installation on Joomla 1.5 or 1.6

Front-end website creation

Add a check when an alias link is already present on the disk with another value.
In this case this report an error and the slave site is not created.

Bundled with JMS Multisites Patch definition version 1.2.39

Add/modify patches

  • Fix the patch for Community Builder 1.2.3 that moved some code into another source.
    If you try install the previous patch on CB 1.2.3, this result by the uninstall of all the patches.
    So it is required to use the JMS Multisites patch definition 1.2.39 or higher with CB 1.2.3.
  • Add patch for CssJsCompress.
  • Fix the patch for the Sermon Speaker 3.4.1.
    In fact with version 3.4.1, the patch is no more required. Now they save the configuration into the DB.

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Annonces,
  • CssJsCompress,
  • Djf Acl,
  • EstateAgent,
  • jSecure Authentication,
  • MooFAQ
  • QuickContent,
  • PU Arcade,
  • AjaxChat,
  • Add also some plugin for JomSocial 1.8.3

Add sharing definition for:

Following sharing are considered as "candidate for sharing". They need more feedback and validation from the customer who request them.
  • Annonces,
  • JVideo,
  • PU Arcade,
  • AjaxChat
  • JEvent with default excluded.

This Jms multisites patch definition adds someJoomla 1.6.0 beta 3 compatibility.

It also add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Joomla Flash Uploader,
  • synk,
  • Akeeba Backup,
  • Blue Flame Forms For Joomla,
  • Extended Menu,
  • JB FAQ, JB Slideshow,
  • JEV Location,
  • Spec Images,
  • JVideo!,
  • JoomLoc
    Incompatibility with RocketThemes RokDownloadBundle version 1.0.1
    The new RokDownload component is packaged into a RokDownloadBundle that install the RokDownload component as a core joomla component.
    JMS Multisites does not provide interface to install "core component" that normally are the one present when installing the joomla cms.
and add the sharing definition for:
  • JoomLoc

Joomla 1.6 beta 3 partial compatibility

This Jms multisites version contain several update to provide a partial compatibility with Joomla 1.6 beta 3.
Between the Joomla 1.6 alpha and beta a lot of refactory were performed by Joomla and that have broken some Joomla 1.5 / 1.6 compatibility.

This version reduce the compatibility problem between Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 but some Jms Multisites functionality are still not working with Joomla 1.6. We know that the JMS tools and the layout are still not working and that the new Joomla 1.6 submenu processing provide identical text for all the submenu. In addition, the language files processing were totally rewritten by Joomla and now it is no more allowed to enter html tags into the language file.
All these issues are not yet solved.
This is the reason why we still consider this Jms Multisites version as a alpha version event if the JMS kernel is not modified and is identical between Joomla 1.5 and 1.6.

Jms Multisites bug fixes

  • When updating an existing slave site, check if it was located in a flat structure to force this format in case where the letter tree is enabled. This allow to resave the configuration using the same format.
  • Fix the delete of a slave site when using the letter tree to avoid delete recursivelly all slave site under a give letter tree entry.
  • Fix the computation of the list of slave sites when this processed is called from a website where the then "multisites" directory is a link.
  • Fix a bug introduced when implementing the "letter tree" concerning the filtering of slave site and that affect the list of slave site that can be displayed in the front-end.
  • Remove a warning in the "installation" to hide a warning on set_time_limit() when the call to this function not allowed by a server that have the safe mode enabled.
  • Add the possibility to UpdateStatus on All the websites.


Bundled with Jms Multisites Patch definition version 1.2.38

  • Add Joomla 1.6.0 beta 2 compatibility.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Joomla Flash Uploader, synk, Akeeba Backup, Blue Flame Forms For Joomla, Extended Menu, JB FAQ, JB Slideshow, JEV Location, Spec Images, JVideo!, JoomLoc
    Incompatibility with RocketThemes RokDownloadBundle version 1.0.1
    The new RokDownload component is packaged into a RokDownloadBundle that install the RokDownload component as a core joomla component.
    JMS Multisites does not provide interface to install "core component" that normally are the one present when installing the joomla cms.µ
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - JoomLoc
This version is bundled with patch 1.2.37 that fix a bug introduced in the patch 1.2.36 and that may affect the standard joomla "template manager".

This Jms Multisites patch definition 1.2.37 fix a bug introduced in a patch modified in 1.2.36 when replacing an existing patch by a new one.

When the patch is not correctly installed, it may happen that the access to the standard Joomla "manage template" is corrupted.

The new fix recover the last backup file and reapply the patch correctly on it.


Modify several patches to take in account the new Jms multisites "letter tree" directory structure.

Add also the Jms Multisites patch definitions for :

  • JS Testimonials

Modify the patch concerning the "administrator/index.php" file to take in account the new letter tree directory structure used when there are a lot of slave sites.

JMS multiistes patch definitions for :

  • QContact,
  • Multisites Affiliate (coming soon),
  • GroupJive,
  • JoomLeague,
  • myApi,
  • OSE Webmail
  • Seo Links,
  • Update Manager,
  • VM Emails Manager,
  • WebmapPlus

Also add the sharing definition for:

  • GroupJive

This Jms Mulitisites version :

  • Adds the keyword {site_id_letters} and give now the possibility to call a plugin process additional keywords.
  • Gives the possibility to create a special plugin to define external DBSharing and DBTable definitions that will complete the JMS Multisites one.
  • Speed up the patches loading to avoid reading it several time.

Is bundled with Joomla 1.5.18 original files (installation)

Contain the Jms Multisites Patch Definition 1.2.36 that:

  • Modify several existing patches to take in account the new letter tree directory structure
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JS Testimonials

New low level directory structure

We have introduced a new way to save the Jms Multisites slave site description on the disk to allow record a lot of slave sites definition and reduce the impact on the OS performance. Now, it is possible to store the Jms Multisites slave sites configuration using a set of directories using a tree of letters to speedup the files access.

By default this new low level directory structure is not enabled and is a parameter present in the "multisites.cfg.php" files.

This new way to save the multisites configuration file may be usefull when proposing a huge number of websites creation from the front-end. (ie. 10,000 slave sites an perhaps 1 million or more slave sites). This functionality is already live with a customer who expect more than 1 million slave sites and that use a multisites affiliate program that we have developed.

To speedup the processing when the Top Level Domain definition is not required, we also add a parameter in the "multisites.cfg.php" file to disable the computation required to identify pattern like "co.uk", "co.au", "co.za", ...

When installing an update of Jms Multisites, we know detect if a "multisites.cfg.php" is already present to avoid replacing it.
The "mutlisites.cfg.php" file is only created when not present and based based on the "multisites.cfg-dist.php" file.

New multisites.cfg.php parameters are:

  • MULTISITES_TLD_PARSING   Give the possibility to disable the Top Level Domain (TLD) computation to speedup the Multisites processing.
    When none of the slave sites contain domain with TLD composed of several words like co.uk co.za, co.au, ...
  • MULTISITES_LETTER_TREE   Use a letter tree to have the Multisites "Slave site" configuration and therefore reduce the number of files/folders at each level.
    When not defined, it is assume this is false and use the default flat directory structure.

Plugin and contributor customization.

Possibility to create contributor patches

Call plugin function to give the opportunity to contributor write specific patches that could be appended to Jms Multisites.
A free plugin for the YooThemes WARP framework is provide with the contribution of Brett Bruce that written the patches and that we encapsulated into this new plugin facility.
- Add the possibility to add contributors patches. Call plugin multisites to defined the patches.
Possibility to implement the functions coreFunctions2Backup() & files2Path().

Keyword customisation

We have added in standard new keywords:

  • {user_login}
  • {user_name}
  • {site_id_letters}

It also exists now the possibility to implement plugins to process additional customer specific keywords.

Front-end new facilities

  • Add the possibilty to create a slave site with an anonymous users (not logged).
  • dd the possibility to redirect to a specific URL in case of error.
  • Add new "OnBeforeSave" Multisites plugin functions that is called before saving a front-end slave sites.
  • Add possibility to flag all the field in the front-end edit.
  • Add a new function in the Util API to allow rebuild the Multistes master index.

Fix PHP 5.3 Compatibility

- Fix warning message reported by some "preg_split" and introduced when adding the PHP 5.3 compatibility

Bundled with Jms Multisites Patch Definition 1.2.35.

Modify several existing patches to take in account the new letter tree directory structure used when there are a lot of slave sites.

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - QContact,
    - Multisites Affiliate (coming soon),
    - GroupJive,
    - JoomLeague,
    - myApi,
    - OSE Webmail
    - Seo Links, £
    - Update Manager,
    - VM Emails Manager,
    - WebmapPlus
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - GroupJive



This Jms multisites patch definition version contain some joomla 1.5.17 original files in case where some user will not have update their Jms multisites before the update to joomla 1.5.16 or higher.

This Jms multisites version is just bundled with the latest joomla 1.5.17 original files that are published by joomla to fix some bug introduced in the joomla 1.5.16.

It is recommended that you update Jms multisites to a version 1.2.27 or higher before the installation of a joomla 1.5.16 or higher.


Jms multisites Patch Definition 1.2.33.

Includes the fix concerning the bug introduced by Joomla in the version 1.5.16 and that does not allow to login.
The behavior is that Joomla 1.5.16 loop on the login when called from a "localhost". Some side effect were also noticed in live site.
The fix consists in applying the patches that Joomla has published with (medium/high level) and that will be probably released in Joomla 1.5.17.
With Jms multisites, you can already benefit of this fix that had the sided effect to prevent any login.
See the joomla bug tracker published at


Also add several cross-check on joomla patches installed to improve consistency when joomla restore or replace existing files that remove Jms multisites patches.
A side effect detected is an infinite loop when installing the joomla patches from version 1.5.15 to 1.5.16.
The infinite loop is due to the fact that the installation directory exists (restored by JMS) and when updating 1.5.15 to 1.5.16 some Jms multisites patches are partially removed that create a "ping pong" between the administrator/index.php and the installation/index.php


Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Job Grok Application,
  • Kuneri Mobile Joomla,
  • ninjaXplorer
  • Quick Jump Extended,
  • WEBO Site SpeedUp,
  • aiContactSafe,
  • Rentalot

Add sharing definition for:

  • Job Grok Application

This Jms Multi Sites version add:

  • Bundled with the Joomla 1.5.16 installation and orginal files.
  • the PHP 5.3 compatibility and remove all the deprecated functions like ereg and split.
  • a fix on a minor problem when computing the "TLD" (Top Level Domain) when shared extension and that may happon on some PHP environment.

Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.33.

That include the fix concerning the bug introduced by Joomla in the version 1.5.16 and that does not allow to login.
The behavior is that Joomla 1.5.16 loop on the login when called from a "localhost". Some side effect were also noticed in live site.
The fix consists in applying the patches that Joomla has published with (medium/high level) and that will be probably released in Joomla 1.5.17.
With Jms multisites, you can already benefit of this fix that had the sided effect to prevent any login.
See the joomla bug tracker published at


Also add several cross-check on joomla patches installed to improve consistency when joomla restore or replace existing files that remove Jms multisites patches.
A side effect detected is an infinite loop when installing the joomla patches from version 1.5.15 to 1.5.16.
The infinite loop is due to the fact that the installation directory exists (restored by JMS) and when updating 1.5.15 to 1.5.16 some Jms multisites patches are partially removed that create a "ping pong" between the administrator/index.php and the installation/index.php

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Job Grok Application,
  • Kuneri Mobile Joomla,
  • ninjaXplorer
  • Quick Jump Extended,
  • WEBO Site SpeedUp,
  • aiContactSafe,
  • Rentalot

Add sharing definition for:

  • Job Grok Application


We strongly recommend to install the Jms multisites patches 1.2.33 or better install Jms multisites 1.2.27 before installing the Joomla 1.5.16.

To get the latest version, see the FAQ /faq#sec-122


This Jms Mutlisites for joomla patch definition 1.2.32 add the "install" definitions for :
  • Joomla Quiz,
  • JUMultithumb,
  • wbAdvert

Add sharing definition for:

  • Joomla Quiz.
    Not tested and not guarantee. Just a candidate for sharing.
  • Shipseeker.
    Any problem relative to this extension must be reported to the author of this extension that provide the support


This Jms Multi Sites version add:
  • the possibility to create website from the front-end that share a whole website.
  • a new API function to retreive the website information when used in plugin or external component or modules.
  • a fix on a fatal error that occurs when the joomla JFile class is not declared.
    Add the "import" of this declaration.

Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.32.

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Joomla Quiz,
  • JUMultithumb,
  • wbAdvert

Add sharing definition for:

  • Joomla Quiz.
    Not tested and not guarantee. Just a candidate for sharing.
  • Shipseeker.
    Any problem relative to this extension must be reported to the author of this extension that provide the support



In Jms Multisites for joomla 1.2.23, we have introduced the generation of a new "secret" value when creating the slave site.

This has a side effect on the "Single Sign-In" that result by different session_id for each domain and therefore disabled the Single Sign-In.

In this version, we have removed the generation of the "secret" value to keep the same value than the master.

Therefore the JReviews extension that expect to have different secret values to have specific configuration now share the configuration.

If you have created slave site with Jms Multisite 1.2.23, you can update all the slave site configuration.php file manually to copy the value in the secret present in the master configuration.php file. The objective is to use the same secret value for all the slave sites.


This Jms multisites patch definition add the install definitions for :

  • Add and fix DOCMan 1.5.4 modules and plugins,
  • ARI Quiz,
  • Vodes,
  • Jobs

Add sharing definition for:

  • Vodes,
  • Jobs

Enhance the sharing table parsing when creating a website.

When creating a slave site, it may happen that some existing view contain additional statement like "select ..... from `dbname`.`tablename` WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION'.
To retreive the retreiving "FROM table name" present in a statement we add a cross-check
that select the word that is preceded with the word "from".

Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.31.

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Add and fix DOCMan 1.5.4 modules and plugins,
  • ARI Quiz,
  • Vodes,
  • Jobs

Add sharing definition for:

  • Vodes,
  • Jobs

This JMS multisite Patch Definition 1.2.30 adds the "install" definitions for :

  • DOCMan 1.5.4 modules and plugins,
  • Mutlisites Meta tag,
  • CEdit,
  • Click Head,
  • JReviews & S2Framework. Nnot guaranteed as it uses ioncube and tests were not possible
    You must consider this definition as experimental and require new fresh slave site or slave site built with JMS 1.2.23 kernel only.
    It is not possible to use JReviews on slave sites created with prior JMS version 1.2.23. The update is not working.
    With existing slave site, you may have to modify the secret word manually in the configuration.php file.

Enhance the Jms Multisites interface with "New Like" and search filtering

"New like" button is used when you want to create a new slave site or template like an existing definition.
In this case, you select the slave site or template definition that you want to use when creating the "new" definition.
This maybe helpfull when creating a Jms templates where you have to setup the "folders and files" actions.
You can re-use an existing definition that is moreless identical to the one that you want to create.

Also add in the "manage site" a search filter that allow quickly find a specific slave site definition.
This maybe usefull when you have several hundred of websites.
The search is applied on fields:

  • Site ID
  • Site name
  • Domains
  • DB host name
  • DB name
  • DB Prefix

Remove the older compatibility with Joomla < 1.5.10.

To reduce the packaging distribution we have removed from Jms multisite for joomla all the original files of joomla 1.5.9 and lower that was present in the distribution in case where the backup failed and it was not possible to retreive the original definition.
So there is no more "rescue" algorithm available in Jms to restore original joomla files in case of "uninstall" or patches installation failure.
We have considered that older Joomla < 1.5.10 was not very secured and decided to stop the distribution of rescue patches.
This does not mean that Jms will not work with older version of joomla. There is no more rescue (or backup) guarantee with older joomla versions. Up to the user perform backup themselve in case of failure with older joomla < 1.5.10.

Specific cache management

Joomla uses the "secret" field present in the "configuration.php" file to compute a cache file name.
In case where you replicate an existing website, Jms multisite uses the existing "configuration.php" file to create the new "configuration.php" file for the specific slave site.
This patch consists in generating a new "secret" value with the objective to have specific "cache" files event when sharing the same cache directory. This may be usefull for "Windows" platform that can not use the Symbolic Link and may not be able to have a specific "cache" directory.
Some extension like "JReviews" also use the "secret" value to store their own configuration file on the disk.


Bundled with Jms Multi Sites Patch Definition 1.2.30 and 1.2.29

Patch definition 1.2.30
Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • DOCMan 1.5.4 modules and plugins,
  • Mutlisites Meta tag,
  • CEdit,
  • Click Head,
  • JReviews & S2Framework. Nnot guaranteed as it uses ioncube and tests were not possible
    You must consider this definition as experimental and require new fresh slave site or slave site built with JMS 1.2.23 kernel only.
    It is not possible to use JReviews on slave sites created with prior JMS version 1.2.23. The update is not working.
    With existing slave site, you may have to modify the secret word manually in the configuration.php file.

Patch Definition 1.2.29:

Add fix for the YooThemes "yoo_vox" to allow reading the appropriate multisites "params_xxxx.ini" file.
Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Frontpage SlideShow 2.x
  • Ninjaboard,
  • Ozio Gallery 2,
  • Picasa Slideshow,
  • Slimbox,
  • Very Simple Image Gallery Plugin,
  • YOOTools:
    YOOaccordion, YOOcarousel, YOOdrawer, YOOeffects, YOOgallery, YOOholidays, YOOiecheck, YOOlogin, YOOmaps, YOOscroller, YOOsearch, YOOslider, YOOsnapshots, YOOtooltip, YOOtoppanel, YOOtweet

Add partial sharing definition for :

  • AcyMailing and only VM Users.
    This definition present risks for the consistency.
    It is required that the AcyMailing plugins that import content (except user details) should be de-activated.

YOOTools and YOO_vox definition in JMS tools definition

This JMS multisite for joomla patch definition mainly add the YOOTools definition and also patch the YOO_Vox template to allow it reading the appropriate "params.ini" file when used in a slave site. YOOTools is a product category proposed by YOOTheme

Becarefull that when you have created a slave site with separated templates directory, it is required to install the JMS patch on the Yoo_vox template before copying it. JMS does not syncrhonize files on the disk. So when the "/templates" directory is created and if this is an independent directory, you will have to apply the patch manually. It just consists in copying the file mentionned by JMS in the "check for patches". See the "yoo_vox" patch.

YOOTools definition:

YOOaccordion, YOOcarousel, YOOdrawer, YOOeffects, YOOgallery, YOOholidays, YOOiecheck, YOOlogin, YOOmaps, YOOscroller, YOOsearch, YOOslider, YOOsnapshots, YOOtooltip, YOOtoppanel, YOOtweet

Other definitions added to JMS

  • Frontpage SlideShow 2.x.
    The new version 2.x is a refactor of the version 1.x and they changed the component name.
    So a new definition to reflect the new component name is provided
  • Ninjaboard,
  • Ozio Gallery 2,
  • Picasa Slideshow,
  • Slimbox,
  • Very Simple Image Gallery Plugin

Partial Sharing added to AcyMailing

When sharing the AcyMailing, this also share ALL the VirtueMart and ALL the JomSocial and ALL the Community Builder when they are present.

The partial sharing now allow to share ALL AcyMailing and only the VirtueMart users.
This definition present risks in terms of the consistency and should only be used by advanced user and at their own risks.
When the partial sharing is used It is required that the AcyMailing plugins that import content (except user details) should be de-activated.

We strongly advise the users who would like to use the partial sharing that they test themselve the behavior before applying such configuration in production.


This JMS multisite Patch Definition 1.2.28 :

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Logos Query Manager (LQM)
  • Add partial sharing definition for :
    - HP Hot Property to allow only sharing the Agents and Companies.
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - Logos Query Manager (LQM)

This JMS multisite for joomla version is bundled with the Patch Definition 1.2.28 that :

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Logos Query Manager (LQM)
  • Add partial sharing definition for :
    - HP Hot Property to allow only sharing the Agents and Companies.
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - Logos Query Manager (LQM)

This JMS multisite patch definition modifies the patch for AcyMailing.
The objective is to ignore the installation of the patch when using a "starter" AcyMailing that does not contain any license (free version).

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Community ACL,
  • JCalPro,
  • HD FLV Player,
  • Modules Anywhere,
  • pure css tooltip,
  • Shipseeker
Add sharing definition for:
  • - JCalPro,
  • ALinkExchanger,
  • HD FLV Player

Filter and ignore the port when present in a URL

When a port is present in a URL received by JMS, the domain was "ignored" event when it was present in the list of domain.
The fix consists in using the domain name when it is present as a slave.

The case where the port may be also present in a URL was reported when XMLRPC is enable.
In this case, the request can be like "http://www.slavedomain.com:80/xmlrpc/index.php".
As the port is present in the URL the request was posted on the master website instead of the "www.slavedomain.com".

To install the fix, it is required to "uninstall" the JMS patches and "re-install" the new patches present in the JMS 1.2.21.

Resolve the new FTP parameters keywords values and save result into the "slave" site "configuration.php" file

When the Joomla FTP layer is enabled, it is necessary to setup correctly the slave site FTP Root directory and perhaps the other FTP setting. It is possible to setup automatically the new FTP layer parameters that must be written into the slave site configuration.php.
This allow to automate the procedure described in the tutorial video 15.


Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.27.

  • Modify AcyMailing patch to ignore the patch concerning the license when using a free acymailing version (starter).
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Community ACL,
    - JCalPro,
    - HD FLV Player,
    - Modules Anywhere,
    - pure css tooltip,
    - Shipseeker
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - JCalPro,
    - ALinkExchanger,
    - HD FLV Player

Add patches for:

  • CCBoard to allow specific configuration file.
  • sh404SEF 1.5.5 to allow specific shCacheContent.php cache file for each slave sites and also update the previous patches due to the sh404SEF refactoring.

Add in JMS Tools (install) the definitions for :

  • JComments several modules and plugins,
  • JomSocial Dating Search & My Contacts,
  • Jumi module,
  • RawContent,
  • sh404sef similar urls plugin

Possibility to ignore the images and and templates creation

In JMS templates, it is now possible to ignore the creation of the the images and templates folder.
This is usefull when creating a JMS template that is deployed in the same directory than the master website (case of Windows platform).
This allow creating rule where deploy folder is totally empty (No Symbolic Links at all).

Front-end website customizations

For the website creation from the front-end, it is now possible to chose which fields must be entered by the customer.

This allow for example to ignore the "admin email" and "admin password" in case where the website creation share the joomla users. This avoid to reset its information.

The other field can also be shown or hidden.

It is now also possible to have specific "JMS layouts" for the front-end website rendering.
A new "layout" menu is created in the back-end to allow upload specific layouts.

Use the "multisites.cfg.php" parameters when creating a slave site front the front-end

The "multisites.cfg.php" contains some configuration parameters that allow using a root MySQL login when creating a slave site.
Now this configuration file can also be used when creating slave sites from the front-end and therefore use a MySQL root login to create DB, MySQL users, ...
In previous version the root login had to be present in the website to replicate. This is no more required.
This "multisites.cfg.php" files is also used to specify the "host" when creating the MySQL users.

Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.26.

Add patches for:

  • CCBoard to allow specific configuration file.
  • sh404SEF 1.5.5 to allow specific shCacheContent.php cache file for each slave sites and also update the previous patches due to the sh404SEF refactoring.

Add in JMS Tools (install) the definitions for :

  • JComments several modules and plugins,
  • JomSocial Dating Search & My Contacts,
  • Jumi module,
  • RawContent,
  • sh404sef similar urls plugin
JMS multisite patch definition 1.2.25 is just a rebuilt of the 1.2.24 to include missing patches in the distribution.

JMS multisites for joomla 1.2.19 fix the packaging of the version 1.2.18 where some patch definition were missing.

We have just rebuilt the packaging to include the missing patches.


JMS multisites for joomla 1.2.18

This version is bundled with the latest JMS multisites for joomla patch definition 1.2.24 that mainly fix two existing patch (master configuration wrapper & ckforms) and add the definition of plenty new extension defintion for the JMS tools.

  • Fix Joomla Master configuration patch when upgrading from Patch 1.2.14 to 1.2.23.
    In previous patch, it may happen that JMS introduce a PHP syntax error that result by a "master website" blank page on the administrator and front-end. The problem was due by a close statement ("}") missing in the wrapper that result by a PHP syntax error. This problem occurs when JMS detect a double "master configuration" wrapper and when the "install" button is applied instead of the "save global configuration" as recommended.
    This new patch fix the "double master configuration wrapper".
  • Fix CK Forms sharing definition to add new tables present in "1.3.3 b5"
    This extension contain additional tables that are now added for the sharing.
    The previous ckforms definition in JMS was 1.3.3b3
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Content Optimzer;
    - chabad,
    - DT Menu,
    - Fabrik - Tag Cloud module, Fabrik & facebook plugin,
    - FLEXIcontent Tag Cloud, 
    - Google Maps,
    - J!Analytics,
    - JCE Utilities,
    - JComments Latest,
    - System - JFusion plugin,
    - JomFish Direct Translation,
    - JoomlaPack Backup Notification Module,
    - jSecure Authentication, Jumi plugins,
    - JX Woopra,
    - Mass content,
    - System - OptimizeTables,
    - RokGZipper,
    - Session Meter,
    - Zaragoza,
    - Wibiya Toolbar,
    - Button - Xmap Link
  • Fix Joomla Master configuration patch when upgrading from Patch 1.2.14 to 1.2.23.
    In previous patch, it may happen that JMS introduce a PHP syntax error that result by a "master website" blank page on the administrator and front-end. The problem was due by a close statement ("}") missing in the wrapper. This problem occurs when JMS detect a double "master configuration" wrapper and when the "install" button is applied instead of the "save global configuration" as recommended.
    This new patch fix the "double master configuration wrapper".
  • Fix CK Forms sharing definition to add new tables present in "1.3.3 b5"
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Content Optimzer;
    - chabad,
    - DT Menu,
    - Fabrik - Tag Cloud module, Fabrik & facebook plugin,
    - FLEXIcontent Tag Cloud, 
    - Google Maps,
    - J!Analytics,
    - JCE Utilities,
    - JComments Latest,
    - System - JFusion plugin,
    - JomFish Direct Translation,
    - JoomlaPack Backup Notification Module,
    - jSecure Authentication, Jumi plugins,
    - JX Woopra,
    - Mass content,
    - System - OptimizeTables,
    - RokGZipper,
    - Session Meter,
    - Zaragoza,
    - Wibiya Toolbar,
    - Button - Xmap Link

This "Article Sharing for JMS" version fix a PHP syntax error present in the frontpage RSS feeds.


The JMS multisite patch definition 1.2.23 contains:

  • a patch for JoomlaFCKEditor to allow the image manager used the slave site image folder and no more the master image folder.
  • Improve the Joomla master "configuration.php" patch processing and detect double JMS wrapper installed in the master configuration file.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - OpenX module

JMS multisite for joomla version improves:

  • the reading of "configuration.php" file and reports error message when it is invalid or can not be read by JMS.
    In previous JMS version, you could have error message like:
    Fatal error: Class 'JConfig_' not found in /administrator/components/com_multisites/libraries/joomla/jms2winfactory.php on line 104
    Now JMS detects this case of error and report a error message that help to identify which "configuration.php" is invalid.
    JMS also now can read "configuration.php" files that are not terminated by a PHP end marker (?>).
    (Case of "configuration.php" file created by fantastico).
  • Fix a javascript syntax error in the JMS tools (execute);
  • Remove a PHP 5 warning message during the slave site joomla "install" action.

Bundled with JMS Patch Definition 1.2.23.

  • Add patch for JoomlaFCKEditor to allow the image manager use the slave site image folder and no more the master image folder.
  • Add a new master "configuration.php" patch algorithm to detect double wrapper is installed.
  • The JMS Tools (install) now contains the definitions for :
    - OpenX module,
    - K2 modules.

This "Article Sharing for JMS" fix a problem when Joomla SEF is enabled and that create an error when displaying an articles.

This new "Article Sharing for JMS" version 1.0.9 fix the "router" processing that may require the path where is located the standard joomla "router" path.

The fix consists in the computation of the components path when it is not defined depending on the context.


This JMS multisite for joomla 1.2.16 is bundled with patch definition 1.2.22 that includes serveral new extension definitions:

  • AcyMailing (require several AcyMailing licenses to make it works),
  • FLEXIcontent,
  • hwdVideoShare,
  • jSeblod CCK,
  • nBill (not tested)



This JMS, multisite for joomla patch definition 1.2.22 includes:

  • a patch for AcyMailing working with multisites license with a same joomla installation.
  • the JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AcyMailing, FLEXIcontent, hwdVideoShare, jSeblod CCK, nBill (not tested)
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - AcyMailing
This JMS patch definition:
  • Modify the patch for the master configuration.php file to accept that this configuration.php file is not closed with the PHP endmarker (?>). Case may happen with some integrated sytem like Fantastico that create a configuration.php without this marker. Now when the PHP end marker is not found, this is the end of the file that is used.
  • Add a patch to RokModuleOrder to allow read the appropriate "params.ini" file when used in a slave site
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - IDoBlog

Fix single sign-in for second and third Top Level Domain (TLD)

Some top level domain can be composed of several words like (co.uk, plc.co.im, ...)
In previous version of JMS, it may happen that the single sign-in algorithm detect 'uk' and not 'co.uk' as TLD.
To solve this issue, this new JMS contain a list of TLDs that is used to solve the ambiguity that can appears in some domain URL.

Other minor Fixes

  • Update HTML produced in the front-website creation to fix some side effects on some browser with DIVs that was not correctly closed.
  • Fix PHP 4.x compatibility error introduced with the Joomla 1.6 alpha 2 compatibility.

Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.21.

  • Modify the patch for the master configuration.php file to accept that this configuration.php file is not closed with the PHP endmarker (?>). Case may happen with some integrated sytem like Fantastico that create a configuration.php without this marker. Now when the PHP end marker is not found, this is the end of the file that is used.
  • Add a patch to RokModuleOrder to allow read the appropriate "params.ini" file when used in a slave site
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - IDoBlog

This JMS, multisite for joomla patch definition add the JMS tool definition for :

  • Editor Button - Add to Menu
  • AdminBar Docker
  • Advanced Modules
  • Cache Cleaner
  • BreezingForms
  • Ignite Gallery
  • JA Content Slider
  • JA Slideshow2
  • ProJoom Installer & Smart Flash Header
  • RokBox
  • RokModuleOrder
  • RokModule
  • RSSeo
  • Tag Meta
  • Zoo

and also add the sharing definition for:

  • Remository

Joomla 1.6 alpha2 partial compatibility

In this jms multisite for joomla release we have extended our partial joomla 1.6 alpha1 to the joomla 1.6 alpha2.
Like with the alpha1 you can create slave site and re-install extension in slave site. You can not un-install extension from a slave site once it is installed. To uninstall the extension in a slave site, you have to use the JMS tools when this extension is defined.

FTP Layer parameters redefinition for a slave site

When the FTP layer is required to create and deploy slave site, it was not easy to have the slave site configuration.php adapted with new "FTP root" directory or other parameters.
In JMS 1.2.13 we have introduce the possibility to modify the "FTP parameters" written in the slave site configuration.
In JMS 1.2.14, it is now also possible to replace the default "FTP Parameters" defined in the JMS templates or,  when not defined, present in the website configuration.php file replicated.

Bundled with JMS Patch Definition 1.2.20.

The JMS Tools (install) now contains the definitions for :

  • Editor Button - Add to Menu
  • AdminBar Docker
  • Advanced Modules
  • Cache Cleaner
  • BreezingForms
  • Ignite Gallery
  • JA Content Slider
  • JA Slideshow2
  • ProJoom Installer & Smart Flash Header
  • RokBox
  • RokModuleOrder
  • RokModule
  • RSSeo
  • Tag Meta
  • Zoo

Also add the sharing definition for:

  • Remository

JMS multisite for joomla version 1.2.13 includes new facilites when the hosting provider require using the joomla FTP Layer.

It is now possible in the JMS templates to provide new FTP layers parameters that must be written in the new configuration.php file generated by JMS for the slave site.

This maybe helpfull to automatically update the new FTP "root path" for the slave site.

We also give the possibility to replicate (copy) the images directory even when there is no DB specified. In this case, the "images" directory name can not be modified. Just copied.
We also give the possibility to rebuild 'unzip" an "images" directory based on a predefined zip file.base on a copy (or unzip) of the image.

Mutlisite for joomla also add the possibility to perform a "RewriteBase" modification when copying the ".htaccess" or "htaccess.txt" in aim
to compute a new value when the target domain is not defined as a subdirectory of a domain or subdirectory of a subdomain.
This maybe usefull when the website that is replicated use SEF extension enable that require an "htaccess".

JMS also adds the possibility to define new FTP parameters for the "configuration.php" files create for the slave site.
This maybe usefull when using the FTP Layer and that the FTP root path is different for each websites.


Finally JMS is bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.19.

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Glossary, googleWeather, J!Research, Job Grok Listing, JooMap, JoomDOC, JXtended Catalog, JXtended Labels, Power Slide Pro, Rquotes, Add plenty Modules and plugin present JomSocial 1.5.
    Plus partial JomSuite membership, partial JomSuite user registration. See also limitation described in the patches definition.
  • Add sharing definition for:
    - Glossary, JXtended Catalog, JXtended Labels

In this JMS, Multisite for joomla patches definition we have added the JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Glossary, googleWeather, J!Research, Job Grok Listing, JooMap, JoomDOC, JXtended Catalog, JXtended Labels, Power Slide Pro, Rquotes, Add plenty Modules and plugin present JomSocial 1.5, Add partial JomSuite.
    JomSuite is a protected application that does not allow us provide patch to allow having a specific configuration for each website.
    If customers re-install JomSuite in slave site, they are responsible to be compliant with potential license restriction published by JomSuite. The customer that use the facility to replicate JomSuite into another website is responsible for all the potential impact attached to the JomSuite license or any limitation published by JomSuite.

Add sharing definition for:

  • Glossary, JXtended Catalog, JXtended Labels
This jms multisite for joomla patch definition add some hot property module and plugin definitions.

This multisite joomla version is bundled with latest joomla 1.5.15 installation directory and the jms patches definition 1.2.15 to 1.2.18.

It also fix minor JMS tools warning that may happen when the joomla environment is inconsistent or that some modules have been deleted manually without using the joomla uninstall.
It also fix a minor icon type "without tables" in the JMS tools that may happen on some extension. This does not impact the processing - just the display that was not accurate in some cases.

The patch definition 1.2.18 add JMS tools definition for "hot property" modules and plugins.


This jms multisite for joomla patch definition contain a patch for the front page slide show extension to allow specific configuration for each slave site and also contain the JMS tools definition for:

  • FrontPage SlideShow
  • Lyften bloggie

This jms multisite for joomla patch definition add Add a patch for eWeather and also the definition of the following extensions for the JMS tools:

  • camelcitycontent2;
  • eWeather;
  • Joomla Tags
  • Versions
In this jms multisite for joomla patch definition we have added the JomRes and some core DocMan modules definition

Add a patch definition for ACE SEF.
Modify the VirtueMart patches to be compatible with VM 1.1.4.
It is strongly recommended to update the JMS patches before installing the VirtueMart 1.1.4 because the previous JMS patches is not compatible with VM 1.1.4.

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • AceSEF
  • AEC modules and plugins
  • ALFContact
  • AvReloaded
  • Core Design Login module
  • Chrono Comments
  • iJoomla Ad Agency
  • ImageSlideShow
  • Jobline
  • JoomlaFCK editor
  • Rocket Themes:
    RokCandy, RokDownloads, RokNavMenu, RokNewsPager, RokQuickCart, RokSlideshow, RokStories, RokTabs, RokTwittie
  • Simple Mp3 Bar
  • All Weblinks
  • Library Management
  • Gavick PhotoSlide GK2

The new jms multisite for joomla version contain plenty new extensions defnitions for the jms tools and also add fixes for virtuemart 1.1.4 and ACE SEF.

We also add the possibility in JMS Tools to install "core" module because some extension like Roket Themes install their modules and plugins as core joomla instead of "normal" modules and plugins.

This version is bundle with Patch Definition 1.2.14 that includes

  • A patch for ACE SEF to allow specific configuration for each websites
  • Modify the VirtueMart patches to be compatible with VM 1.1.4.
    It is strongly recommended to update JMS before installing the VM 1.1.4 because the previous JMS patches is not able to install patches on VM 1.1.4 and may result by an install of everything.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    AceSEF, AEC modules and plugins, ALFContact, AvReloaded, Core Design Login module, Chrono Comments, iJoomla Ad Agency, ImageSlideShow, Jobline, JoomlaFCK editor, RokCandy, RokDownloads, RokNavMenu, RokNewsPager, RokQuickCart, RokSlideshow, RokStories, RokTabs, RokTwittie, Simple Mp3 Bar, All Weblinks, Library Management, Gavick PhotoSlide GK2
This JMS multisite patch definition
  • Add a patch definition for SermonSpeaker to allow specific configuration for each slave sites.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    SermonSpeaker and PrayerCenter, News Pro GK1, Huru Helpdesk
In this multisites for joomla version we have
  • Fixed the copy of the "template folder" when the directory to copy contain symbolic links.
    In this case, copy the content of each symbolic links into a physical directory.
  • Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.13 that contain
    - a patch definition for SermonSpeaker that allow specific configurations for each slave sites;
    - Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    SermonSpeaker and PrayerCenter, News Pro GK1, Huru Helpdesk

This jms multisite for joomla patch definition:

  • add a patch definition for JRECache.
  • add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    JRECache, DTRegister, JConnect, JIncludes, several modules and plugins for fabrik, SuperFishMenu, ALinkExchanger

In this multisite for joomla 1.2.9 version we have fixa bug when computing the cookie_domains that is used by the single sign-in.
In fact the detection of the physical shared table name was incorrectly computed that has resulted to put two dbname in front of the table name.
The consequence was a bad users table relationship detection and therefore JMS concluded that users are independents (and not shared).

We also have bundled this version with the Patch Definition 1.2.12 that:

  • Add a patch definition for JRECache.
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    JRECache, DTRegister, JConnect, JIncludes, several modules and plugins for fabrik, SuperFishMenu, ALinkExchanger

In this JMS multisites for joomla! version, you can now directly add a slave site from the front-end without a first access to the list of slave site.

We also added the possibility to use a "redirect URL" when the process is completed to avoid display the list of slave site or return to another page.

When working with "billable websites", we also have removed a PHP warning displayed when the status of website is modified.

This new JMS multisites patches definitions
  • Adds a patch definition for the single sign-in to allow restoring the session data when some platform ignore them for sub-domain.
    This rescue procedure check that session data is correctly restored by the server when the Joomla session is shared.
    If the session is not restored by the server, this rescue procedure consists in rebuilding the missing session data based on the infos stored by joomla in the session table.
  • Adds a JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    * Jom Comments, Simple Image Gallery Plugin, Phoca Maps, Phoca Restaurant Menu, Frontend User Access, CK Forms, JForms, RS Forms!Pro, Plugin Multisite ID, Leads Capture
  • Adds the sharing definition for:
    * CK Forms

In this version, we have improved:

  • JMS patch installation to try better detect the potential files that may not be writtable
  • Add new algorithm for the Symbolic Link detection to be less sensitive to incorrect Global Setting definitions
  • When some MySQL privileges are not enabled to show the views definitions, we have not implemented an alternate algorithm that assume that the JMS templates ID refers to the place where are users are stored.
  • We have also added plenty of new extension definitions for the JMS tools.
Here it is the details of this release
  • Improve the Symbolic Link detection in the case where the Global Configuration defines "tmp" or "logs" directory that does not exists. In this case, try to use the tmp and logs directory that are probably present in the root of the website.
    The new implementation include a part of the "hello world" algorithm in case where the logs directory is not present.
  • Implement an alternate algorithm to compute the "fromUserTableName" when MySQL SHOW create VIEW is not allowed.
    In this case, use the template ID to simulate the result of the SHOW CREATE VIEW.
  • Add "is_writable" during the check of permission concerning the list or patches to install.
    The objective is to try reporting more "permission diagnosis" on potential reason of an patch installation failure.
  • Avoid to backup the JMS manifest file that maybe restored with old values in case of patch "uninstall".
  • Also binded with JMS patches definition v1.2.11 that adds a patch definition for the single sign-in to allow restoring the session data when some platform ignore them for sub-domain.
    This rescue procedure check that session data is correctly restored by the server when the Joomla session is shared.
    If the session is not restored by the server, this rescue procedure consists in rebuilding the missing session data based on the infos stored by joomla in the session table.
    Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    * Jom Comments, Simple Image Gallery Plugin, Phoca Maps, Phoca Restaurant Menu, Frontend User Access, CK Forms, JForms, RSForms!Pro, Plugin Multisite ID, Leads Capture.

    Add sharing definition for:
    * CK Forms

Add patch definition to allow single sign-in for sub-domains.

Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • Billets, WordPress MU, JTAG Presentation for Slidshare, JCE MediaObject, JomComment, Mini Front End module, MyBlog, Remository Latest Entry module, Phoca Gallery, Poll XT, Vinaora Vistors Counter
Add sharing definition for:
  • Billets, WordPress MU, JTAG Presentation for Slidshare


Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :

  • FAQ2Win, Seminar for joomla!, ARTIO JoomSEF, SMF 2.x Bridge

Add sharing definition for:

  • Seminar for joomla!
  • Add a basic "cookie domain" computation to allow single sign-in on a subdomain.
  • Fix display of the "sharing" tabs when creating a new JMS templates.
    It uses now the "master DB" setting to detect if the MySQL views are supported.
  • Remove the language translation using the "sitename" to avoid fatal error in language file line 171.
    When a "::" is present in a sitename, this crash the language JText:_() function that interpret the "::" as a class separator.
  • Improve installation of fresh slave site when the hosting server does not follow correctly the symbolic links. Now create an installation directory in which symbolic links are created.
  • Add possibility to directly copy the templates folders and also the possbility to create a templates folders based on unzip file.
  • Also binded with JMS patches definition v1.2.9 and v1.2.10

    Add (install) definitions for :
    - FAQ2Win, Seminar for joomla!, ARTIO JoomSEF, SMF 2.x Bridge, Billets, WordPress MU, JTAG Presentation for Slidshare, JCE MediaObject, JomComment, Mini Front End module, MyBlog, Remository Latest Entry module, Phoca Gallery, Poll XT, Vinaora Vistors Counter

    Add sharing definition for:
    - Seminar for joomla!, Billets, WordPress MU, JTAG Presentation for Slidshare

This multisite for joomla patches definition adds to the JMS Tools the installation definitions for :

  • Appointment Booking Pro v1.4x;
  • Linkr;
  • Chrono Forms (Chrono Contact);
  • swMenuPro.
  • Fix JMS Tools installation processing to also copy the data during the installation and not only the table structure.
  • Add the brasilian help that redirect to the english version.
  • Also binded with JMS patches definition v1.2.8 that add the "install" definitions for the extensions :
    - Appointment Booking Pro v1.4x,
    - Linkr,
    - Chrono Forms,
    - swMenuPro
  • Prepare compatibility with Joomla 1.6:
    Remove XMLRPC patches as this functionality is removed in Joomla 1.6
    Add other partial Joomla 1.6 specific patches
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - JoomGallery, RSFirewall, Phoca SEF
    - Fix a problem in the definition of sh404SEF
    Add sharing definition for:
    - JoomGallery, RSFirewall
    - Fix a problem in the sharing definition of kunena forum that was not recognized.
  • Add brasilian - portuges language.
  • Add partial Joomla 1.6 alpha compatibility to already allow the installation of JMS replicate websites and install extensions.
    The un-install of extension is not yet compatible.
  • Fix minor bug in JMS tools display when component, modules or plugins are present in a slave site after it is deleted in the master website
  • Remove some PHP5 warning messages
  • Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.7 that introduce a patch compatibility with Joomla 1.6! and add the definition of several extension for the JMS Tools and sharing.
    Add (install) definitions for :
    - JoomGallery, RSFirewall, Phoca SEF
    - Fix a problem in the definition of sh404SEF
    Add sharing definition for:
    - JoomGallery, RSFirewall
    - Fix a problem in the sharing definition of kunena forum that was not recognized.

Add the sharing definition for the extension:

  • QuickFAQ

This version fix a problem when replicating a website into a DB located in another server than the "source" db server.
In JMS 1.2.3, JMS now checks that the "target" DB already exists when present in another server to avoid trying create a DB located on the same server than the DB to replicate.

So now when you want to replicate a website into a DB created in another DB server, this is possible.
You just have to create the DB manually on this "target" server.


This JMS version is also bundled with the "Patch Definition" version 1.2.6 that Add sharing definition for QuickFAQ extensions.


Add the "install" definitions in the JMS Tools for the extension:

  • AEC Subscription Manager, Joomla Knowledgebase, QuickFAQ, uddeIM, Xmap

Add the sharing definition for the extensions:

  • AEC Subscription Manager, Joomla Knowledgebase
  • Give the possibility to also install a "core" plugin into the JMS tools.
    This new feature is helpful when some extension add "core" plugins to Joomla and that must also be installed or propagate into websites using the JMS Tools.
    This new functionality is added because required by the Joomla Knowledgebase extension that add a core "ajax" plugin into Joomla.
  • Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.5 that add the definition of several extension for the JMS Tools and sharing.
    Add (install) definitions for :
    - AEC Subscription Manager, Joomla Knowledgebase, QuickFAQ, uddeIM, Xmap
    Add sharing definition for:
    - AEC Subscription Manager, Joomla Knowledgebase



In version 1.2.0 only, we have introduced a bug in the un-install of Joomla Multi Sites that result by a PHP syntax error during the un-install.

This version fix the PHP syntax error that allow now un-install Joomla Multi Sites without this error.


In this patches definition update, we have added a check on the JMS version and patches version in aim to inform the user to update the JMS kernel when receiving this Patches definition 1.2.4 with a JMS version prior the 1.2.0 stable.


Also Add the "install" definitions in the JMS Tools for the extension:
- AlphaUserPoints, civiCRM, Content Templater, FrontpagePlus, JContentPlus, Mosets Tree, noixACL, ReReplacer

Add the sharing definition for the extensions:
- AlphaUserPoints, Custom Properties, JContentPlus, K2, Kunena Forum, MisterEstate, Mosets Tree, Noix ACL


When receiving the message to get the latest version, you can go in our website to receive the latest JMS version.
You can install the new JMS version over the current one.


In this version we have review all the icons and graphical elements to provide more "sexy" screen.

We also have included the definition of some new extension for their installation from JMS Tools and also some sharing extensions.

Here it is the details of the changes:

  • Add display of the latest version number in the about and in the "check patches".
    The objective is to provide to the user a quick view of the latest version available.
  • Revamp all the icons and graphical elements for the JMS Template (Sharing panel) and JMS Tools
  • Bundled with Joomla 1.5.14 original files in case of rescue restore.
  • Bundled with Patch Definition 1.2.4 that add the definition of several extension for the JMS Tools and sharing.
    Add (install) definitions for :
    - AlphaUserPoints, civiCRM, Content Templater, FrontpagePlus, JContentPlus, Mosets Tree, noixACL, ReReplacer
    Add sharing definition for:
    - AlphaUserPoints, Custom Properties, JContentPlus, K2, Kunena Forum, MisterEstate, Mosets Tree, Noix ACL

When a previous JMS (Release Candidate) require to update to this stable version, you can get the latest version from this website in the menu /get-latest-version

You can install the JMS stable version over the current one.
It is not necessary to un-install JMS to install the stable version over a Release Candidate.

  • Joomla Multi Sites verifies the Symbolic Link when some of them are present in a deploy directory.
    With some hosting provide, it may happen that this verification fail.
    This new version adds an additional check to ensure that a Symbolic Link is wrong or correct.
    The new implementation consists in verifying that the symbolic link information is really not available when using a relative path.
    It adds the same processing with a full path computed based on current directory.
    It seems that PHP 5.2.8 or specific hosting provider may not return the symbolic link information when using a relative path.
    The verification consists in repeating the operation with a full path.
  • Add several "index.html" files into all the JMS directories to hide the directory structure.
    Also add an "index.html" files into the "/multisites" directory to hide the list of slave sites.
  • This JMS version 1.1.24 is also bundled with Joomla 1.5.13 original files.


  • Add new install definitions tables for :
    K2, WATicketSystem, jsmallfib, jsmallist
  • Update JomSocial, virtuemart, hwdVideoShare, JComments to add module, plugin definitions
    Fix JEvents sharing definition (some tables was not shared correctly).


  • Disable the "check patches" installation button when JMS is administrate from a slave site.
    Normally, JMS should only be installed on the master website and should not be used from a slave site.
    The installation of the JMS patches from a slave site may have side effect on the slave site configuration.php that receive the JMS wrapper.
    This cause a PHP errors that result in the impossibility to access the slave site.
  • Add new Tools extension install definitions for K2, WATicketSystem.
    Update also the Tools installation definition to add module and plugin defintion for the extension  JomSocial, virtuemart, hwdVideoShare, JComments
    Fix a bug in the JEvents sharing definition
  • Remove some PHP 5.x warnings.
  • Add several "index.html" files into all the JMS directories to hide the directory structure.
    Mainly add an "index.html" files into the "/multisites" directory to hide the list of slave sites.
  • Fix a problem when creating the DB dynamically.
    In that case, the tables was not replicated due to a bug in processing of the return code of the DB creation.
    In fact JMS has processed a sucessfull DB creation like an error that had resulted by a stop in creation of the tables.
  • Fix mapping directory path displayed when using the deploy directory.
    Instead of displaying the "master" directory, now display the deploy directory.
    Also display the resolved domain name instead of the expression when this is possible.
  • Fix bug when process slave site creation that report an error.
    On error, call the appropriate onDeploy_Err() plugin function instead of onDeploy_OK().
    This avoid for example to redirect the user to a check-out when its websiste quota is exceeded.
  • This version is also packaged with Joomla 1.5.13 files.


  • Fix a problem when check the symbolic link present for a slave site
    On some hosting provider or PHP version (5.2.8) - we don't know really the conditins, it may happen that the Symbolic Link verification performed by JMS may fail when using relative path.
    The problem was reported when resaving an existing slave site.
    In this case, JMS check the existing link to verify they are compatible with the current saving request.
    It read the current link path using query based on relative path.
    In this version, when the query fail using a relative path, JMS retry a similar query using a full path.
    The symptom was "unable to create Symbolic Link"
  • Add verification on the Sharing definitions to avoid error in case of wrong XML files layout.
  • Add a verification that the "template" is written.
    It may happen that permission on the directory does not autorize to write the "config_template.php" file.

This patch definition adds several extension definition for the installation and sharing required by the "tools" menu.

Add tables (install) definitions for :

* AdsManager, Communicator, hwdCommentsFix, hwdPhotoShare, hwdRevenueManager, hwdVideoShare,                                JComments, Kunena Forum, NeoRecruit, Phoca Guestbook,

Add sharing definition for:
* AdsManager, NeoRecruit, hwdPhotoShare, hwdRevenueManager, hwdVideoShare.


This Joomla multiple site version 1.2.0 RC3 contain:

  • Additional spanish translations
  • Fix several warnings concerning deprecated syntax in PHP 5.x.
  • Bundled with original Joomla 1.5.12 files
  • Add several extension definitiion and sharing extension in the Patch Definition Version 1.2.2
    • Install definition: AdsManager, Communicator, hwdCommentsFix, hwdPhotoShare, hwdRevenueManager, hwdVideoShare, JComments, Kunena Forum, NeoRecruit, Phoca Guestbook.
    • sharing definition: AdsManager, NeoRecruit, hwdPhotoShare, hwdRevenueManager, hwdVideoShare.



In this "Article Sharing for JMS" version 1.0.8, we have removed some warnings that are reported by PHP 5 concerning deprecated syntax when referencing objects.

Add the install and sharing defintions for EventList, JEvents and com-properties.
  • Fix bug when replicating a DB and syncrhonizing the Components, Modules and Plugins menus.
    In previous version, JMS duplicate the menu records into the DBs.
  • Fix sanitization of the DB user name, DB password and also password generator.
    The new valid characters set is :
    • Letters : 'a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z';
    • Digits  : '0' to '9';
    • Special characters: '_.,;:=-+*/@#$£!&(){}[]<>§'
  • Add install and sharing defintions of the extensions:
    EventList, JEvents, com-properties



In previous verson, the display of the shared articles was sometime difficult when the themes (template) have redefined the rendering of the standard articles.

When a template redefine the rendering of a component, it redevelop the extension view.
In the case of the standard joomla, most of the themes have redevelop the "com_content" rendering.

With previous version of the article sharing, the expected rendering was "com_multisitescontent".
When this themes "com_multisitescontent" was not present and a "com_content" was present in the template, that means that the rendering was different.
To solve such kind of problem, in the "articles sharing for JMS" version 1.0.7, now the extension try to see if there is a redefinition of "com_multisitescontent" and if it is not present retry with "com_content".
This allow now using the same rendering than the one implemented for the standard joomla article and avoid the implementation in the template of a specific "com_multisitescontent".



This version is just packaged with the "patch definition version 1.1.11" that contain the patch for the "hot property" component.

The patch make the "hot property" configuration file specific for each slave site.


This new patch definition contain the "hot property" patch that allow speciifc "configuration.php" for each slave site.

When "hot property" is used in a slave site, the configuration file is called "configuration.{site_id}.php" to be specific to each "site ID".


When installing the Joomla multisite patches, one of the patches consists in restoring the installation directory.

This new Joomla multisite version just include the new Joomla installation directory 1.5.11.

No other changes in Joomla multisite functionality are present except its packaging with original joomla 1.5.11 files.

The update of Joomla 1.5.10 to 1.5.11 can also be done directly with previous joomla multisite version.
When we have experimented to joomla 1.5.11 with JMS 1.5.21 (previous one), joomla multisite has detect one patch to re-install due to a fix provided by the Joomla team.
The patch is applied to the Joomla 1.5.11 to benefit of the joomla fix. Even with previous Joomla MultiSite versions.


The recognition of the {site_id} keyword in the "website template" domain name field now allows to create a generic domain that will use the back-end site ID.

This extend the same functionality added in JMS version 1.1.20 concerning the processing of the {site_id} in the "manage site" domain names.


The JEvent 1.4.3 using the Joomla legacy mode has the particularity to save it configuration in a file on the disk.

This patch allows having specific configuration file for each slave site.

This patch is not required for JEvent 1.5.0 rc that is a native Joomla 1.5.x component that also save its configuration into the DB instead of in a file on the disk.


This version include the JMS patches definition 1.1.9 that contains the patches for the SH404SEF and Alpha Content components.

Is also contains additional {site_id} keyword processing in the "domain name" list.
When there are keywords present in the "domain name" list, the "manage site" now display and use the appropriate link in the "go to site" tool tips of the site. This make the redirection easier.

We have also fixed a problem in the "website template" and the "Folders / Files" panel when the master website contain a apostrophe ( ' ) in the directory or file name.
In the previous version that has corrupted the "template" configuration files that has resulted by an empty list of website templates.
This new version save correctly the apostrophe when present in a folder or file name.

When replicating a website, the "from site" configuration.php is replicated to produce the new slave "configuration.php" file in which some fields are modified with the parameters provided in the slave site definition (table prefix, site title, ...)
Normally, the "live_site" field in the "configuration.php" must be empty.
When it is not empty, it provides the URL that must be used by the website.
In this version, we have cleared the field in the replicated "configuration.php" to avoid using a possible value that could be present in the "from site" configuration.php file. This avoid to redirect the new slave site to another URL


The current patch definition add the possibilty to have specific configuration file for each slave site to the extension AlphaContent and SH404SEF.

Without this patch, the configuration is common to all the websites because it is saved on the disk.

SH404SEF re-installation procedure on a fresh slave site

Concerning SH404SEF, there is still limitations and manual work arround is required to re-install the SH404SEF on a fresh slave site.

To re-installing SH404SEF on a fresh slave site, it is required to remove or rename a system plugin preivously installed by the master website. If you don't remove the plugin, you will have an error during the installation on the slave site.
This is due to the fact that sh404sef does not allow to overwrite the plugin. There is a specific test inside the sh404sef that reject the installation when the following files are present:

  •  /plugins/system/shsef.php
  •  /plugins/system/shsef.xml

Before trying to re-install the sh404sef, you have to delete or rename manually those files to allow the sh404sef proceed to a complete installation and also install the plugin on the slave site.

Becarefull that each time you re-install the sh404sef on a slave site, this overwrite the existing "administrator/component/com_sh404sef/config/config.sef.php" file that contain the master SH404SEF configuration.

To work correctly, it is required to install the JMS patch and also to go in the master SH404SEF master website configuration to at least edit and save the configuration. By default the sh404sef has no config.sef.php data (empty) and JMS requires that a configuration data is present to install its redirection to the slave site.
Once it is saved on the master website, the sh404sef on the slave site can have its own configuration.

SH404SEF configuration limitation

All the sh404sef configration is not completly specific to each slave site.
There is still common parameters.
The common parameters concern the security parameters

  • white list
  • black list
  • user agent white list
  • user agent black list
The very advanced configuration (custom.sef.php) remain common and shared to all the sh404sef websites.

This version fix a problem during the check perform during the installation of an extension in a slave site.

In the previous version, when you have on your master website two plugins in the same group having similar name like "email" and "mail", JMS may check the wrong manifest files because it find two files having the pattern "mail".

With this fix, when it find several manifest files, and additional check is added to select the one that has the expected  extension name.


With the older Community Builder 1.2 RC2 version, one patch was not necessary and the installation of the patches always failled because JMS was not able to find the peace of code to patch.

The result was that it was not possible to install all the JMS patches because JMS has detected its error and roolback the installation of the patches.

This new patche definition detect this specific CB 1.2 RC2 to ignore the patch of one file.

This patch definition also contain some patches required by JACLPlus.
The patch allow to create slave site when JACLPlus is present.
It also allow to login as administrator of the slave site event when the JACLPlus is not yet re-isntalled.
The problem identified with JACLPlus was that it patches a lot of Joomla files to check the permission in DB.
Unfortunatelly, it also do that during the installation of a new slave site that is by definition does not yet contain any user permission definition as the DB is not yet created.
A similar problem was also detected when trying to login as administrator as the JACLPlus table does not exists yet in DB because the JACLPlus extension has not been re-installed.
The patches has consisted to detect those two cases an enhance JACLPlus patches to avoid this side effect.


This version is packaged with the Joomla 1.5.10 files and also contain the patches definition 1.1.8 that fix a bug in the Community Build 1.2 patch that is only present with the older RC2 version. Newer version of CB 1.2 are not affected.

We also modify the registratoin to avoid using the floor() PHP mathematical function that contain a bug in PHP 5.2.5.
If you are using a PHP 5.2.5, we recommend that you update your PHP version to fix the floor() function.
This floor() function is used everywhere in Joomla and mainly to compute the navigation pages.
This could result in impredictable result during the navigation.

Here it is a sample PHP code that allow reproduce the bug in PHP 5.2.5.

$result = floor( 144623676 / 10);
echo "[$result] = floor( 144623676 / 10)<br/>";

The expected result is 14462367 and unfortunately, on PHP 5.2.5, the result is 14462400 that is totally wrong.

Due to this PHP 5.2.5 bug it was not possible to register JMS successfully.

The patch consist in allowing the administration of a Slave site use the deployed directory instead of the master directory as root path.
This patch allow the administation of the image, media, JCE upload, .... using the slave directory as root directory instead of the master website root directory.

The root directory path used by the administration of a slave site may be wrong when the slave site is deployed in a specific folder.
In this case, previous version of JMS may use the directory path of the master website instead of the slave site deployed directory.

This fix is composed consists in a new patch definition version 1.1.7 and a fix in some JMS kernel file.

- Include the Patch Definition version 1.1.7 that allow using the slave deploy directory as administrator
  root directory. This allow access the specific image folder when specified.


In previous version, when displaying an individual articles, the Article Global Parameters was not used to trigger the way that the article have to be displayed.

The new version 1.0.6 now read the article global parameter that allow now to setup the default parameters and in particular the intro and title.

If you install the "Articles Sharing" over an existing one, don't forget to go in the administration to "Purge all converted files" in aim to remove all the previous version files.


Version 1.0.12 to 1.0.15 was internal version that only include the Patch Definition version 1.0.9 to 1.0.12.

Version 1.0.16 include a fix that allow install extension having a special character in the name.
The problem has been revealled by Joom!Fish that has introduced the '!' character in their version Joom!fish 2.0 RC1.

Previsous version of JMS whas using this special character '!' in computation of the directory path and was unable to retreive the extension version information for the verifications.


When several articles have to be displayed in the front page, the revious version of the article sharing only display the latest article.

The current fix solve this problem and now all the articles are displayed.

If you install the "Articles Sharing" over an existing one, don't forget to go in the administration to "Purge all converted files" in aim to remove all the previous version files.


Add the possibility to have specific Community Builder configuration file for each slave site.

Thsi allow for example to define specific email "sender" address or any slave site dependent parameters.

  • Ensure that MULTISITES_MASTER_ROOT_PATH has a correct value event when JMS is managed from a slave site.
    To guarantee the value, when JMS is called from a slave sites and a deploy directory is used, use the current MULTISITES_MASTER_ROOT_PATH value to write into the master JMS index.
  • Include the Patch Definition version 1.1.6 with Community Builder slave site specific configuration files
  • When using the creation of a website from the front-end and using the master website as "website template" template to replicate, it was not possible to retreive the login name from the DB because it was required to use a slave site for the replication. Now it is possible to use the master website as website to replicate from the front-end.

Fix problem in Category / Blog that does not display correctly the articles.
Only the first articles was displayed and the "articles" global parameters was corectly read for the rendering of the articles that has also cause problem in category list display. (The article title was not displayed)

If you install the "Articles Sharing" over an existing one, don't forget to go in the administration to "Purge all converted files" in aim to remove all the previous version files.

  • Fix problem in Section / Blog that does not display correctly the articles.
    Two problem were identified:
    •  Problem to get the default article parameters;
    • Problem with usage of require_once in blog_item that avoid calling processing.
      It has to be replaced by include to execute the item each times and not only the first time.
  • Fix problem in the Javascript that is used to refresh the list of categories and list of sections when the user select another website.
    Internet explorer was not able to update the combo box and we had to do another implementation compatible with Internet Explorer.
When updating the "Articles Sharing" version, don't forget to go in the administration and "Purge All converted files" to clean up the older version "Articles Sharing" files.

Joomla Multi Sites itself does not perform database connection but provide interface for external component such as the Articles Sharing.

This version fix a problem in the database connection interface that does not return the correct master website DB connection when a slave site is deployed in a specific directory. In this case JMS was using the slave site configuration files that was wrong.
This fix now retreive the correct master DB connection that allow the Articles Sharing display the master websites articles.


In a specific environement using the Joomla's FTP Layer, it was possible to be unable to login into Joomla once JMS is installed.

The problem was due to a Joomla Session that was destroyed and make the login form unable to validate the Login / Password provided by the user.

This new version fix the bug in JMS that had as consequence to indirectly call the Joomla session prior the Login form validation and therefore avoid to corrupt the sesssion.

To install this version, you have to Uninstall the previous patches definition and re-install the new patches definition to allow replacing one of the core patches that is impacted by this version.



Unix platform are case sensistive.

The previous version had an error in spelling the section and category. They was written with a first uppercase letter that cause an error when trying to collect the list of sections or the list of categories of a specific website.


When JMS Article Sharing it may appears a conflict with the standard Joomla articles when some modules are enables.
This patch in the joomla articles component resolve this conflict.

The conflict was reported by an error message like "components/com_content/helpers/route.php on line 30"


French date format problem with accentuated characters

On french system, the expiration date may be wrong because the PHP date format conversion assume american format only and the accentuated character also generate problem. The fix has consist to force using internal american date format to avoid the problem.

We have also noticed a problem with the date dialog box that is displayed in the slave site to specify a date. The problem was also due to the date format used.

UNIX deployement default JPATH_BASE

When working on Unix platform, it is possible to deploy a slave site into a specific directory.
In this case, there are index.php and index2.php files that are created to redirect to the master files.

The new implementation fix a problem in the value of __FILE__ that may different depending on PHP server.
The new implementation use an eval statement to avoid change the __FILE__ variable value in aim that the Joomla JPATH_BASE is computed on based of the deployed directory instead of the master website directory.
This solve the problem on some platform that have encounter problem when they use specific image or media folders for some extension (problem reported with JCE and group path).

Update French and Spanish language files

Fix one french error message.
Add missing front end spanish message and update some back end spanish messages


  • Display the username in addition the the name of the administrator that can be used from the front-end website created.
  • Include the Patch Definition version 1.1.5 require when Articles Sharing is present.
  • Add a confirmation message box when un-installing the patches to give the opportunity to cancel the operation.

This version is identical to JMS 1.1.11 but include one original Joomla 1.5.9 file that may be use in case of uninstall of patches and when the backup has failed.

  • In some circumstance, the saving of the new email and password may fail when creating a slave site from the front-end.
    With this new version, the particular case is solved and now the email and password are saved.
  • Fix the login name displayed in the front-end when creating a slave site.
    The name that was displayed was get from the master website instead of the website defined in the template.
  • Remove a warning on "SymLink" that may be displayed by some system.
    Warning: symlink() [function.symlink]: Permission denied in /home/public_html/administrator/components/com_multisites/helpers/helper.php on line 77
  • Fix the display of validity unit in the website template.
    Whe selecting the "month" or "year", the validity is correctly saved but when editing, the value presented was always "days".
    The fix now display the correct value.
  • Include Patch Definition Version 1.1.4 that fix the positions displayed in the module management for the slave websites.
    The module management now use the "themes folder" specified in JMS and no more the master websites themes folders to compute the available positions.
  • Also add the description of some error message for the front-end
When specifying a specific themes folder in JMS, the position presented into the module management may be wrong.
The problem was due to the fact the Joomla use the master themes folder to compute the list of positions available.
With this fix, now Joomla use the new "themes folder" specified in JMS.
Remove a warning message displayed in the back end when requesting the section and categories

In this version, we have removed a debug trace that create a warning message

  • "Notice: Undefined variable: md_hostalias in ......includesmultisites.php on line 345"

We have also included the Spanish language files provided by one of our "Mexico" customers.

  • Fix a problem in the front-end delete website that was caused by a call to a missing function.
  • Fix a problem when update of a "website template" when some field value are removed.
    When saving the "website template", the removed field was not removed.
  • Fix cosmetic problem concerning the display of the "delete" button in the front-end that disappear after processing an operation.
  • Add some missing mezssage definition in the language files (back-end and front-end).
  • Fix a problem in the communication layer used by the registration that may result in the creation of a double host name in the URL (the consequence "Missing registration inforamtion"). This error only occurs when the PHP curl module is not present.
    Due to this duplicate host present in the URL (http://xxxxhttp://xxxx) this result in impossibility to detect the correct host name and therefore display the master website.
  • Fix a problem in the implementation of the rescue registration procedure that does not work.
  • Add security check on the Super Administrator rights taht manage the extension.
  • Review some Tips message to better explain the "deployed directory".
    Check that "deploy directory" exists to reduce the number of error message returned by JMS when this is not the case.
    Check that "deploy directory" is not your root directory. You can not deploy on itself.
  • Review message on the registration and also implement a rescue registration when there is a permission problem.
    Reset JMS when "missing registration info" is returned during the registration in aim to allow retrying the registration.

When a slave sites was defined with a speciic "themes folder", the standard Joomla template management was not informed of this specific folder and continue to work on the master "template folder".

The new fix allow to manage the specific template folder when it is specified in a slave site.
It also allow to use the new specific theme folder for the installation.
Remark: The specific "themes folder" path must be terminated by "/templates" because standard joomla use this "/templates" name everywhere.



In prior version, when using a specific themes (template) folder for a slave site it was not possible to install new template or event delete some of them. Only the replication of the template was performed.

With this new version, it is now possible to install specific theme in as slave sites when a specific folder is specified.
Remark: For compatibility with standard Joomla, the themes folder must be terminated by "/templates".

Fix also a bug when deleting a slave sites to correctly remove the domain URL path recognized by JMS.
In the previous version, the internal JMS dimain index was not refreshed and therefore the URL was still detected event when the files was not present.
In previous version, the internal index was only refresh when a slave sites is saved.


A bug was identified when trying to create a slave site based on the master DB website.
In this case the creation of the slave site failed due to an error in processing the specific template site 'master DB".

This version solve this issue and know you can create a slave based on the master DB.
We remember you that when you create a slave based on the master website, this also give the JMS menu administration available to the slave site.

Also fix a problem when replicating the special image and media folder on Windows platform.
On this Windows platform, the Symbolic Link can not be created and one of the fix implemented in JMS 1.1.3 generate an error message on Window.
This new JMS version, now ignore the error.

Joomla Multi Sites perform few checks on the parameters gives and for some fields we have increased the check to avoid special characters that could results in error during the creation of a slave sites.
  • Replace getString by getCmd when reading the site ID to avoid special characters and the spaces.
    Some customer are using spaces in the name of a site id.
  • Cleanup also the site_prefix and site_alias to replace getString by getCmd for the same reason than the "id".
  • Fix also jms2winfactory to only use alphanumeric part of a site ID when computing the internal configuration class name.
    This avoid error when a site ID contain a dot (.) or a minus (-).

When creating a slave sites, some conditions may produce an error and no message was present.
We have added the message for those conditions.

  • Add more repoirting message errors during the site deployment. Save

When updating a websites, Joomla Multi Sites save it and also try to re-create the Symbolic Links attached to the slave site.
In this case, the deployment may fail when the links already exists.

  • Ignore error when updating a website and Symbolic Links are identical.
    This avoid to report error when a user update a website without updating the Symbolic Links.
    During the creating of a Symbolic Link, if it already exists with the same path, ignore the error.

In some specific scenario, it may happen that image and media folder was not present a slave site specific deployed directory.

  • Add checking when creating Symbolic Links to verify when it already exists, it they correspond to the same path.
    In this case, does not report an error when creating an Symbolic Links that already exists with the same parameters.
    Also add some error message in case of DeploySite failure.
    Add a control that Image and Media folder exists during the "special copy".
    When a slave sites is created with a deployment directory and NO DB, in this case, the image and media folder are not copied because the "to db" parameters can not be written.
    In this case, the special copy will create a Symbolic Link on the master directory.

DOCMan 1.4.0 RC3 use a configuration file that is store in a file on disk.
This patch allows using specific DOCMan configuraton file for each slave sites.
With this new patch, it is now possible to configure DOCMan to have multiple "dmdocuments" folders. (One per websites).

  • On some system, the creation of a slave site based on a template can fail due to a duplication of the "From DB" configuratoin in "To DB" configuration that may not work.
    On some system, the "From DB" config and "To DB" config are identical and the copy may not work.
    The fix consists in a clone the "From DB" configuration to create the "To DB" configuration.
    With the clone, the "From DB" and "To DB" configuration don't share the same memory.
    When the fix is not present, the symptom is an error
    [Unable to retreive in the "From" Global Configuration the media folder path or it is empty]
  • Fix the "Toolips Keyword" to show the {site_id} keyword and remove the duplicate {user_id}
  • Fix the usage of {site_id} keyword;
  • When editing a site, fix the template combo box refresh for Unix platform.
    A mispealled field ID cause the refresh failled.
  • Include the "Patch Definition 1.1.2" with DOCMan configuration
  • Fix bug in Delete Site when the table prefix is "_".
    MySQL use "_" as a single wildcard character when it is not escaped.
    Now convert all "_" into "\_" to be interpreted as a character and not as a wildcard character.
    The result is that when the "_" table prefix is used, this may delete all the tables of the database.
  • Add Manage Site filtering on the Owner 
  • On secure environment, the FTP Layer may be required to install Joomla.
    When using this Joomla feature to install a slave site, the FTP Layer require a path "/multisites/xxx" where xxx is the site ID to install.
  • For Unix platform, verify that Symbolic Links are available.
    On some very secured environement that require using FTP Layer, it is probable that Symbolic Links are forbidden.
    For this reason, we have added checks on Symbolic Link when deploying as slave site.
    We also added a similar check on template folder replication when Symbolic Links usage fail. In this case we have replaced the symbolic links by a copy. If both fail, report an error to the user.
  • Fix some cosmetic errors and some language entry missing.

When you want to propose a front-end website creation to your customer, this can be do using an option in a menu.

A special layout is defined in Joomla Multi Sites that also give you the possibility to filter the "template websites" that will be shown to the user.

In addition, with billable website enabled, you have the possibilty to write additional PHP code that must be executed during the website creation. You have also the possibility to use specific MultiSites plugin that can do the same kind of thing.
We have for example a plugiin "Joomla Multi Sites bridge for VirtueMart" that automatically add a product item into the shopping cart of VirtueMart and that also manage the VirtueMart status modification to synchronize them with Joomla Multi Sites.

 Menu item definition


In this screen the front-end user can introduce very few parameters.

The parameters it introduced correspond to some keywords that can be used by the "template manager" to compute the real value that must be used during a website creation.

 Front-end website details


Front-end website access if provided using a menu item where you specify a group of template that must be show to the user and for which it is authorized to create website.

The front-end website managment allows the user to see the list of the website he has created.
When you are the administrator of the "master" website and you access the front-end with this login, you will see ALL the website created by the users and you will also have a filter on "owner" to see what is displayed to your users.

 Front-end list of websites


When you define a "template website", you can also define additional rules on the new directory and file structure of the website that will be created based on this model.

When working on a Unix platform, all the directories of the website that is used as model will be considered as Symbolic Links.

When working on a Windows platform, it is not possible to create the symbolic links. This is not available in the PHP lanquage.

You can also ask to ignore the replication of some folders (like some temporary folders or temporary files)

 Template website files and folders


The rules that must be used to create a website must be defined in a template.

The template can either be used to create a "back-end" website or a "front-end" website.

The rules consits in defining who to compute some website creation parameters (the parameters that are normally introduced in the back-end site manager).

The parameters are computed with benefit of some keywords.

When a "template site" (parent website) is defined, you can also the replication parameters.

Template website common rules


The manager of the "Websites Templates" is the control panel that allows you to define the "Websites template" and the rules that must be used to create new websites.

The "websites template" is essential when you want to propose dynamic website creation from the "front-end".
For security reason, the "front-end" user have no access to all the parameters that allows to replicate the tables of an existing website. This is the role of the "website template" to define such rules.

 Template manager


With the back-end you can create as many websites as you want.
There is no limit in the number of websites you can create.

In the sample below, we have defined a website called "slave1" that is attached to the URL "slave1.demo.jms2win.com".

With JMS 1.1, it is possible to recognize:

  • domain name like "www.domain.com"
  • sub-domain like "sub_domain.domain.com"
  • sub-directories like "www.domain.com/sub_directory"
  • Protocol can also be used (http or https)
WIth JMS 1.1, you can also use a "website templates" when you want to replicate a "generic" website.
This new feature avoid to re-use the Joomla Installation procedure to create the database, create the Joomla configuratoin and re-install the extensions.
For the moment, the replication consists in a clone (duplication) of the database tables attached to the "website template" into another table prefix.

Back-end website creation


The site manager is the control panel where you can define the website parameters.
Most of the parameters that are displayed here comes from the Joomla Configuration that is attached to each websites.
They are presented in a list to provide you an overview of the database settings and also the table prefix when you share the same database for multiple websites.

Site manager

  • Add possibility to use a complete URL in the definition of a slave site.
    For Unix platform:
    • It is possible to use sub-directories and a deploy the slave site into another directory than the master website.
    • It is possible to defined symbolic links or cut link to have a specific directory for a slave site.
  • Possibility to define multiple slave site template in aim to replicate them for a new slave site
    When Unix, the content of the front-end template directory is duplicated by the creation of symbolic links.
  • Possibity to replicate a Database prefix into another prefix (Require mySQL 4.1.x or higher).
    For the moment, only in the SAME database.
  • Add Website template definition and add possibility to create slave website from the front-end based on website templates. Also contain a "Billable" front-end website payment facility.
  • Remove the test on 'jos_' table prefix for Joomla >= 1.5.3.
    It seems it is solved or the bug was present in the "installation" directory and as we deliver the Joomla 1.5.8 iinstallation directory, the issue seems to be closed.

When working on a very secure environment, the Joomla FTP Layer may be required.
To allow the installation of a slave sites and the creation of the "configuration.php" file into the "/multisites/xxx" where xxx is the site ID, a patch is required to tell Joomla that this directory is the one where is installed Joomla.

When the slave sites is installed, its Global Configuration must be changed to restore the master website directory in aim to allow the installation of the extensions.


We have notice some side effect with the VirtueMart Patch delivered in version 1.0.11

Fix problem in VirtueMart patch V1.0.11 that redirect the slave to the master configuration.
This new implementation is a mixt of original V1.0.1 and V1.0.11

  • Change configuration.php wrapper to accept sub-directories.
  • Add multisites.php file for sub-directory matching
  • Add core Joomla Bug fix in JFolder::delete that destroy the content of a folder when it is a symbolic link
  • Add VirtueMart patch in ps_order to add a call to MultiSite plugin in aim to process VirtueMart onOrderStatusUpdate
  • Add VirtueMart patch in ps_checkout to all a call to MultiSite plugin in aim to process VirtueMart onAfterOrderCreate

The previous version of the patch for VirtueMart only allow to customise the site URL and all the other configuration parameters was common to all the website.

With this new patch, we have created a totally independent slave VirtueMart configuration file that allow to change any parameters of the slave virtuemart configuration.

When a slave site has not defined and save specific configuration values, this is the master virtuemart configuration file that is used.
In such maner that a virtuemart configuration always exists.
For a slave site, the master configuration must be considered as a the default slave configuration.
The slave site has it own configuration when it save it for the first time.


JCE Joomla Content Editor use its own "install" task to install some plugins.
In a slave site, when JCE want to install a plugin, an error was reported because the plugin is already installed by the master.

To avoid this problem, we have written a patch for JCE 1.5.0 stable that allow the JCE install overwrite the files on disk when it is call from a slave site.


This is the same core JMS than 1.0.11 that include the "Patches definition" version 1.0.9.

This latest "Patches Definition" version 1.0.9 include 3 patches that allow Joomla template to have specific parameters file for each slave site.
With this new patch, it is now possible to use a same template by multiple websites and to give them specific parameters.
Depending on the template, you can for example change the color or other element.
For example with the Joomla JA_Purity template, you can give different colors and many other things to each slave sites.


Joomla template configuration save the setting into a file called "params.ini" file present in the template directory.
As all websites share the files and folders, when a website change the template parameters, it was modiified and applicable for all the websites.

To allow each website having its own "params.ini", this patch add the site identifier in the name of the parameter file.


Include the patch definition version 1.0.8 that add in the master wrapper a mechanism to see if a configuration is already loaded.
This avoid to try using the master configuration when a slave configuration is already in already use.

Fix an error message present in the creation of a slave site and that can produce a PHP statement error.
The error occurs when the multisites directory is protected and that the create of a slave site report a permissin denied.
In this case, the error message was incorrect and could cause a redirection error.

Catchable fatal error: Object of class JException could not be converted
to string in /....../libraries/joomla/application/application.php on line 302


In some circonstances,  it was possible to have an error due to an attempt to redefine the JConfig class present in the Joomla configuration.php file.

To avoid this problem, we have added a test into the configuration wrapper to avoid the attempt to redefine the JConfig class.

The functionalities are identical to JMS 1.0.9.
We have just rebuilt the component to include the original core Joomla 1.5.7 installation directory.

When a slave site is configured into Joomla Multi Sites, an Joomla installation is required to create and fill the slave site database and to create the specific configuration files.

An error was reported when trying to install the sample data during the Joomla Installation.
A message box appears with the message "Error: the XML response that was returned from the server is invalid" and after PHP error is reported like "Undefined index: DBtype in /home/heinoset/muut_html/joomla/installation/installer/models/model.php on line 764"

This error is due to a missing Joomla Multi Sites patch into the standard joomla installation directory.

We have also fix some URL inconsistency used for the help screens.


When trying to install "sample data" in a slave site joomla installation, an error "invalid XML" and model.php 764 can be returned by the Joomla installation.

With the patch in "jajax.php", it is now possible to install the sample data also in a slave site.


Fix bug when CURL is not present.
Some PHP environment does not contain the CURL extension.
In this case, the registration of the product as well the "Check for Update" was not available.
This version fix this problem to include specific code to replace the CURL PHP extension.

Fix inconsistency between the "configuration.php" patch installed by the installation and the patch that is applied by "Global Configuration" update.

Fix some error messages that could be reported during the uninstall of the extension and after having uninstall
the patches. The errors appears when trying to remove a file that is already removed

Standard Joomla has a FTP Layer feature that can be enabled when working in a very secured environment.
This new version of Joomla Multi Sites now use this FTP Layer to better work in very secured environment.
This avoid (reduce) the possible cases where a permission denied was returned.
This version has been tested in a customer sites with very high level of security.
On very secured environment, Joomla MUlti Sites can encounter problem with permission and therefore is unable to backup some core Joomla Files.
This can happen during the installation of Joomla Multi Sites and abort the installation.
To give the opportunity to complete the Joomla Multi Sites installation manually, this version now report the backup error as a warning to let the installation continue.
Fix problem in the wrapper for the file name 'configuration.php'.
Fix problem in the wrapper for the file name 'configuration.php'.
Remove '.cfg'. Related to version 1.0.4.
The functionalities are identical to JMS 1.0.4.
We have just rebuilt the component to include the original core Joomla 1.5.6 installation directory.
This replace the joomla 1.5.5 installation directory that was delivered with JMS 1.0.4
Correct the path displayed when a slave site is created. This is the path where the slave site must be mapped.
The path was wrong for all platform except WINDOWS.

As some users encounter permission problems when installing JMS, we have added some checks to report and helps them to identify the directory/files that could be the cause of errors when installing the JMS patches
  • Add a check to verify that 'multisites' directory is created at the installation.
    When it is not created, this is a symptom that JMS has not enought permission.
  • Add some file permission checking to inform the user that he has not enough rights to apply the patches.

Delivery with Joomla 1.5.5 installation files.

Add a check if the master site uses the JOS_ table prefix.
If yes, JMS will report an ERROR to the user.
Keep jos_ as table prefix will result in deletion of all the users and therefore result in the impossibility to login into the master website.

Share the same database between Master site and Slave sites

Keep jos_ as table prefix require that the administrator backup and resotre the jos_users table each time he will install a slave site.
When the slave site is installed, the adminstrator must restore the jos_users.
If it does not restore the jos_users, the access to the master website become unavailable (due to the deletion of ALL the users and in particular the 'admin' user).
The backup/restore of the jos_users table can be performed using a tool like phpmyadmin.

If you have an existing web site using 'jos_', we recommend to rename the table prefix with another prefix.
This can be done with phpmyadmin export/import database.
When the database is exported, uses an editor to search/replace all the instances of jos_ by something else (like master_)
When this is done, the master "configuration.php" file must be edited and 'jos_' must be repalced by the new prefix.

Use a different database for the slave sites 

Another alternative consist in using another database for the slave sites and keep the master database as it is.
In this case, as the database connection is established to the slave database, the joomla installation will try to delete the users present in this slave database. Therfore, there is no risk to delete the master database users.


In the version 1.0.0 and 1.0.1, the 'configuration.php' file in the master directory was not touched.
As some extension could perform a direct access to this 'configuration.php' file that could result n a wrong database connection and database table prefix.
We have solved this potential problem by adding a wrapper to the Master 'configuration.php' file.
The objective being to root it to the appropriate 'configuration.php' slave site.
This means also that a patch is delivered to allow the master site saving the configuration with this wrapper.

We have also replace the hardcoded permission '0755' by a define that give the opportunity to have more rights on multisites directory and slave configuration file when JMS is installed in a very protected environment.
The customer can therefore change only a single parameter in our distribution to increase the permission.

Enhancement for later use:
Add JMS2WinFactory and Jms2WinModel to allow connection to the Master database.
This new feature opens the door to single User Authentication, Single content management and other
component that could be developed using the Master site as a repository for the other slave sites.


Fix a bug when updating a slave site.
The update does not work because internally the site id was lost.

Before this version, when an update is required, the only solution consist to re-create a new slave site and delete the directory of the previous slave description present in "multisites" directory.


Add a wrapper into the master configuration.php file to route on the appropriate configuration.php file when an extension want include the Joomla configuration file from a slave site.

This problem was detected with VirtueMart PayPal notify.php script that was using the master Joomla Configuration file instead of a Slave site one.
This was due to the fact that this PayPal notify script is not called trough the index.php file.
This is a standalone script.

First public distribution of Joomla Multi Sites.
The development starts with Joomla 1.5.0 and used internally until version 1.5.2.
We have used JMS 1.0.0 to create www.jms2win.com and is become public with Joomla 1.5.3.
Community Builder 1.1 stable & 1.2 RC2 & 1.2 RC3 patch compatibility
Add Community Builder Plugin Installer patch to accept Overwrite.
Add patch into VirtueMart in aim to accept multiple SECUREURL
This patches definition contain the essential patches for Joomla 1.5.x to make JMS working and accept slave sites.

This is organized in a set of questions (a road map) that assist you in function of your specific case or context.


"Joomla Multiple Site concepts"

Is a video that present:

  • the principle of an HTTP Server,
  • how apache or IIS server are working,
  • what must be changed in this server to share the same Joomla instance,
  • how JMS analyse the URL and how it associate each URL to a specific Joomla configuration and database connection.


Do you want to install JMS on an existing website ?

If yes, go step 3 to install JMS on an existing website.
Else continue step 2 to install a fresh Joomla


"How to install a fresh joomla with a specific table prefix"

is a video where we show:

  • The transfer of Joomla 1.5.9 on a Unix machine using FTP
  • The deployment of Joomla using a SSH connection (gunzip and tar -xvf commands)
  • The installation of Joomla and in particular where to specify the table prefix in the DB Configuration "advance settings"
    In our sample, we have replace "jos_" table prefix by "main_"

"how to install Joomla Multi Sites" on a website

is a video that show:

  • the usage of Joomla extensions install/uninstall
  • the registration of Joomla Multi Sites
  • the installation of the patches


  • During the installation of JMS
    • "JFolder::create: Could not create directory"
      This message is the symptom of a permission problem.
      You may have to consider the usage of FTP Layer to increase your rights.
      See step 15
    • "ERROR: Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package."
      This is the symptom that you have a size limit to upload the file into Joomla.
      JMS has a size of more 1MB and if the file can not be uploaded completly, this may result in a corrupt file to install.
      Consider in this case to "unzip" the file into a temporary directory on your server and use the alternate Joomla installation based on a directory.
  • While installing the patches
    • "Unable to write entry"
      Error during installation of the file "administrator/includes/defines.php"
      "Copy failed"
      All those messages are the symptom of a problem of permission.
      To increase your rights, a simple method on Unix consists to use the FTP Layer.
      See step 15

What is a Symbolic Link ?

"symbolic link" is the unix equivalent ot the windows shortcut.
This allow to create a link between folders and create a bridge (a link) between different folders.
"Symbolic Links" may be used by JMS to redirect a slave sites directory to the master website directory.
This may be usefull when you have difficulties to setup the domain or the sub-domain to share the same directory than the master website.

The equivalent of Shortcut in PHP language does not exists but the equivalent of the Unix Symbolic Link may be available.


How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider ?

The first condition is to be hosted on a Unix machine.
When you are hosted on a Windows platform, by definition the Symbolic Link in not allowed.

If you are on a Unix machine, all the hosting provider does not necessary accept to use the Symbolic Link for security reason.
If you want to know if your hosting provider accept the Symbolic Link, you can either :

  • checked that with Joomla Multi Sites. Go to next step (step 6).
  • or if JMS is not installed, you can use our "hello.zip" procedure that test this featur. See step 7

"How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed with JMS"

is a video that show:

  • The setting menu where you can find the "symbolic link" allowed value
  • The impact on the "slave site detail" that give access to the "deployed directory" parameter
If JMS answer that Symboli Link is forbidden, also retry with the "Hello World" procedure in the next step to have confirmation.
If the "Hello World" replies that Symbolic Link is present, then you have to check in you Global Configuration the path of the tmp and log directories.
Perhaps those temporary and log directories does not exists or correspond to a path that does not have enough permission to let JMS test the Symbolic Links.
  • Go in Joomla / Site / Global Configuration
  • Check the tmp and log path.
    Enter full path to a directory where you have permissions.
    In general, this is the root directory of you Joomla followed by /tmp (see server panel) and /log (see system panel)

How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider with Hello Worl procedure

This video show:

  • Unzip of hello.zip file;
  • FTP transfer of hello.txt and hello.php
  • Show the result of hello.txt
  • Show the result of hello.php when Symbolic Link is present

You can also see also the FAQ How to test the hosting configuration


How to create a slave sites ?

Different possibilities exists to create a slave site

If you want create a website from the "back-end, different scenario are possible

  • How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory when Symbolic Link is allowed. Go to next step (step 9)
  • How to create a slave sites for a domain or sub-domain (see step 10)
    • When "Symbolic Link" is forbidden (Not allowed)
      • Share the same master directory
    • When "Symbolic Link" is allowed
      • Share the same master directory
      • Redirect the slave sites specific directory to the master directory using the Symbolic Link feature
  • How to create a websites from a "websites template"
    • How to create a "website template"
    • How to create a slave sites based on a "websites template"

If you want create a website from the "front-end", go to step x

  • How to propose a free website creation from the front-end
  • How to propose a "billable website" creation from the front-end


How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory of your main site ?

"How to create slave site into a sub-directory when Symbolic Links feature is allowed" is a video that show:

  • The check that that "symbolic links" is allowed
  • Because we use sub-directory, this avoid the setup of the hosting provider domain or sub-domain
  • Create an entry into Joomla Multi Sites
  • Install the slave site using the Joomla Installation
  • How to provide a specific table prefix into Joomla Installation

Sample values:

  • Site ID = slave1
  • Domain name = {site_url}/multisites/{site_id}
  • Deploy directory = {site_dir}
This will create a slave site that will request a fresh Joomla installation.
Becarefull to enter a new table prefix in the DB configuration using the advanced panel.

How to create a slave site for a domain or a sub-domain ?

  • Case where "Symbolic Links" is forbidden.
    In this case, all the domain and sub-domain must be assigined to the same directory than the master website directory.
    • How to setup your hosting provider to assign the same directory than your master website.
      See FAQ how to configure the hosting provider
      • How to install the "hello.zip" tool to check the hosting provider configuration. (See step 7)
      • How to check the hosting provider configuration
    • How to create a slave sites with a domain or a sub-domain with the same directory path
  • Case where "Symbolic Links" is allowed.
    In this case, you can either:
    • use the procedure to share the same directory than the master as defined just before;
    • Deploy the slave site into a specific directory.
      • Define the domain or sub-domain with your "hosting provider" as you do usually.
      • If you are not sure of the path of the slave sites, install the "hello.zip" into the directory proposed by your hosting provider
      • Define the slave sites into JMS and deploy it into the specific directory like when you deploy a slave site into a sub-directory (see step 9).

How to check the domain and sub-domain hosting provider configuration

See FAQ how to configure the hosting provider

How to create a slave site with a domain of sub-domain using the same directory path

This video shows:

  • A presentation of the architecture choosen
  • How to check the pre-requisite
    • How to check that both master domain and slave domain have the same directory path

When the domain or sub-domain share the same directory, the "deployed directory" field must stay empty.
This "deployed directory" field is only used when the directory path of the slave domain is not equal to the one of the master domain. This also require that Symbolic Link is allowed.

So in case where all the domain share the same directory, this field must stay empty.

Therefore, the minimum parameters that must be given are:

  • A site Identifier
  • The domain URL

How to create a "website template" ?


"How to propose a service to create a website from the FRONT-END"

This video show:

  • How to create a template to define the rule that will be used by the front-end when a website will be created
  • How to create a menu for the front-end
  • How to create a website using the menu create and the template created.
14 How to propose a "billable websites" creation from the front-end

How to setup the FTP Layer to increase the permission level

The FTP Layer is a Joomla feature only available for Unix platform.

The FTP Configuration is available when you install Joomla or after the installation into the Global Configuration.
When using the FTP Layer, this use the privilege of the user that you chosen for the FTP.
The FTP Layer is used to create folders, delete folders, create and delete files, write content into the files, ...

This Video highlight the point:

  • The setup of the FTP root path dugin the Joomla Installation: This is the relative path to the JMS site directory
  • The modification of the Joomla Global Configuration FTP to restore the master website FTP root path once the slave site is installed.


"Sample demo JMS 1.1.x that show how to use cPanel on HostGator"

This video:

  • Present the creation of 3 subdomain (master, slave1 and slave2) using the cPanel sub-domain configuration.
    The sub-domain have specific directories for each sub-domain
  • Show how to create a DB into the cPanel.
    Database that will be used by the master website and also by the slave 1 and slave 2 websites.
  • Present the installation of Joomla in the master website
  • Present how to install Jommla Multi Sites version 1.1.x in the master website
  • Show the defintion of slave 1 and slave 2 into Joomla Multi Sites and how to declare the domain and the deploy directory that must be identical to the one declare in the cPanel
  • Show the fresh joomla installation of the slave 1 and slave 2 websites

What is a Symbolic Link ?

"symbolic link" is the unix equivalent ot the windows shortcut.

The equivalent of Shortcut in PHP language does not exists but the equivalent of the Unix Symbolic Link may be available.

How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed

The first condition is to be hosted on a Unix machine.

If you are on a Unix machine, all the hosting provider does not necessary accept to use the Symbolic Link for security reason.
If you want to know if your hosting provider accept the Symbolic Link, you can either :

  • check that with JMS.
  • or use our "hello.zip" procedure that test this feature
Here you can find several video to help you in the configuration of Jms Multisite for joomla!.
Older video for version 1.1 can be found here
Common to all hosting server
  • Jms Multisites overview presented at the Joomla Day Mallorca.
  • Jms Multisites technical presentation did at the Joomla Day Mallorca.
  • Concept of JMS.
  • Demo Overview (NEW YouTube).
  • Do you want to install JMS on an existing website ?
  • How to install Joomla with a specific table prefix.
  • How to install JMS 1.2 on Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 ?
  • How to install JMS 1.3 on Joomla 2.5 (NEW)?
  • How to install the JMS patches (NEW)?
Symbolic Links
  • What is a Symbolic Link ?
  • How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider ?
    With JMS, see video 6 / Without JMS, see video 7
  • How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed with JMS.
  • How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider with "Hello World" procedure.
Manage site - Slave site creation
  • How to create a slave sites ?
  • How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory when Symbolic Link is allowed.
  • How to create a fresh slave site into a sub-domain with JMS 1.3 ? (NEW).
  • How to check the domain and sub-domain hosting provider configuration ?
JMS Template - definition of the rules
  • How to create a "JMS template" ? (NEW)
  • How to propose a service to create a website from the FRONT-END.
  • How to create a website from the FRONT-END with JMS 1.3. (NEW)
  • How to propose a "billable websites" creation from the FRONT-END (NEW YouTube)
  • Show a sample of VM2 layout for the "billable websites" creation from the FRONT-END (NEW)
  • How to share the users and extensions betweens websites ?
  • How to setup the Joomla! FTP Layer to increase the permission level.
cPanel samples
  • How to create a subdomain in cPanel.
  • How to create a DB and MySQL users with all privileges in cPanel.
  • How to create a slave site that share the same directory than master website.
  • How to create a slave site into a specific directory.
  • How to create a slave site with specific images, media and templates folders.
JMS Overview
Joomla Day Mallorca
High Definition video
low definition disabled
See this video in :

Jms Multisites Overview.


This video is the overview that we presented at the Joomla Day Mallorca:

  • it present a brief history and why we have create JMS and for whom,
  • we present what is Jms Multisites and the different possibilities,
  • finally we give some example of who are using Jms Multisites.
Download the Interactive CDROM
Jms Multisites
technical presentation
Joomla Day Mallorca
High Definition video
low definition disabled
See this video in :

Jms Multisites Technical Presentation.


This video is the technical presentation that we presented at the Joomla Day Mallorca:

  • it present a brief history and why we have create JMS and for whom,
  • we present more technicall how Jms Multisites is working with the different possibilities,
  • finally we give some example of who are using Jms Multisites.
Download the PDF
JMS concept
High Definition video
Youtube video
See this video in :

Concept of JMS (Multisite joomla!).


This video present:

  • the principle of an HTTP Server,
  • how apache or IIS server are working,
  • what must be changed in this server to share the same Joomla instance,
  • how JMS analyse the URL and how it associate each URL to a specific Joomla configuration and database connection.
Demo Overview
High Definition video
YouTube video
See this video in :

Jms Multisites demo overview.


This video present an overview for the creation of a demo environment and show:

  • The installation of Joomla,
  • The installation of Jms Multi Sites,
  • The creation of a fresh slave site,
  • The replication of the master website;
  • The concept of the "Article Sharing for JMS";
  • The concept of the "Multisites Menu Item";
  • The concept of the "Multisites Contact Sharing";
  • The concept of the "Mutlsites Search plugin".

Do you want to install JMS on an existing website ?

If yes, go step 3 to install JMS on an existing website.
Else continue step 2 to install a fresh Joomla
How to install Joomla!
with a specififc
table prefix
High Definition video
low definition disabled
See this video in :

How to install a fresh joomla with a specific table prefix ?


is a video where we show:

  • The installation of Joomla and in particular where to specify the table prefix in the DB Configuration "advance settings"
    In our sample, we have replace "jos_" table prefix by "master_"
  • We also show how to create an article for the front-page
How to install JMS
High Definition video
low definition disabled
See this video in :

How to install JMS on Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 ?


is a video that show:

  • the usage of Joomla extensions install/uninstall
  • the registration of Joomla Multi Sites
  • the installation of the patches

Installation on Joomla 1.6


  • During the installation of JMS
    • "JFolder::create: Could not create directory"
      This message is the symptom of a permission problem.
      You may have to consider the usage of FTP Layer to increase your rights.
      See step 15
    • "ERROR: Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package."
      This is the symptom that you have a size limit to upload the file into Joomla.
      JMS has a size of more 1MB and if the file can not be uploaded completly, this may result in a corrupt file to install.
      Consider in this case to "unzip" the file into a temporary directory on your server and use the alternate Joomla installation based on a directory.
      This scenario is presented in the How to install from a directory video.
      In case of Joomla 1.6 or 1.7, you have to use the subdirectory _j16 to get the manifest file for the joomla 1.6 or 1.7
  • While installing the patches
    • "Unable to write entry"
      Error during installation of the file "administrator/includes/defines.php"
      "Copy failed"
      All those messages are the symptom of a problem of permission.
      To increase your rights, a simple method on Unix consists to use the FTP Layer.
      See step 15
How to install JMS 1.3
High Definition video
YouTube video
See this video in :

How to install JMS 1.3 on Joomla 2.5 or J3.x ?


is a video that show:

  • the recommendation concerning the architecture and directory structure
  • the usage of Joomla extensions install/uninstall
  • the registration of Joomla Multi Sites
How to install the JMS Patches
High Definition video
Youtube video
See this video in :

How to install the JMS patches ?


is a video that show:

  • a review of the sub-menu present in JMS
  • the usage of the Check Patches sub-menu
  • where the Joomla FTP Layer setting is located in Joomla 2.5 (See also video 15)

What is a Symbolic Link ?


"symbolic link" is the unix equivalent ot the windows shortcut.
This allow to create a link between folders and create a bridge (a link) between different folders.
"Symbolic Links" may be used by JMS to redirect a slave sites directory to the master website directory.
This may be usefull when you have difficulties to setup the domain or the sub-domain to share the same directory than the master website.

The equivalent of Shortcut in PHP language does not exists but the equivalent of the Unix Symbolic Link may be available.


How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider ?


The first condition is to be hosted on a Unix machine.
When you are hosted on a Windows platform, by definition the Symbolic Link in not allowed.

If you are on a Unix machine, all the hosting provider does not necessary accept to use the Symbolic Link for security reason.
If you want to know if your hosting provider accept the Symbolic Link, you can either :

  • checked that with Joomla Multi Sites. Go to next step (step 6).
  • or if JMS is not installed, you can use our "hello.zip" procedure that test this featur. See step 7
How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed with JMS
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See this video in :

How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed with JMS.


is a video that show:

  • The setting menu where you can find the "symbolic link" allowed value
  • The impact on the "slave site detail" that give access to the "deployed directory" parameter

If JMS answer that Symboli Link is forbidden, also retry with the "Hello World" procedure in the next step to have confirmation.
If the "Hello World" replies that Symbolic Link is present, then you have to check in you Global Configuration the path of the tmp and log directories.
Perhaps those temporary and log directories does not exists or correspond to a path that does not have enough permission to let JMS test the Symbolic Links.

  • Go in Joomla / Site / Global Configuration
  • Check the tmp and log path. Enter full path to a directory where you have permissions. In general, this is the root directory of you Joomla followed by /tmp (see server panel) and /log (see system panel)
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See this video in :

How to know if Symbolic Link is allowed by your hosting provider with Hello World procedure.


This video show:

  • Unzip of hello.zip file;
  • FTP transfer of hello.txt and hello.php
  • Show the result of hello.txt
  • Show the result of hello.php when Symbolic Link is present

You can also see also the FAQ :

How to test the hosting configuration ?

How to create a slave sites ?


Different possibilities exists to create a slave site

If you want create a website from the "back-end, different scenario are possible

  • How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory when Symbolic Link is allowed. Go to next step (step 9)
  • How to create a slave sites for a domain or sub-domain (see step 10)
    • When "Symbolic Link" is forbidden (Not allowed)
      • Share the same master directory
    • When "Symbolic Link" is allowed
      • Share the same master directory
      • Redirect the slave sites specific directory to the master directory using the Symbolic Link feature
  • How to create a websites from a "websites template"
    • How to create a "website template"
    • How to create a slave sites based on a "websites template"

If you want create a website from the "front-end", go to step x

  • How to propose a free website creation from the front-end
  • How to propose a "billable website" creation from the front-end
How to create a subsite into a sub-directory
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See this video in :

How to create a slave sites into a sub-directory when Symbolic Link is allowed.

This video show:
  • The check that that "symbolic links" is allowed
  • Because we use sub-directory, this avoid the setup of the hosting provider domain or sub-domain
  • Create an entry into Joomla Multi Sites
  • Install the slave site using the Joomla Installation
  • How to provide a specific table prefix into Joomla Installation

Sample values:

  • Site ID = slave1
  • Domain name = {site_url}/multisites/{site_id}
  • Deploy directory = {site_dir}
This will create a slave site that will request a fresh Joomla installation.
Becarefull to enter a new table prefix in the DB configuration using the advanced panel.
How to create a fresh slave site into a subdomain
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See this video in :

How to create a fresh slave site in a subdomain ?



  • Case where "Symbolic Links" is forbidden.
    In this case, all the domain and sub-domain must be assigined to the same directory than the master website directory.
    • How to setup your hosting provider to assign the same directory than your master website.
      See FAQ : How to configure the hosting provider ?
      • How to install the "hello.zip" tool to check the hosting provider configuration. (See step 7)
      • How to check the hosting provider configuration
    • How to create a slave sites with a domain or a sub-domain with the same directory path

    See also the video in step 18 that show how to create a slave site for a sub-domain with cPanel and that share the same directory than the master website.

  • Case where "Symbolic Links" is allowed.
    In this case, you can either:
    • use the procedure to share the same directory than the master as defined just before;
    • Deploy the slave site into a specific directory.
      • Define the domain or sub-domain with your "hosting provider" as you do usually.
      • If you are not sure of the path of the slave sites, install the "hello.zip" into the directory proposed by your hosting provider. (See step 7.)
      • Define the slave sites into JMS and deploy it into the specific directory like when you deploy a slave site into a sub-directory (see step 9).

This video that show:

  • the creation of the JMS template rule for the subdomain
  • how to create a fresh slave site from the back-end using the JMS template rule

How to check the domain and sub-domain hosting provider configuration ?

The idea consists in the installation of the "Hello Word" (hello.txt and hello.php) into the master website root directory (documentroot) and when you want to have a slave site deployed into a specific, also in this specific directory.
You can edit the "hello.txt" to put specific text to ensure that you are reading the expected file.
To test the "hosting server" configuration, just enter the URL to the master website and also to the slave site and check if you access the expected "hello.txt" and "hello.php".
See FAQ : How to configure the hosting provider ?
How to create a JMS Template rule
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See this video in :

How to create a JMS template rule?


is a video that show:

  • the naming convention used in JMS 1.3 default template rules
  • how to create a new rule like an existing one
How to create a website from the front-end
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See this video in :

How to propose a service to create a website from the front-end ?.


This video show:

  • How to create a template to define the rule that will be used by the front-end when a website will be created
  • How to create a menu for the front-end
  • How to create a website using the menu create and the template created.
How to create a website from the front-end
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See this video in :

How to create a website from the front-end ?


is a video that show:

  • the create site menu item
  • some sample of layouts that can be purchased
  • How to create a JMS Template rule with the parameters for the front-end
How to create a billable website from the front-end
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YouTube video
See this video in :

How to propose a service to create billable websites from the front-end ?.


This video show:

  • The concept of a billable website creation from the front-end;
  • How to create a template rule for a free website creation from the front-end;
  • How to create a menu item for the front-end
  • How to define a Billable Website products in VirtueMart that is used with Jms Multi Sites.
  • How to convert a free website creation into a billable website creation.
Sample of Layout for VM2 to create billable website from the front-end
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See this video in :

How to create a website from the front-end ?


is a video that show:

  • the different setting provided in the VM2 layout
Joomla FTP Layer configuration
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See this video in :

How to setup the FTP Layer to increase the permission level ?


The FTP Layer is a Joomla feature only available for Unix platform.

The FTP Configuration is available when you install Joomla or after the installation into the Global Configuration.
When using the FTP Layer, this use the privilege of the user that you chosen for the FTP.
The FTP Layer is used to create folders, delete folders, create and delete files, write content into the files, ...

This Video highlight the point:
  • The setup of the FTP root path dugin the Joomla Installation: This is the relative path to the JMS site directory
  • The modification of the Joomla Global Configuration FTP to restore the master website FTP root path once the slave site is installed.
How to share user and share extension in joomla!
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See this video in :

How to share the users and extensions betweens websites ?


This video:

  • Present the sharing concept
  • How to create a template to define the rule that is used by the front-end when a website is created
  • Show the creation of a fresh slave sites where the users will be really saved
  • Show the creation of the rule in the JMS template in which is defined the sharing criterias (users or complete extensions)
    In particular it show the JMS template / sharing panel.
  • Show the creation of another slave site using the sharing rule
  • Finally show the JMS tools that is used to supervise the websites and also its usage to install, share or uninstall extension in existing websites.
    It also show how to propagate the install, sharing or uninstall of extension to several websites.
cPanel: How to create a subdomain
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See this video in :

How to create a subdomain in cPanel ?


This video:

  • Present the creation of 3 subdomain (master, slave1 and slave2) using the cPanel.
  • The "master" subdomain used for the demo
  • The "slave1" subdomain share the same directory than the master website directory.
  • The "slave2" subdomain is created in a specific directory
cPanel: How to create a DB and a MySQL User with all privileges
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See this video in :

How to create a DB and MySQL users with all privileges in cPanel ?


This video:

  • Present the creation of a DB cPanel.
  • It also show how to create a MySQL user in cPanel with all privileges
cPanel: How to create a slave site in same directory than master website
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See this video in :

How to create a slave site that share the same directory than master website ?


This video:

  • Present how to create a JMS slave site that share the same directory than the master website.
    This scenario is applicable for Windows platform or on Unix platform when the Symbolic Link is forbidden.
cPanel: How to create a slave site into a specific directory
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See this video in :

How to create a slave site into a specific directory ?


This video:

  • Present how to create a JMS slave site into a specific directory.
    This scenario is only applicable with Unix platform and Symbolic Link allowed.
  • It also show possible reason why the Symbolic Link may be forbidden (problem with tmp and logs path defined in the Joomla Global Configuration.
How to create a slave site with specific images, media and templates folders
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See this video in :

How to create a slave site with specific images, media and templates folders ?


This video:

  • Present how to create a JMS slave site into a specific directory that has a specific images, media and templates folder.
    This scenario is only applicable with Unix platform and Symbolic Link allowed.
  • To have a specific images and media folders, it is required to replicate a website.
    This video also present an very basic JMS template creation to replicate the "slave1" website.
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See this video in :

Overview of Joomla! subsite.


Here you can find several video to help you in the configuration of JMS Multisite for Joomla!. This is organized by a set of questions (a road map) that assist you in function of your specific case or context. It is still under constuction but as it already help and reply to some questions we found usefull to publish it. It is still under constuction but as it already help and reply to some questions we found usefull to publish it.


With Joomla Multi Sites, it is recommended to avoid using the "jos_" table prefix in a database to avoid destroy it by the installation of a slave site.

The procedure hereafter presents the different steps of a standad Joomla Installation and highlight the step that concern the table prefix customisation.

The steps of an installation are:

  • Step1: Choose language
    nothing special
  • Step2: Pre-installation check
    nothing special
  • Step3: License
    nothing special
  • Step4: Define the database connection and the table prefix
    Here you have to open the advance setting and replace the default "jos_" table prefix by "master_" table prefix.
  • Step5: Define the FTP Layer
    When you have a permission problem, you must consider to specify FTP parameters
  • Step6: Define the main configuration - Install the sample data, website title
    Nothing special

Select the language code

Joomla Installation - Select language

Pre-installation Check

Joomla installation - pre check installation

Joomla license

Joomla license

Define the database connection and the table prefix associated to the website

Database and table prefix definition

FTP Configuration

Joomla installation - FTP Layer parametre definition

Main configuration

Install the sample data

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Jms Multisites
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1 only disk space and 1 only site to be updated ! Save time and save money !

1 only space

for all your web sites !

Happy new year 2025

Share the content of some extensions

  • Share the users
  • Share = single data occurence. So, no need of syncrhonization

Rapid website creation and replication

  • Websites can be created with different domain, subdomain or subdirectories.
  • Websites can also be created from the front-end.


GNU/GPL - Unliimted installation / Unlimited registration

FULL edition

Including training (1h)

(1h)Including training
(3h)Including installation
front-end website creation
Including training (1h) [__SUPPORT_1H__] : The training is advised to persons who already have a good knowledge of joomla. This formula includes the product with 1 hour training on your environment. We use skype and teamviewer for the training.

MEDIUM edition

Including training (1h)

(1h)Including training
(3h)Including installation
geo loc
browser detect
Including training (1h) [__SUPPORT_1H__] : The training is advised to persons who already have a good knowledge of joomla. This formula includes the product with 1 hour training on your environment. We use skype and teamviewer for the training.

BASIC edition

Including training (1h)

(1h)Including training
(3h)Including installation
maintenance menu
Including training (1h) [__SUPPORT_1H__] : The training is advised to persons who already have a good knowledge of joomla. This formula includes the product with 1 hour training on your environment. We use skype and teamviewer for the training.
SUPPORT : 90 EUR / hour
Benefit to use a single joomla
for multiple sites is :

Single maintenance

To update joomla PHP Code & To update the extension PHP Code.

Compatibility :

  • Native joomla 1.5
  • Native joomla 1.7
  • Native joomla 2.5

Licence :

  • Unlimited installation and registration
  • GNU/GPL Version 2
  • Free update on the same version
    (ie. All version 1.2.x)

2 types of sharing is available !

Sharing all the content of a limited number of extensions.

  • Users (JomSocial)
  • Forum (Kunena)
  • Events
  • E-commerce
    (VirtueMart, Community
    Builder, Tiendra, ...)

Use additional extension to read common (shared) content.

  • Article sharing
  • Contact sharing
  • Multisites content module
  • Latest news
  • News flash
  • Multistes Search plugin
Rapid website creation or replication of an existing website ...

Type of services available

  • Basic installation on customer
    server that include.
  • Large number websites creation
    based on same template.
  • Teaching

Website Design, Project Management
Specific application development, ...

Domain of expertise


Administration tool:
Apache - Windows IIS - cPanel - Plesk - GoDaddy - Hostgator - OVH - ...


Who are using JMS Multisite today ?

  • Public administrations to equip mayors, cities, districts, ...
  • Schools to equip departments, promote projects, ...
  • Some large companies with many subsidiaries, ...
  • Companies who wants use the Multi Level Marketing and create mini-sites for the promotion products, ...
  • Online stores with several sites who want to share the eshop, ...
  • Websites such as newspapers, local publications, ...
Community Builder
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Community Builder
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Community Builder
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Community Builder
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Présentation de la Migration Joomla au Joomla Day Nice 9-mai-2015


Présentation de la Migration Joomla pour le JoomApéro du 28-février-2015



Voici les présentations française faites au Joomla Day Toulouse 2013


Here it is the presentation used at J and BEYOND 2013


Here it is the presentation of the Meeting Schedule for joomla extension that were presented the 21-february-2014 at the Joomla Apero in Brussels
Powerpoint Slide show (1.8 MB)


Quick overview of Jms Multi Sites presented at the J and BEYOND 2014

  • Quick overview of Jms Multi Sites with light solution with Search/Replace and introduction to the Legacy Mode
    Powerpoint Slide show (2 MB)
    PDF (440 KB)

Voici les présentations française faites au Joomla Apero du 11 octobre 2014

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